
406 lines
12 KiB

#include <pico/stdlib.h>
#include <pico/binary_info.h>
#include <hardware/i2c.h>
#include <hardware/resets.h>
#include <hardware/clocks.h>
#include <pico/timeout_helper.h>
#include "protocfg.h"
#include "pinout.h"
#include "i2ctinyusb.h"
//static int delay = 10, delay2 = 5;
//// I2C bitbang reimpl because ugh, synopsys
//// (mostly inspired by original I2CTinyUSB AVR firmware)
//__attribute__((__always_inline__)) inline static void i2cio_set_sda(bool hi) {
// if (hi) {
// sio_hw->gpio_oe_clr = (1<<PINOUT_I2C_SDA); // SDA is input
// // => pullup configured, so it'll go high
// } else {
// sio_hw->gpio_oe_set = (1<<PINOUT_I2C_SDA); // SDA is output
// sio_hw->gpio_clr = (1<<PINOUT_I2C_SDA); // and drive it low
// }
//__attribute__((__always_inline__)) inline static bool i2cio_get_sda(void) {
// return (sio_hw->gpio_in & (1<<PINOUT_I2C_SDA)) != 0;
//__attribute__((__always_inline__)) inline static void i2cio_set_scl(bool hi) {
// busy_wait_us_32(delay2);
// sio_hw->gpio_oe_set = (1<<PINOUT_I2C_SCL); // SCL is output
// if (hi)
// sio_hw->gpio_set = (1<<PINOUT_I2C_SCL); // SCL is high
// else
// sio_hw->gpio_clr = (1<<PINOUT_I2C_SCL); // SCL is low
// busy_wait_us_32(delay2);
//__attribute__((__always_inline__)) inline static void i2cio_scl_toggle(void) {
// i2cio_set_scl(true );
// i2cio_set_scl(false);
//static void __no_inline_not_in_flash_func(i2cio_start)(void) { // start condition
// i2cio_set_sda(false);
// i2cio_set_scl(false);
//static void __no_inline_not_in_flash_func(i2cio_repstart)(void) { // repstart condition
// i2cio_set_sda(true);
// i2cio_set_scl(true);
// i2cio_set_sda(false);
// i2cio_set_scl(false);
//static void __no_inline_not_in_flash_func(i2cio_stop)(void) { // stop condition
// i2cio_set_sda(false);
// i2cio_set_scl(true );
// i2cio_set_sda(true );
//static bool __no_inline_not_in_flash_func(i2cio_write7)(uint8_t v) { // return value: acked? // needed for 10bitaddr xfers
// for (int i = 6; i >= 0; --i) {
// i2cio_set_sda((v & (1<<i)) != 0);
// i2cio_scl_toggle();
// }
// i2cio_set_sda(true);
// i2cio_set_scl(true);
// bool ack = i2cio_get_sda();
// i2cio_set_scl(false);
// return ack;
//static bool __no_inline_not_in_flash_func(i2cio_write8)(uint8_t v) { // return value: acked?
// for (int i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
// i2cio_set_sda((v & (1<<i)) != 0);
// i2cio_scl_toggle();
// }
// i2cio_set_sda(true);
// i2cio_set_scl(true);
// bool ack = i2cio_get_sda();
// i2cio_set_scl(false);
// return ack;
//static uint8_t __no_inline_not_in_flash_func(i2cio_read8)(bool last) {
// i2cio_set_sda(true );
// i2cio_set_scl(false);
// uint8_t rv = 0;
// for (int i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
// i2cio_set_scl(true);
// bool c = i2cio_get_sda();
// rv <<= 1;
// if (c) rv |= 1;
// i2cio_set_scl(false);
// }
// if (last) i2cio_set_sda(true);
// else i2cio_set_sda(false);
// i2cio_scl_toggle();
// i2cio_set_sda(true);
//// replicating/rewriting some SDK functions because they don't do what I want
//// so I'm making better ones
//static int __no_inline_not_in_flash_func(i2cex_probe_address)(uint16_t addr, bool a10bit) {
// // I2C pins to SIO
// gpio_set_function(PINOUT_I2C_SCL, GPIO_FUNC_SIO);
// gpio_set_function(PINOUT_I2C_SDA, GPIO_FUNC_SIO);
// int rv;
// i2cio_start();
// if (a10bit) {
// // A10 magic higher 2 addr bits r/#w bit
// uint8_t addr1 = 0x70 | (((addr >> 8) & 3) << 1) | 0,
// addr2 = addr & 0xff;
// if (i2cio_write7(addr1)) {
// if (i2cio_write8(addr2)) rv = 0;
// else rv = PICO_ERROR_GENERIC;
// } else rv = PICO_ERROR_GENERIC;
// } else {
// if (i2cio_write8((addr << 1) & 0xff)) rv = 0; // acked: ok
// else rv = PICO_ERROR_GENERIC; // nak :/
// }
// i2cio_stop();
// // I2C back to I2C
// gpio_set_function(PINOUT_I2C_SCL, GPIO_FUNC_I2C);
// gpio_set_function(PINOUT_I2C_SDA, GPIO_FUNC_I2C);
