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blackmagic_richardeoin.brd | ||
blackmagic_richardeoin.sch |
This variant attempts to be as faitful to the Blackmagic mini as possible, but also has several diferences.
The schematic and board have both been designed using Cadsoft EAGLE v6.4.0
Uses 0603 [1608 Metric] components
Makes reflow soldering much easier.
Includes Level Translator
This board incorporates the same level translator used in the full-sized Blackmagic, so it can be used to safely program 2.7V or 1.8V systems.
USART Connector
The STM32F103's USART1 peripheral is broken out into a 0.1" header. The hole centres are slightly offset to allow a press-fit.
BOOT0 Button
As well as the standard button for entering USB DFU mode, this variant also provides a button for pulling the BOOT0 pin high to activate the STM32 SystemMemory bootloeader. This means that /scripts/bootprog.py can be used to program and reprogram the chip over the USART1 interface.
Parts and Costings
- [Parts List][Parts.md]
Parts Cost (Approximate): £14 + VAT (uk.farnell.com August 2013) Programming Cable: £8.49 + VAT (uk.farnell.com August 2013)3D