
207 lines
8.1 KiB

.program sbw
.side_set 1
; Pin assignments:
; - SBWTCK is side-set pin 0
; - SBWTDIO is OUT/IN pin 0
; Autopush and autopull must be enabled, set to 8
; SBWTDIO input should not be guarded with sync flipflops, as TDO xfers are synchronous
PUBLIC start:
; SBWTCK hi to not lose/reset debug mode
pull side 1 ; clear leftover OSR bits, pull in new data
out exec, 16 side 1 ; use for set y, 0/1 ; in x, num ; jmp addr
jmp startloop side 1
; "subroutine" "calling convention"
; * set y, 0/1 : initial TMS (sbw_seq) / TDI (sbw_tms_seq) / TCLK (sbw_tclk_burst) value
; * in x, num : number of JTAG cycles (sbw_seq/sbw_tms_seq) / TCLK half-cycles (sbw_tclk_burst)
; * jmp subroutine
; * ^ all 'side 1'
; y: static TMS value to use
; x: number of JTAG clock cycles minus one
; TDI output gets sourced bit by bit from the TX FIFO
; TDO input gets sent bit by bit to the RX FIFO
PUBLIC sbw_seq:
; tms slot:
set pindirs, 1 side 1 ; SBWTDIO is now output
mov pins, y side 1 ; output static TMS value
nop side 0 [1] ; target reads TMS at falling edge
; tdi slot:
out pins, 1 side 1 [1] ; output TDI from FIFO
nop side 0 [1] ; target reads TDI at falling edge
; tdo slot:
set pindirs, 0 side 1 [1] ; we need some clock pulse
nop side 0 ; give target some time to drive IO
in pins, 1 side 0 ; input TDO
jmp x--, sbw_seq_iter side 1 ; also gives target some time to stop driving IO
; NOTE: there's a glitch: if TMS=TDO!=TDI and !=TDI_next,
; then there's a short glitch (wrong voltage level) in the
; TDO->TMS high clock phase. it's benign.
push side 1 ; flush ISR
jmp start side 1
; y: static TDI value to use
; x: number of JTAG clock cycles minus one
; TMS output gets sourced bit by bit from the TX FIFO
PUBLIC sbw_tms_seq:
; tms slot
set pindirs, 1 side 1 ; SBWTDIO is now output
out pins, 1 side 1 ; output TMS from FIFO
nop side 0 [1] ; target reads TMS at falling edge
; tdi slot
mov pins, y side 1 [1] ; output static TDI value
nop side 0 [1] ; target reads TDI at falling edge
; tdo slot
set pindirs, 0 side 1 [1]
jmp x--, sbw_tms_seq side 0 [1] ; ignore returned TDO, go back
jmp start side 1
; stationary SBWTCK values are:
; jmp
; | | | || | |
; 1100110011001110011001100 ...
; a full cycle takes 13 cycles, a single slot 4
; the SM divider should be sysclk/(4*baudrate)
; baudrate shouldn't exceed 20 MHz (typical value is 18 MHz?)
; SBWTCK LOW phases shouldn't exceed 7us, so the baudrate should be at least 40 kHz
; y: initial/previous TCLK value
; x: number of TCLK *half*-cycles minus one!
; TCLK values get sourced from the TX FIFO. best is to use a DMA with fixed
; source address, with value 0x55/0xaa (depending on y) for strobes, or
; 0x00/0xff (and x=0) for a single set/clear.
; alternatively, one could set the "load-bearing instruction" to a
; "set pins, 0/1 side 1 [12]" for a fixed value useful for single sets/clears
PUBLIC sbw_tclk_burst:
set pindirs, 1 side 1 ; SBWTDIO is now output
; tms slot:
set pins, 0 side 1 ; stay in run-test/idle TAP state
nop side 0 ; target reads TMS at falling edge
mov pins, y side 0 ; during low phase, prepare TCLK
; tdi slot:
nop side 1 [12] ; wait a bit
;PUBLIC sbw_tclk_burst_loadbearing_insn:
out pins, 1 side 1 [12] ; in the middle of TDI hiphase: do TCLK
jmp x--, burst_loop side 1 [12]
nop side 0 [1] ; need a low clock edge for TDO
; tdo slot:
set pindirs, 0 side 1 [1]
nop side 0 [1]
;jmp start side 1 ; not needed because of wrapping
; 32 insns -- filling one entire PIO instruction memory
; TODO: update this paragraph
; a full TCLK cycle in this burst mode takes 24 PIOSM cycles. at a "standard"
; baudrate of 18 MHz, this ends up being 375 kHz, which is in the required
; range when doing eg. flash programming. at the max baudrate (20 MHz), the
; TCLK speed is 417 kHz, which is still ok. max TCLK would be, if PIOSM freq is
; 125 MHz, 2.6 MHz, which is good enough imo
; TODO: determine minimum baudrate for stable TCLK (12 MHz?)
