Update 'dmctl'

Triss 2021-08-01 23:10:24 +00:00
parent 337686846d
commit f5a237358e
1 changed files with 42 additions and 1 deletions

@ -107,7 +107,48 @@ Temperature sensor I2C device changed from 0x18 to disabled
#### jtag-scan
Does a JTAG (or other supported debug interface) scan:
usage: dmctl jtag-scan [-h] {jtag,swd} start end
positional arguments:
{jtag,swd} Pinout type to check for.
start Number of the start of the pin range to scan (inclusive)
end Number of the end of the pin range to scan (inclusive)
$ ./dmctl.sh jtag-scan jtag 10 15
Starting JTAG scan...
JTAG scan finished (12 matches):
Certain matches:
1 TCK=11 TMS=10 TDI=13 TDO=12 nTRST=14 IRLEN=4
2 TCK=11 TMS=10 TDI=13 TDO=12 nTRST=15 IRLEN=4
Possible matches:
3 TCK=11 TMS=10 TDI=14 TDO=12 nTRST=13 #toggle=2
$ ./dmctl.sh jtag-scan swd 10 15
Starting SWD scan...
SWD scan finished (1 matches):
1 SWCLK=11 SWDIO=10 idcode=2ba01477
$ ./dmctl.sh jtag-scan swd 15 10
WARN: start pin 15 greater than end pin 10, swapping the order...
Starting SWD scan...
SWD scan finished (1 matches):
1 SWCLK=11 SWDIO=10 idcode=2ba01477
$ ./dmctl.sh jtag-scan swd 0 999
Start pin must be at least 2, but is 0
$ ./dmctl.sh jtag-scan idk 10 15
usage: dmctl jtag-scan [-h] {jtag,swd} start end
dmctl jtag-scan: error: argument type: invalid choice: 'idk' (choose from 'jtag', 'swd')
### Mode 4-specific subcommands