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Jacking (Jazelle hacking (Jean gazelle hacking))
Jazelle reverse engineering effort
not the first one, but hopefully one that properly documents some stuff
Currently targetting the Cypress FX3.
$ make
Needs an arm-none-eabi
$ openocd -f ./arm926ejs_fx3.cfg -c "transport select jtag" -c "adapter speed 1000" -c "init"
Running code
$ printf 'reset halt\nload_image jazelle.elf\nexit\n' | nc localhost 4444
gdb -ex 'target extended-remote localhost:3333' -ex 'set $pc=_start' -ex 'b jazelle_exec' -ex c jazelle.elf
FX3 base code: gratuitously stolen from https://github.com/zeldin/fx3lafw/
Jazelle info this project is based on:
- Figure out Jazelle stuff:
- Which bytecode instructions are supported on which Jazelle versions?
- How exactly does the stack work? (When a handler function is being called)
- How exactly does the Jazelle status register work?
- What control registers are there that influence the execution?
- Is it possible to force execute a certain instruction using the handler instead of the default in-hardware execution?
- ...
- ...
- Verify what Hackspire and libjz have, to check if it is correct
- Look at what Hackspire and libjz don't have and try to complete it
- Port this code to the ARM11 using either Raspberry Pi v1 baremetal, or 3DS homebrew with kernel privileges (and do tests on these to check for different Jazelle versions)