dpctl storage stuff (untested)

This commit is contained in:
Triss 2021-08-26 04:37:38 +02:00
parent 9d2a970161
commit 6a4eafb96e
3 changed files with 134 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -52,6 +52,26 @@ def dpctl_do(args: Any) -> int:
return 1
return devcmds.sump_overclock_set(conn, oven)
def sto_info(conn, args):
return devcmds.storage_info(conn)
def sto_flush(conn, args):
return devcmds.storage_flush(conn)
def sto_get(conn, args):
return devcmds.storage_get(mode)
def storage(conn, args):
scmds = {
'info', sto_info,
'flush', sto_flush,
'get', sto_get
ssubfn = stocmds.get(args.storage, None)
if ssubfn is None:
print("Unknown 'storage' subcommand '%s'" % args.storage)
return 1
return ssubfn(conn, args)
cmds = {
@ -64,6 +84,8 @@ def dpctl_do(args: Any) -> int:
'tempsensor': tempsensor,
'jtag-scan': jtag_scan,
'sump-overclock': sump_ovclk,
'storage': storage,
if args.subcmd is None:
@ -142,6 +164,16 @@ def main() -> int:
bootloader = subcmds.add_parser("bootloader", help="Set the device in bootloader mode")
# persistent storage commands
storage = subcmds.add_parser("storage", help="Persistent storage commands")
storagecmd = parser.add_subparsers(required=False, metavar="storage",
dest="storage", help="Persistent storage subcommand")
storagehdr = storagecmd.add_parser("info", help="Get persistent storage info")
storageflush = storagecmd.add_parser("flush", help="Flush persistent storage data to storage medium")
storageget = storagecmd.add_parser("get", help="Get data of a particular mode")
storageget.add_arguments('mode', default=None, nargs='?',
help="Mode to get data of. Defaults to the current mode, 'all' means all modes.")
# mode 1 commands
usbhwfctl = subcmds.add_parser("uart-cts-rts", help="Get, enable/disable"+\
" UART hardware flow control")

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@ -85,6 +85,38 @@ def set_mode(dev: DPDevice, mode: int) -> int:
# ---
def storage_info(dev: DPDevice) -> int:
res = dev.storage_info()
print(repr(res)) # TODO
return 0
except Exception as e:
print("Could not get storage info: %s" % str(e))
return 1
def storage_flush(dev: DPDevice) -> int:
return 0
except Exception as e:
print("Could not flush persistent storage: %s" % str(e))
return 1
def storage_get(dev: DPDevice, mode: int) -> int:
res = dev.storage_get(mode)
print(repr(res)) # TODO
return 0
except Exception as e:
print("Could not get storage data of mode %d: %s" % (mode, str(e)))
return 1
# ---
def uart_hw_flowctl_get(dev: DPDevice) -> int:
res = dev.m1_usb_hw_flowctl_get()

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@ -18,6 +18,51 @@ STAT_BADARG = 0x04
class StorageInfoMode(NamedTuple):
version: int
datasize: int
offset: int
mode: int
data_djb2: int
def from_bytes(b: bytes) -> StorageInfoMode:
assert len(b) == 12
v, ds, oam, d = struct.unpack('<HHII', b)
return StorageInfoMode(v, ds, o & ((1<<28)-1), (o >> 28) & 15, d)
def list_from_bytes(b: bytes) -> List[StorageInfoMode]:
nelem = len(b) // 12
assert nelem * 12 == len(b)
r = [None]*nelem
for i in range(nelem): r[i] = StorageInfoMode.from_bytes(b[(i*12):((i+1)*12)])
return [re for re in r if re.version != 0xffff and re.datasize != 0xffff]
class StorageInfo(NamedTuple):
magic: bytes
version: int
curmode: int
nmodes: int
reserved: bytes
table_djb2: int
mode_data: List[StorageInfoMode]
def from_bytes(b: bytes) -> StorageInfo:
assert len(b) == 256
mag = b[:16]
ver, cm, nm = struct.unpack('<HBB', b[16:20])
res = b[20:28]
d2tab = struct.unpack('<I', b[28:32])
mdat = StorageModeInfo.list_from_bytes(b[32:])
assert len(mdat) == nm
return StorageInfo(mag, ver, cm, nm, res, d2tab, mdat)
class JtagMatch(NamedTuple):
tck: int
tms: int
@ -236,6 +281,31 @@ class DPDevice:
return { i for i in range(0, 8) if (pl[0] & (1<<i)) != 0 }
# persistent storage
def storage_info(self) -> StorageInfo:
cmd = bytearray(b'\x0c')
stat, pl = self.read_resp()
check_statpl(stat, pl, "get storage info", 256, 256)
return StorageInfo.from_bytes(pl)
def storage_flush(self):
stat, pl = self.read_resp()
check_statpl(stat, pl, "flush storage", 0, 0)
def storage_get(self, mode: int) -> bytes:
cmd = bytearray(b'\x0d\x00')
cmd[1] = mode
stat, pl = self.read_resp()
check_statpl(stat, pl, "get storage data", -1, -1)
return pl # TODO: parse
# mode 1 commands
def m1_usb_hw_flowctl_get(self) -> bool: