T32 per: fix tokenizer, repeat/copy impl, parse tree types
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
from typing import *
from perrepeat import *
from pertoken import *
T32GroupAttr = Literal['h', 'r', 's', 'w']
T32FieldAttr = Literal['a','r','hex','event','setclr']
T32MaskAttr = Literal['dec','hex','rhex']
T32TreeVisibility = Literal['open','closed']
class T32Field(NamedTuple):
attr: T32FieldAttr
qual: PerTokenQual
thing: int
bitrange: Tuple[int, int] # inclusive
name: str
description: str
values: Sequence[str]
class T32Mask(NamedTuple):
attr: T32MaskAttr
qual: Tuple[PerTokenQual, PerTokenQual]
thing: int
bitrange: Tuple[int, int] # inclusive
mask: int
name: str
description: str
values: Sequence[str]
class T32Line(NamedTuple):
hidden: bool
qual: PerTokenQual
offset: int
name: str
description: str
field:s Sequence[Union[T32Field, T32Mask]]
class T32Group(NamedTuple):
attrs: T32GroupAttr
qual: PerTokenQual
address: Union[T32Address, T32AddressRange]
description: str
regs: Sequence[T32Line]
copy: bool = False
class T32GroupRepeat(NamedTuple):
repeat: T32Repeat
width: int
groups: Sequence[T32Group]
class T32GroupRepeatReplay(NamedTuple):
class T32Tree(NamedTuple):
base: T32Address
width: int
visibility: T32TreeVisibility
groups: Sequence[Union[T32Group, T32GroupRepeat, T32GroupRepeatReplay]]
subtrees: Sequence[Union[T32TreeRepeat, T32Tree]]
class T32TreeRepeat(NamedTuple):
repeat: T32Repeat
subtrees: Sequence[Union[T32TreeRepeat, T32Tree]]
class T32Per(NamedTuple):
title: str
props: str
author: str
changelog: Sequence[str]
manufacturer: str
doc: str
core: str
chip: Sequence[str]
copyright: str
description: str
keywords: str
date: str
id: str
config: Tuple[int, int]
trees: Union[T32Tree, T32TreeRepeat]
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
from typing import *
class T32SpacedAddress(NamedTuple):
addrspace: str
address: int
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int):
return T32SpacedAddress(self.addrspace, self.address+other)
elif isinstance(other, T32SpacedAddress):
assert self.addrspace == other.addrspace
return T32SpacedAddress(self.addrspace, self.address+other.address)
raise TypeError("cannot add %s to T32SpacedAddress"%type(other))
def __repr__(self):
return "T32SpacedAddress(%s, %s)"%(repr(self.addrspace),hex(self.address))
def __str__(self):
return "%s:%s"%(self.addrspace,hex(self.address))
T32Address = Union[str, int, T32SpacedAddress]
T32RepeatVarType = Literal['strings','list','increment']
class T32RepeatVar(NamedTuple):
type: T32RepeatVarType
args: Sequence[T32Address]
class T32AddressRange(NamedTuple):
base: T32Address
size: int
class T32Repeat(NamedTuple):
count: int
vars: Sequence[T32RepeatVar]
def get_value(self, repind: int, varind: int):
assert repind >= 0 and repind < self.count, "%d vs %s"%(repind,self)
