svd diffing
This commit is contained in:
@ -197,16 +197,16 @@ class Dvf(NamedTuple):
MCU_RL78x2y = 0x30
MCU_RL78x2y = 0x30
IDK_KNOWN_78K0 = {
IDK_KNOWN_78K0 = {
b'\0\01\x02!\x02\0\0H\x11', # Kx2
b'\0\x001\x02!\x02\0\0H\x11', # Kx2
b'\0\01\x02\0\x01\0\0H\x11', # Kx2-A, uPD78F8039
b'\0\x001\x02\0\x01\0\0H\x11', # Kx2-A, uPD78F8039
b'\0\01\x02\x01\x01\0\0H\x11', # Fx2
b'\0\x001\x02\x01\x01\0\0H\x11', # Fx2
b'\0\01\x02\x01\x02\0\0H\x11', # Kx2-L
b'\0\x001\x02\x01\x02\0\0H\x11', # Kx2-L
b'\0\01\x02\x10\x01\0\0H\x11', # misc (Ix2, KC2-A, uPD78F0730)
b'\0\x001\x02\x10\x01\0\0H\x11', # misc (Ix2, KC2-A, uPD78F0730)
b'\0\01\x02\x11\x01\0\0H\x11', # FC2
b'\0\x001\x02\x11\x01\0\0H\x11', # FC2
b'\0\01\x02\x12\x01\0\0H\x11', # Lx3
b'\0\x001\x02\x12\x01\0\0H\x11', # Lx3
b'\0\02\x02\0\x01\0\0H\x11', # misc (uPD78F8077, Dx2, Kx2-C, uPD78F8039)
b'\0\x002\x02\0\x01\0\0H\x11', # misc (uPD78F8077, Dx2, Kx2-C, uPD78F8039)
b'\0\02\x02\x02\x01\0\0H\x11', # Fx2-L
b'\0\x002\x02\x02\x01\0\0H\x11', # Fx2-L
b'\0\02\x02\x10\x01\0\0H\x11', # Lx3-M
b'\0\x002\x02\x10\x01\0\0H\x11', # Lx3-M
b'\x0b\0\0\x03 \x02\0\0H\x11', # KC3-L
b'\x0b\0\0\x03 \x02\0\0H\x11', # KC3-L
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
from typing import *
from typing import *
class Diff(NamedTuple):
fullname: str
values: Tuple[Any,Any]
SvdEndian = Literal["little", "big", "selectable", "other"]
SvdEndian = Literal["little", "big", "selectable", "other"]
SvdSauAccess = Literal["n", "c", "s"]
SvdSauAccess = Literal["n", "c", "s"]
SvdProtection = Literal["s", "n", "p"]
SvdProtection = Literal["s", "n", "p"]
@ -22,12 +27,46 @@ SvdReadAction = Literal["clear", "set", "modify", "modifyExternal"]
SvdAccess = Literal["read-only", "write-only", "read-write", "writeOnce", "read-writeOnce"]
SvdAccess = Literal["read-only", "write-only", "read-write", "writeOnce", "read-writeOnce"]
def diff_base(a, b, base, T, names):
for n in names:
av = a.__getattribute__(n)
bv = b.__getattribute__(n)
if av != bv:
yield Diff("%s.%s"%(base,n),(av,bv))
def diff_structmemb(a, b, base, T, name):
av = a.__getattribute__(name)
bv = b.__getattribute__(name)
if av is None and bv is None: pass
elif (av is None and bv is not None) or (av is not None and bv is None):
yield Diff("%s.%s"%(base,name),(av,bv))
yield from av.__diff__(bv, "%s.%s"%(base,name))
def diff_structseq(a, b, base, T, name):
av = a.__getattribute__(name)
bv = b.__getattribute__(name)
if av is None and bv is None: pass
elif (av is None and bv is not None) or (av is not None and bv is None):
yield Diff("%s.%s"%(base,name),(av,bv))
elif len(av) != len(bv):
yield Diff("%s.%s#"%(base,name), (len(av), len(bv)))
for i in range(len(av)):
yield from av[i].__diff__(bv[i], "%s.%s[%d]"%(base,name,i))
class SvdSauRegion(NamedTuple):
class SvdSauRegion(NamedTuple):
enabled: bool # attribute
enabled: bool = None # attribute
name: str # attribute
name: str = None # attribute
base: int
base: int = None
limit: int
limit: int = None
access: SvdSauAccess
access: SvdSauAccess = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdSauRegion,
class SvdSauRegionsConfig(NamedTuple):
class SvdSauRegionsConfig(NamedTuple):
@ -35,168 +74,260 @@ class SvdSauRegionsConfig(NamedTuple):
protectionWhenDisabled: SvdSauAccess # attribute
protectionWhenDisabled: SvdSauAccess # attribute
regions: Sequence[SvdSauRegion]
regions: Sequence[SvdSauRegion]
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdSauRegionsConfig,
yield from diff_structseq(self, other, base, SvdSauRegionsConfig, 'regions')
class SvdCpu(NamedTuple):
class SvdCpu(NamedTuple):
name: str # explicitly not restricting to standard CMSIS names, because we'll be doing non-ARM stuff anyway
name: str # explicitly not restricting to standard CMSIS names, because we'll be doing non-ARM stuff anyway
revision: Tuple[int, int]
revision: Tuple[int, int] = None
endian: SvdEndian
endian: SvdEndian = None
mpuPresent: bool
mpuPresent: bool = None
fpuPresent: bool
fpuPresent: bool = None
fpuDP: bool
fpuDP: bool = None
dspPresent: bool
dspPresent: bool = None
icachePresent: bool
icachePresent: bool = None
dcachePresent: bool
dcachePresent: bool = None
itcmPresent: bool
itcmPresent: bool = None
dtcmPresent: bool
dtcmPresent: bool = None
vtorPresent: bool