// return rv;
//static void i2cex_abort_xfer(i2c_inst_t* i2c) {
// // now do the abort
// i2c->hw->enable = 1 /*| (1<<2)*/ | (1<<1);
// // wait for M_TX_ABRT irq
// do {
// /*if (timeout_check) {
// timeout = timeout_check(ts);
// abort |= timeout;
// }*/
// tight_loop_contents();
// } while (/*!timeout &&*/ !(i2c->hw->raw_intr_stat & I2C_IC_RAW_INTR_STAT_TX_ABRT_BITS));
// // reset irq
// //if (!timeout)
// (void)i2c->hw->clr_tx_abrt;
//static int i2cex_write_blocking_until(i2c_inst_t* i2c, uint16_t addr, bool a10bit,
// const uint8_t* src, size_t len, bool nostop, absolute_time_t until) {
// timeout_state_t ts_;
// struct timeout_state* ts = &ts_;
// check_timeout_fn timeout_check = init_single_timeout_until(&ts_, until);
// if ((int)len < 0) return PICO_ERROR_GENERIC;
// if (a10bit) { // addr too high
// if (addr & ~(uint16_t)((1<<10)-1)) return PICO_ERROR_GENERIC;
// } else if (addr & 0x80)
// if (len == 0) return i2cex_probe_address(addr, a10bit);
// bool abort = false, timeout = false;
// uint32_t abort_reason = 0;
// int byte_ctr;
// i2c->hw->enable = 0;
// // enable 10bit mode if requested
// hw_write_masked(&i2c->hw->con, I2C_IC_CON_IC_10BITADDR_MASTER_BITS, (a10bit
// i2c->hw->tar = addr;
// i2c->hw->enable = 1;
// for (byte_ctr = 0; byte_ctr < (int)len; ++byte_ctr) {
// bool first = byte_ctr == 0,
// last = byte_ctr == (int)len - 1;
// i2c->hw->data_cmd =
// bool_to_bit(first && i2c->restart_on_next) << I2C_IC_DATA_CMD_RESTART_LSB |
// bool_to_bit(last && !nostop) << I2C_IC_DATA_CMD_STOP_LSB |
// *src++;
// do {
// if (timeout_check) {
// timeout = timeout_check(ts);
// abort |= timeout;
// }
// tight_loop_contents();
// } while (!timeout && !(i2c->hw->raw_intr_stat & I2C_IC_RAW_INTR_STAT_TX_EMPTY_BITS));
// if (!timeout) {
// abort_reason = i2c->hw->tx_abrt_source;
// if (abort_reason) {
// (void)i2c->hw->clr_tx_abrt;
// abort = true;
// }
// if (abort || (last && !nostop)) {
// do {
// if (timeout_check) {
// timeout = timeout_check(ts);
// abort |= timeout;
// }
// tight_loop_contents();
// } while (!timeout && !(i2c->hw->raw_intr_stat & I2C_IC_RAW_INTR_STAT_STOP_DET_BITS));
// if (!timeout) (void)i2c->hw->clr_stop_det;
// else
// // if we had a timeout, send an abort request to the hardware,
// // so that the bus gets released
// i2cex_abort_xfer(i2c);
// }
// } else i2cex_abort_xfer(i2c);
// if (abort) break;
// }
// int rval;
// if (abort) {
// const int addr_noack = I2C_IC_TX_ABRT_SOURCE_ABRT_7B_ADDR_NOACK_BITS
// if (timeout) rval = PICO_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
// else if (!abort_reason || (abort_reason & addr_noack))
// else if (abort_reason & I2C_IC_TX_ABRT_SOURCE_ABRT_TXDATA_NOACK_BITS)
// rval = byte_ctr;
// else rval = PICO_ERROR_GENERIC;
// } else rval = byte_ctr;
// i2c->restart_on_next = nostop;
// return rval;
//static int i2cex_read_blocking_until(i2c_inst_t* i2c, uint16_t addr, bool a10bit,
// uint8_t* dst, size_t len, bool nostop, absolute_time_t until) {
// timeout_state_t ts_;
// struct timeout_state* ts = &ts_;
// check_timeout_fn timeout_check = init_single_timeout_until(&ts_, until);
// if ((int)len < 0) return PICO_ERROR_GENERIC;
// if (a10bit) { // addr too high
// if (addr & ~(uint16_t)((1<<10)-1)) return PICO_ERROR_GENERIC;
// } else if (addr & 0x80)
// i2c->hw->enable = 0;
// // enable 10bit mode if requested
// hw_write_masked(&i2c->hw->con, I2C_IC_CON_IC_10BITADDR_MASTER_BITS, (a10bit
// i2c->hw->tar = addr;
// i2c->hw->enable = 1;
// if (len == 0) return i2cex_probe_address(addr, a10bit);
// bool abort = false, timeout = false;
// uint32_t abort_reason = 0;
// int byte_ctr;
// for (byte_ctr = 0; byte_ctr < (int)len; ++byte_ctr) {
// bool first = byte_ctr == 0;
// bool last = byte_ctr == (int)len - 1;
// while (!i2c_get_write_available(i2c) && !abort) {
// tight_loop_contents();
// // ?