assert varind >= 0 and varind < len(self.vars), "%d vs %s"%(varind,self)
v = self.vars[varind]
if v.type == 'increment':
vvv = v.args[0] + v.args[1]*repind
#print("repind %s -> %s"%(repind,vvv), self)
return v.args[0] + v.args[1]*repind
#print("repind %s -> %s"%(repind,v.args[repind]), self)
return v.args[repind]
def eval(self, repind: int, s: str) -> str:
if len(self.vars) == 0: return s
if "$" not in s: return s
for i in range(self.count):
t = "$%d" % (i+1)
if t in s:
s = s.replace(t, str(self.get_value(repind, i)))
return s
def parse_spacedAddress(s: str) -> T32SpacedAddress:
sp = s.split(':')
assert len(sp) == 2
return T32SpacedAddress(sp[0], parse_int(sp[1], False))
def parse_int(s: str, spaced: bool = True):
assert s is not None and len(s) > 0, "'%s'"%s
if ':' in s:
return parse_spacedAddress(s)
elif s[-1] == '.':
return int(s[:-1])
elif s.startswith('0x') or s.startswith('0X'):
return int(s[2:], 16)
return int(s, 0) # shrug
def parse_repeatvar(s: str) -> T32RepeatVar:
assert (s[0] == '(' and s[-1] == ')'), "badly formatted repeatvar: %s"%s
s = s[1:-1]
sl = s.lower()
typ = None
rest = None
if sl.startswith('strings '):
typ = 'strings'
rest = []
start = len(typ)+1
instr = False
for i in range(start, len(s)):
if s[i] == ' ' and not instr:
if s[i] == '"':
if not instr:
instr = True
start = i+1
instr = False
elif sl.startswith('list '):
typ = 'list'
rest = sl[len(typ)+1:].strip().split()
elif sl.startswith('increment '):
typ = 'increment'
rest = sl[len(typ)+1:].strip().split()
assert len(rest) == 2, "bad increment repeatvar args: %s"%s
rest = [parse_int(x) for x in rest]
assert False, "bad repeatvar type: %s"%s
return T32RepeatVar(typ, rest)
def parse_repeat(args: Sequence[str]) -> T32Repeat:
assert len(args) >= 1
count = parse_int(args[0], False)
vars = tuple(parse_repeatvar(x) for x in args[1:])
for v in vars:
if v.type != 'increment':
assert len(v.args) == count
return T32Repeat(count, vars)
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
from enum import Enum
from typing import *
from perrepeat import *
class PerTokenName(Enum):
Title = "; @Title"
Props = "; @Props"
@ -18,16 +20,16 @@ class PerTokenName(Enum):
Keywords = "; @Keywords"
Date = "; @Date"
#HeaderSep = "; -------"
Id = "; @Id"
Id = "; $Id"
CONFIG = "config" # what is this
BASE = "base" # base address, base addrspace:expr
# expr can be int or (d.l(addrspace:off)) -> ???
WIDTH = "width" # what is this
SAVEINDEX = "saveindex" # what is this
#SAVEINDEX = "saveindex" # what is this
TREE_OPEN = "tree.open"
TREE_CLOSE = "tree.close" # like tree.open
TREE_CLOSE = "tree.close" # like tree.open, determines visibility
TREE_END = "tree.end"
TREE = "tree"
@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ class PerTokenName(Enum):
RBITFLD = "rbitfld"
HEXFLD = "hexfld"
EVENTFLD = "eventfld"
EVENTFLD = "eventfld" # == read-clear?
SETCLRFLD = "setclrfld"
