native: Improved pinout legend comment block.

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Piotr Esden-Tempski 2022-01-07 20:38:00 -08:00
parent e7982d594e
commit 2d63021344
1 changed files with 28 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -43,38 +43,38 @@ int usbuart_debug_write(const char *buf, size_t len);
/* Important pin mappings for STM32 implementation:
* LED0 = PB2 (Yellow LED : Running)
* LED1 = PB10 (Yellow LED : Idle)
* LED2 = PB11 (Red LED : Error)
* LED0 = PB2 (Yellow LED : Running)
* LED1 = PB10 (Orange LED : Idle)
* LED2 = PB11 (Red LED : Error)
* TPWR = PB0 (input) -- analogue on mini design ADC1, ch8
* nTRST = PB1 (output) [blackmagic]
* PWR_BR = PB1 (output) [blackmagic_mini] -- supply power to the target, active low
* TMS_DIR = PA1 (output) [blackmagic_mini v2.1] -- choose direction of the TCK pin, input low, output high
* SRST_OUT = PA2 (output)
* TDI = PA3 (output)
* TMS = PA4 (input/output for SWDIO)
* TCK = PA5 (output SWCLK)
* TDO = PA6 (input)
* nSRST = PA7 (input)
* TPWR = PB0 (input) -- analogue on mini design ADC1, CH8
* nTRST = PB1 (output) [blackmagic]
* PWR_BR = PB1 (output) [blackmagic_mini] -- supply power to the target, active low
* TMS_DIR = PA1 (output) [blackmagic_mini v2.1] -- choose direction of the TCK pin, input low, output high
* SRST_OUT = PA2 (output)
* TDI = PA3 (output)
* TMS = PA4 (input/output for SWDIO)
* TCK = PA5 (output SWCLK)
* TDO = PA6 (input)
* nSRST = PA7 (input)
* USB cable pull-up: PA8
* USB VBUS detect: PB13 -- New on mini design.
* Enable pull up for compatibility.
* Hardware 4 and older. (we needed the pin for SPI on 5)
* PA15 -- Hardware 5 and newer.
* Force DFU mode button: PB12
* USB_PU = PA8 (output)
* USB_VBUS = PB13 (input) -- New on mini design.
* Enable pull up for compatibility.
* Hardware 4 and older. (we needed the pin for SPI on 5)
* PA15 (input) -- Hardware 5 and newer.
* BTN1 = PB12 (input) -- Force DFU bootloader when pressed during powerup.
* AUX Interface:
* SCLK = PB13
* COPI = PB15
* CIPO = PB14
* BTN1 = PB12
* BTN2 = PB9
* VBAT = PA0 (ADC CH0)
* SCLK = PB13 (output)
* COPI = PB15 (output)
* CIPO = PB14 (input)
* FLASH_CS = PB5 (output)
* DISPLAY_CS = PB6 (output)
* DISPLAY_DC = PB8 (output)
* BTN1 = PB12 (input) -- Shared with the DFU bootloader button
* BTN2 = PB9 (input)
* VBAT = PA0 (input) -- Battery voltage sense ADC2, CH0
/* Hardware definitions... */