% c-sdk {
static inline void sbw_pio_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint prog_offs,
float freq, uint pin_sbwclk, uint pin_sbwio) {
if (freq < 72e3) freq = 72e3;
if (freq > 20e6) freq = 20e6;
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, false);
pio_sm_config c = sbw_program_get_default_config(prog_offs);
sm_config_set_out_pins(&c, pin_sbwio, 1);
sm_config_set_set_pins(&c, pin_sbwio, 1);
sm_config_set_in_pins(&c, pin_sbwio);
sm_config_set_sideset_pins(&c, pin_sbwclk);
sm_config_set_out_shift(&c, false, true, 8);
sm_config_set_in_shift(&c, false, true, 8);
sm_config_set_clkdiv(&c, (float)clock_get_hz(clk_sys) / (4 * freq));
pio_sm_init(pio, sm, prog_offs, &c);
// SBWTDIO is low, SBWTCK is high, SBWTDIO is input by default
pio_sm_set_pindirs_with_mask(pio, sm,
(1u << pin_sbwclk) | (1u << pin_sbwio), (1u << pin_sbwclk) | (1u << pin_sbwio));
// need to do an extra set with sideset to make sure clk stays high and
// there's no glitch
pio_sm_exec(pio, sm, pio_encode_set(pio_pins, 1) | pio_encode_sideset(1, 1));
// SBW is mostly synchronous, bypass input synchroniser to reduce delay
hw_set_bits(&pio->input_sync_bypass, 1u << pin_sbwio);
gpio_set_pulls(pin_sbwio, false, true); // SBWTDIO is pulldn
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, true);
// set padsbank func to PIO *after* initing PIO, otherwise a glitch occurs
pio_gpio_init(pio, pin_sbwclk);
pio_gpio_init(pio, pin_sbwio );
// meant for sbw_seq/sbw_tms_seq
static inline void sbw_pio_set_baudrate(PIO pio, uint sm, float freq) {
if (freq < 72e3) freq = 72e3;
if (freq > 20e6) freq = 20e6;
pio_sm_set_clkdiv(pio, sm, (float)clock_get_hz(clk_sys) / (4 * freq));
// meant for sbw_tclk_burst
static inline void sbw_pio_set_tclkfreq(PIO pio, uint sm, float freq) {
if (freq < 250e3) freq = 250e3;
if (freq > 450e3) freq = 450e3;
pio_sm_set_clkdiv(pio, sm, (float)clock_get_hz(clk_sys) / (24 * freq));
static inline uint16_t sbw_pio_gen_setx(uint x) {
return pio_encode_set(pio_x, x) | pio_encode_sideset(1, 1) | (1<<12);
static inline uint16_t sbw_pio_gen_sety(uint y) {
return pio_encode_set(pio_y, y) | pio_encode_sideset(1, 1) | (1<<12);
static inline uint16_t sbw_pio_gen_outx(uint bits) {
return pio_encode_out(pio_x, bits) | pio_encode_sideset(1, 1) | (1<<12);
// subroutine is one of "sbw_offset_sbw_seq", "sbw_offset_sbw_tms_seq", "sbw_offset_sbw_tclk_burst"
static inline uint16_t sbw_pio_gen_jmp(uint subroutine) {
return pio_encode_jmp(subroutine) | pio_encode_sideset(1, 1) | (1<<12);
/*static inline uint16_t sbw_pio_loadbearing_gen_outpins(void) {
return pio_encode_out(pio_pins, 1) | pio_encode_sideset(1, 1) | pio_encode_delay(12) | (1<<12);
static inline uint16_t sbw_pio_loadbearing_gen_setpins(uint value) {
return pio_encode_set(pio_pins, value) | pio_encode_sideset(1, 1) | pio_encode_delay(12) | (1<<12);
static inline void sbw_pio_loadbearing_set_outpins(PIO pio) {
pio->instr_mem[sbw_offset_sbw_tclk_burst_loadbearing_insn] =
static inline void sbw_pio_loadbearing_set_setpins(PIO pio, uint value) {
pio->instr_mem[sbw_offset_sbw_tclk_burst_loadbearing_insn] =
/*static inline bool sbw_pio_is_idle(PIO pio, uint sm, uint offset) {
return pio_sm_get_pc(pio, sm) < sbw_offset_sbw_seq + offset;