# masks in registers?
# hexmask.qual IDK start--end MASK "CODE,description"
@ -71,8 +73,14 @@ class PerTokenName(Enum):
# IDK: entry, read, wait, saveindex, saveout, set, getx, register
# EH: include, endian.{be,le} (-> conditional endianness)
# TODO: copy: copy from previous group? (->derivedFrom whee)
# copy: copy all from previous group
# (tree+group define peripheral, can be multiple groups per tree tho. 'base' part of tree, optional)
# TODO: repeat{,.end}: repeat macro stuff (cf. dimIndexElement)
# repeat <repno> <list1> <list2> <...>
# stuff -> $1,$2 are variables
# repeat.end
# TODO: repeat.replay: copy+replay
# repeat.replay: copy previous repeat
@ -122,49 +130,110 @@ class PerToken(NamedTuple):
args: List[str] = []
# TODO: tokenize into data stream with useful arguments
# TODO: data stream -> tree structure
def find_tok(l: str, hdr: bool) -> PerTokenName:
def find_tok(l: str, hdr: bool) -> Union[PerTokenName, Sequence[PerTokenQual]]:
ll=l.lower() if hdr else l
for h in (PER_TOKEN_HEADER if hdr else PER_TOKEN_BODY):
#print("ll='%s', h='%s'"%(ll,h.value))
if ll.startswith(h.value.lower() if hdr else h.value):
return h
if hdr: return h
rest = ll[len(h.value):]
if len(rest) == 0 or rest[0] == ' ':
return (h, None)
elif rest[0] == '.':
# quals follow
quals = []
cqualstart = 1
for i in range(1, len(rest)):
if rest[i] == ' ':
elif rest[i] == '.':
if i != cqualstart + 1:
cqualstart = i+1
qs = tuple(PerTokenQual._member_map_[k] for k in quals)
return (h, qs[0] if len(qs) == 1 else qs)
continue # not a match
assert not hdr or l.split()[0] in PER_TOKEN_IGNORE, "Unknown token on line: %s"%l
return None
def split_str(s: str) -> List[str]:
r = []
start = 0
instr = False
inparen = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] == '"':
if not instr and i > 0 and s[i-1] == '"' and start != i-1:
# sigh...
ss = s[start:i].strip()
if len(ss) > 0: r.append(ss)
start = i
instr = not instr
elif s[i] == '(' and not instr:
if inparen == 0 and start != i-1:
ss = s[start:i].strip()
if len(ss) > 0: r.append(ss)
start = i
inparen += 1
elif s[i] == ')' and not instr:
assert inparen > 0
inparen -= 1
elif s[i] == ' ' and start != i-1 and not instr and inparen == 0:
ss = s[start:i].strip()
if len(ss) > 0: r.append(ss)
start = i
if start < len(s):
ss = s[start:].strip()
if len(ss) > 0: r.append(ss)
return r
def tokenize_body(f, l=None):
prevtell = -1
emptycount = 0
#prevl = None
while True:
if l is None: l = f.readline().strip()
if len(l) == 0:
tell = f.tell()
if tell == prevtell: break # EOF
#print("empty, prevl:",prevl)
if tell == prevtell:
emptycount += 1
if emptycount == 3:
break # EOF
emptycount = 0
prevtell = tell
l = None
#prevl = l
ll = l.lower()
sp = l.split()
sp = split_str(l)#l.split()
# regular token
t = find_tok(ll, False)
if t is not None:
yield PerToken(t, args=sp[1:])
#print("regular token", t)
tt, qq = t
yield PerToken(tt, qual=qq, args=sp[1:])
l = None
ht = sp[0].lower().split('.')
assert len(ht) > 0 or sp[0].lower() in PER_TOKEN_IGNORE, "Unknown token on line: %s"%l
t = find_tok(ht[0], False)
if t is not None:
assert len(ht) in {2,3},"bad qual %s in line %s"%(repr(ht),l)
quals = [PerTokenQual.__members__[k] for k in ht[1:]]
if len(quals) == 1: quals = quals[0]
else: quals = tuple(quals)
yield PerToken(t, qual=quals, args=sp[1:])
l = None
#ht = sp[0].lower().split('.')
#assert len(ht) > 0 or sp[0].lower() in PER_TOKEN_IGNORE, "Unknown token on line: %s"%l
#t = find_tok(ht[0], False)
#if t is not None:
# assert len(ht) in {2,3},"bad qual %s in line %s"%(repr(ht),l)
# quals = [PerTokenQual.__members__[k] for k in ht[1:]]
# if len(quals) == 1: quals = quals[0]
# else: quals = tuple(quals)
# yield PerToken(t, qual=quals, args=sp[1:])
# l = None
# continue
l = None
@ -182,11 +251,12 @@ def tokenize(f):
prevtell = tell
if l[0] != ';':
yield PerToken(curtok, args=curlines)
yield from tokenize_body(f,l)
if l.startswith('; -------'): continue
if l.startswith('; @') and l[3] != ' ':
if (l.startswith('; @') or l.startswith('; $')) and l[3] != ' ':