vtorPresent: bool = None
nvicPrioBits: int
nvicPrioBits: int = None
vendorSystickConfig: bool
vendorSystickConfig: bool = None
deviceNumInterrupts: int
deviceNumInterrupts: int = None
sauNumRegions: int
sauNumRegions: int = None
sauRegionsConfig: SvdSauRegionsConfig
sauRegionsConfig: SvdSauRegionsConfig = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdCpu,
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdCpu, 'sauRegionsConfig')
class SvdRegisterProperties(NamedTuple):
class SvdRegisterProperties(NamedTuple):
size: int
size: int = None
access: SvdAccess
access: SvdAccess = None
protection: SvdProtection
protection: SvdProtection = None
resetValue: int
resetValue: int = None
resetMask: int
resetMask: int = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdRegisterProperties,
class SvdEnumeratedValue(NamedTuple):
class SvdEnumeratedValue(NamedTuple):
name: str
name: str = None
description: str
description: str = None
value: int
value: int = None
isDefault: bool
isDefault: bool = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdEnumeratedValue,
class SvdEnumeratedValues(NamedTuple):
class SvdEnumeratedValues(NamedTuple):
derivedFrom: str # attribute
derivedFrom: str = None # attribute
name: str
name: str = None
usage: SvdUsage
usage: SvdUsage = None
enumeratedValue: Sequence[SvdEnumeratedValue]
enumeratedValue: Sequence[SvdEnumeratedValue] = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdEnumeratedValues,
yield from diff_structseq(self, other, base, SvdEnumeratedValues, 'enumeratedValue')
class SvdDimArrayIndex(NamedTuple):
class SvdDimArrayIndex(NamedTuple):
headerEnumName: str
headerEnumName: str = None
enumeratedValue: SvdEnumeratedValue
enumeratedValue: SvdEnumeratedValue = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdDimArrayIndex,
class SvdDimElement(NamedTuple):
class SvdDimElement(NamedTuple):
dim: int
dim: int = None
dimIncrement: int
dimIncrement: int = None
dimIndex: str
dimIndex: str = None
dimName: str
dimName: str = None
dimArrayIndex: SvdDimArrayIndex
dimArrayIndex: SvdDimArrayIndex = None
headerEnumName: str = None
enumeratedValue: SvdEnumeratedValue = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdDimElement,
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdDimElement, 'dimArrayIndex')
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdDimElement, 'enumeratedValue')
class SvdAddressBlock(NamedTuple):
class SvdAddressBlock(NamedTuple):
offset: int
offset: int = None
size: int
size: int = None
usage: SvdAddressUsage
usage: SvdAddressUsage = None
protection: SvdProtection
protection: SvdProtection = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdAddressBlock,
class SvdInterrupt(NamedTuple):
class SvdInterrupt(NamedTuple):
name: str
name: str = None
description: str
description: str = None
value: int
value: int = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdInterrupt,
class SvdCluster(NamedTuple):
class SvdCluster(NamedTuple):
derivedFrom: str # attribute
derivedFrom: str = None # attribute
dimElement: SvdDimElement
dimElement: SvdDimElement = None
name: str
name: str = None
description: str
description: str = None
alternateCluster: str
alternateCluster: str = None
headerStructName: str
headerStructName: str = None
addressOffset: int
addressOffset: int = None
registerProperties: SvdRegisterProperties
registerProperties: SvdRegisterProperties = None
register: Sequence[Any]
register: Sequence[Any] = None
cluster: Sequence[Any]
cluster: Sequence[Any] = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdCluster,
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdCluster, 'registerProperties')
yield from diff_structseq(self, other, base, SvdCluster, 'register')
yield from diff_structseq(self, other, base, SvdCluster, 'cluster')
class SvdWriteConstraintRange(NamedTuple):
class SvdWriteConstraintRange(NamedTuple):
minimum: int
minimum: int = None
maximum: int
maximum: int = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdWriteConstraintRange,
class SvdWriteConstraint(NamedTuple):
class SvdWriteConstraint(NamedTuple):
writeAsRead: bool
writeAsRead: bool = None
useEnumeratedValues: bool
useEnumeratedValues: bool = None
range: SvdWriteConstraintRange