// if (timeout_check) {
// timeout = timeout_check(ts);
// abort |= timeout;
// }
// }
// if (timeout) {
// // if we had a timeout, send an abort request to the hardware,
// // so that the bus gets released
// i2cex_abort_xfer(i2c);
// }
// if (abort) break;
// i2c->hw->data_cmd =
// bool_to_bit(first && i2c->restart_on_next) << I2C_IC_DATA_CMD_RESTART_LSB |
// bool_to_bit(last && !nostop) << I2C_IC_DATA_CMD_STOP_LSB |
// I2C_IC_DATA_CMD_CMD_BITS; // -> 1 for read
// do {
// abort_reason = i2c->hw->tx_abrt_source;
// abort = (bool)i2c->hw->clr_tx_abrt;
// if (timeout_check) {
// timeout = timeout_check(ts);
// abort |= timeout;
// }
// tight_loop_contents(); // ?
// } while (!abort && !i2c_get_read_available(i2c));
// if (timeout) {
// // if we had a timeout, send an abort request to the hardware,
// // so that the bus gets released
// i2cex_abort_xfer(i2c);
// }
// if (abort) break;
// *dst++ = (uint8_t)i2c->hw->data_cmd;
// }
// int rval;
// if (abort) {
// const int addr_noack = I2C_IC_TX_ABRT_SOURCE_ABRT_7B_ADDR_NOACK_BITS
// if (timeout) rval = PICO_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
// else if (!abort_reason || (abort_reason & addr_noack))
// else rval = PICO_ERROR_GENERIC;
// } else rval = byte_ctr;
// i2c->restart_on_next = nostop;
// return rval;
//static inline int i2cex_write_timeout_us(i2c_inst_t* i2c, uint16_t addr, bool a10bit,
// const uint8_t* src, size_t len, bool nostop, uint32_t timeout_us) {
// absolute_time_t t = make_timeout_time_us(timeout_us);
// return i2cex_write_blocking_until(i2c, addr, a10bit, src, len, nostop, t);
//static inline int i2cex_read_timeout_us(i2c_inst_t* i2c, uint16_t addr, bool a10bit,
// uint8_t* dst, size_t len, bool nostop, uint32_t timeout_us) {
// absolute_time_t t = make_timeout_time_us(timeout_us);
// return i2cex_read_blocking_until(i2c, addr, a10bit, dst, len, nostop, t);
enum ki2c_funcs i2ctu_get_func(void) {
// TODO: 10bit addresses
void i2ctu_init(void) {
// default to 100 kHz (SDK example default so should be ok)
//delay = 10; delay2 = 5;
i2c_init(PINOUT_I2C_DEV, 100*1000);
gpio_set_function(PINOUT_I2C_SCL, GPIO_FUNC_I2C);
gpio_set_function(PINOUT_I2C_SDA, GPIO_FUNC_I2C);
bi_decl(bi_2pins_with_func(PINOUT_I2C_SCL, PINOUT_I2C_SDA, GPIO_FUNC_I2C));
uint32_t i2ctu_set_freq(uint32_t freq, uint32_t us) {
//delay = us;
//delay2 = us >> 1;
//if (!delay2) delay2 = 1;
return i2c_set_baudrate(PINOUT_I2C_DEV, freq);
enum itu_status i2ctu_write(enum ki2c_flags flags, enum itu_command startstopflags,
uint16_t addr, const uint8_t* buf, size_t len) {
if (len == 0) {
// do a read, that's less hazardous
uint8_t stuff = 0;
int rv = i2c_read_timeout_us(PINOUT_I2C_DEV, addr/*&0x7f*/, /*false,*/ &stuff, 1,
!(startstopflags & ITU_CMD_I2C_IO_END), 1000*1000);
if (rv < 0) return ITU_STATUS_ADDR_NAK;
} else {
int rv = i2c_write_timeout_us(PINOUT_I2C_DEV, addr, /*false,*/ buf, len,
!(startstopflags & ITU_CMD_I2C_IO_END), 1000*1000);
if (rv < 0 || (size_t)rv < len) return ITU_STATUS_ADDR_NAK;
enum itu_status i2ctu_read(enum ki2c_flags flags, enum itu_command startstopflags,
uint16_t addr, uint8_t* buf, size_t len) {
if (len == 0) {
uint8_t stuff = 0;
int rv = i2c_read_timeout_us(PINOUT_I2C_DEV, addr, /*false,*/ &stuff, 1,
!(startstopflags & ITU_CMD_I2C_IO_END), 1000*1000);
if (rv < 0) return ITU_STATUS_ADDR_NAK;
} else {
int rv = i2c_read_timeout_us(PINOUT_I2C_DEV, addr, /*false,*/ buf, len,
!(startstopflags & ITU_CMD_I2C_IO_END), 1000*1000);
if (rv < 0 || (size_t)rv < len) return ITU_STATUS_ADDR_NAK;