# new token!
# flush old one
if curtok is not None:
@ -198,21 +268,100 @@ def tokenize(f):
def repeat_apply(r: T32Repeat, l: List[PerToken]):
for i in range(r.count):
for tok in l:
if tok.args is None or len(tok.args) == 0 or len(r.vars) == 0 or \
all("$" not in a for a in tok.args):
yield tok
yield PerToken(tok.name, tok.qual, [r.eval(i,x) for x in tok.args])
# flatten copy and repeat statements
def tokenize_flatten(itor):
yield from itor # TODO
# actually no let's not, we can turn this into derivedFrom statements, which is probably better
# eh, we can leave it in for easier processing earlier on
def tokenize_flatten_repeat(itor: Iterable[PerToken]):
currep = None
currvar = None
lastrvar = None
for tok in itor:
if tok.name == PerTokenName.REPEAT:
assert currvar is None
currvar = parse_repeat(tok.args)
currep = []
elif tok.name == PerTokenName.REPEAT_END:
yield from repeat_apply(currvar, currep)
lastrvar = currvar
currvar = None
elif tok.name == PerTokenName.REPEAT_REPLAY:
assert lastrvar is not None
yield from repeat_apply(lastrvar, currep)
elif currvar is not None:
yield tok
def tokenize_flatten_copy(itor: Iterable[PerToken]):
curgrp = None
curgcmd = None
lastgrp = None
lastgcmd = None
in_grp = False
for tok in itor:
if tok.name in {PerTokenName.GROUP,PerTokenName.HGROUP,
lastgrp = curgrp
lastgcmd = curgcmd
curgrp = []
curgcmd = tok
in_grp = True
yield tok
elif tok.name == PerTokenName.TREE_END:
# group must end at tree end
in_grp = False
yield tok
elif tok.name == PerTokenName.COPY:
assert lastgrp is not None
yield from lastgrp
# be able to do multiple copies
in_grp = False
curgrp = lastgrp
elif in_grp:
yield tok
def tokenize_flatten(itor: Iterable[PerToken]):
yield from tokenize_flatten_repeat(tokenize_flatten_copy(itor))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import glob
for p in glob.glob('t/*/*.per'):
with open(p,'r') as f:
for x in tokenize(f): pass
if False:
import glob
for p in glob.glob('t/*/*.per'):
with open(p,'r') as f:
for x in tokenize(f): pass
with open('t/arm/peram65xx.per','r') as f:
for x in tokenize(f): print(x)
with open('t/arm/perfm0p.per','r') as f:
for x in tokenize(f): print(x)
#with open('t/arm/perfm0p.per','r') as f: # nothing special
# for x in tokenize(f): print(x)
#with open('t/arm/peram65xx.per','r') as f: # general, also has repeat cmd
# for x in tokenize_flatten(tokenize(f)): print(x)
with open('t/arm/perpxa.per','r') as f: # copy cmd
for x in tokenize_flatten(tokenize(f)): print(x)
#with open('t/arm/perpsoc4000.per','r') as f: # weird paren grammar
# for x in tokenize(f): print(x)
# weird string literal grammar:
#with open('t/arm/perrzt1.per','r') as f: # at VLAN_PRIORITY0
# for x in tokenize(f): print(x)
# arm/pertegrax1.per arm/pers32g2.per arm/perkinetisw.per arm/perrzt1.per arm/perstm32f7x.per arm/perxavier.per arm/pertegrax2.per
# counterexample/-test: arm/percortexa73a53.per
#with open('t/arm/percortexa73a53.per','r') as f:
# for x in tokenize(f): print(x)
Reference in New Issue