range: SvdWriteConstraintRange = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdWriteConstraint,
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdWriteConstraint, 'range')
class SvdField(NamedTuple):
class SvdField(NamedTuple):
derivedFrom: str # attribute
derivedFrom: str = None # attribute
dimElement: SvdDimElement
dimElement: SvdDimElement = None
name: str
name: str = None
description: str
description: str = None
bitOffset: int
bitOffset: int = None
bitWidth: int
bitWidth: int = None
lsb: int
lsb: int = None
msb: int
msb: int = None
bitRange: str
bitRange: str = None
access: SvdAccess
access: SvdAccess = None
modifiedWriteValues: SvdModifiedWriteValues
modifiedWriteValues: SvdModifiedWriteValues = None
writeConstraint: SvdWriteConstraint
writeConstraint: SvdWriteConstraint = None
readAction: SvdReadAction
readAction: SvdReadAction = None
enumeratedValues: SvdEnumeratedValues
enumeratedValues: SvdEnumeratedValues = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdField,
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdField, 'dimElement')
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdField, 'writeConstraint')
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdField, 'enumeratedValues')
class SvdRegister(NamedTuple):
class SvdRegister(NamedTuple):
derivedFrom: str # attribute
derivedFrom: str = None # attribute
dimElement: SvdDimElement
dimElement: SvdDimElement = None
name: str
name: str = None
displayName: str
displayName: str = None
description: str
description: str = None
alternateGroup: str
alternateGroup: str = None
alternateRegister: str
alternateRegister: str = None
addressOffset: int
addressOffset: int = None
registerProperties: SvdRegisterProperties
registerProperties: SvdRegisterProperties = None
dataType: SvdDataType
dataType: SvdDataType = None
modifiedWriteValues: SvdModifiedWriteValues
modifiedWriteValues: SvdModifiedWriteValues = None
writeConstraint: SvdWriteConstraint
writeConstraint: SvdWriteConstraint = None
readAction: SvdReadAction
readAction: SvdReadAction = None
fields: Sequence[SvdField]
fields: Sequence[SvdField] = None
# ignoring for now because this SVD is VERY broken
# ignoring for now because this SVD is VERY broken
#enumeratedValues: SvdEnumeratedValues # HACK: SiFive e310x, Kendryte k210
#enumeratedValues: SvdEnumeratedValues # HACK: SiFive e310x, Kendryte k210
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdRegister,
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdRegister, 'dimElement')
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdRegister, 'registerProperties')
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdRegister, 'writeConstraint')
yield from diff_structseq(self, other, base, SvdRegister, 'fields')
class SvdPeripheral(NamedTuple):
class SvdPeripheral(NamedTuple):
derivedFrom: str # attribute
derivedFrom: str = None # attribute
name: str
name: str = None
version: str
version: str = None
description: str
description: str = None
alternatePeripheral: str
alternatePeripheral: str = None
groupName: str
groupName: str = None
prependToName: str
prependToName: str = None
appendToName: str
appendToName: str = None
headerStructName: str
headerStructName: str = None
disableCondition: str
disableCondition: str = None
baseAddress: int
baseAddress: int = None
registerProperties: SvdRegisterProperties
registerProperties: SvdRegisterProperties = None
addressBlock: Sequence[SvdAddressBlock]
addressBlock: Sequence[SvdAddressBlock] = None
interrupt: Sequence[SvdInterrupt]
interrupt: Sequence[SvdInterrupt] = None
registers: Sequence[Union[SvdRegister, SvdCluster]]
registers: Sequence[Union[SvdRegister, SvdCluster]] = None
def __diff__(self, other, base):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdPeripheral,
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdPeripheral, 'registerProperties')
yield from diff_structseq(self, other, base, SvdPeripheral, 'addressBlock')
yield from diff_structseq(self, other, base, SvdPeripheral, 'interrupt')
yield from diff_structseq(self, other, base, SvdPeripheral, 'registers')
class SvdDevice(NamedTuple):
class SvdDevice(NamedTuple):
vendor: str
vendor: str
vendorID: str
vendorID: str
name: str
name: str
series: str
series: str = None
version: str
version: str = None
description: str
description: str = None
licenseText: str
licenseText: str = None
cpu: SvdCpu
cpu: SvdCpu = None
headerSystemFilename: str
headerSystemFilename: str = None
headerDefinitionsPrefix: str
headerDefinitionsPrefix: str = None
addressUnitBits: int
addressUnitBits: int = None
width: int
width: int = None
registerProperties: SvdRegisterProperties
registerProperties: SvdRegisterProperties = None
peripherals: Sequence[SvdPeripheral]
peripherals: Sequence[SvdPeripheral] = None
vendorExtensions: Any
vendorExtensions: Any = None
def __eq__(self, other):
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.vendor == other.vendor and self.vendorID == other.vendorID \
return self.vendor == other.vendor and self.vendorID == other.vendorID \
@ -208,6 +339,16 @@ class SvdDevice(NamedTuple):
self.addressUnitBits == other.addressUnitBits and self.width == other.width \
self.addressUnitBits == other.addressUnitBits and self.width == other.width \
and self.registerProperties == other.registerProperties and \
and self.registerProperties == other.registerProperties and \
self.peripherals == other.peripherals
self.peripherals == other.peripherals
# ignore vendorExtensions
def __diff__(self, other, base='device'):
yield from diff_base(self, other, base, SvdDevice,
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdDevice, 'cpu')
yield from diff_structmemb(self, other, base, SvdDevice, 'registerProperties')
yield from diff_structseq(self, other, base, SvdDevice, 'peripherals')
# TODO: functions for expanding/flattening registerProperties, dimElements and derivedFrom?
# TODO: functions for expanding/flattening registerProperties, dimElements and derivedFrom?
@ -138,6 +138,14 @@ def parse_generic(xd, T: type, tag: str,
return T(**d)
return T(**d)
def parse_list_inner(f, l):
if l is None or len(l) == 0: return None
return [f(x) for x in l]
def parse_list(f):
return (lambda l: parse_list_inner(f, l))
def parse_sauRegion(xd): return parse_generic(xd, SvdSauRegion, 'region')
def parse_sauRegion(xd): return parse_generic(xd, SvdSauRegion, 'region')
def parse_addressBlock(xd): return parse_generic(xd, SvdAddressBlock, 'addressBlock')
def parse_addressBlock(xd): return parse_generic(xd, SvdAddressBlock, 'addressBlock')
def parse_interrupt(xd): return parse_generic(xd, SvdInterrupt, 'interrupt')
def parse_interrupt(xd): return parse_generic(xd, SvdInterrupt, 'interrupt')
@ -173,7 +181,7 @@ def parse_field(xd): return parse_generic(xd, SvdField, 'field', False, True, Tr
def parse_register(xd) -> SvdRegister:
def parse_register(xd) -> SvdRegister:
return parse_generic(xd, SvdRegister, 'register', True, True, True, {
return parse_generic(xd, SvdRegister, 'register', True, True, True, {
'writeConstraint': parse_writeConstraint,
'writeConstraint': parse_writeConstraint,
'fields': (lambda ch: [parse_field(xch) for xch in ch])
'fields': parse_list(parse_field), #(lambda ch: [parse_field(xch) for xch in ch]) # FIXME
@ -186,12 +194,12 @@ def parse_registers(xd) -> Sequence[Union[SvdCluster, SvdRegister]]:
assert False, ("expected cluster or register, got %s"%ch)
assert False, ("expected cluster or register, got %s"%ch)
return rr
return rr if len(rr) > 0 else None
def parse_peripheral(xd) -> SvdPeripheral:
def parse_peripheral(xd) -> SvdPeripheral:
return parse_generic(xd, SvdPeripheral, 'peripheral', True, True, False, {
return parse_generic(xd, SvdPeripheral, 'peripheral', True, True, False, {
'registers': parse_registers, # FIXME
'registers': parse_registers, # FIXME # UUUH what was to be fixed again?
}, {
}, {
'interrupt': parse_interrupt,
'interrupt': parse_interrupt,
'addressBlock': parse_addressBlock
'addressBlock': parse_addressBlock
@ -201,7 +209,7 @@ def parse_peripheral(xd) -> SvdPeripheral:
def parse_device(xd) -> SvdDevice:
def parse_device(xd) -> SvdDevice:
return parse_generic(xd, SvdDevice, 'device', True, 2, False, {
return parse_generic(xd, SvdDevice, 'device', True, 2, False, {
'cpu': parse_cpu,
'cpu': parse_cpu,
'peripherals': (lambda ch: [parse_peripheral(xch) for xch in ch]),
'peripherals': parse_list(parse_peripheral), #(lambda ch: [parse_peripheral(xch) for xch in ch]), # FIXME
'vendorExtensions': (lambda ch: ch)
'vendorExtensions': (lambda ch: ch)
Reference in New Issue