demo: Support continuous acquisition.
This commit is contained in:
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ struct dev_context {
int pipe_fds[2];
GIOChannel *channel;
uint64_t cur_samplerate;
gboolean continuous;
uint64_t limit_samples;
uint64_t limit_msec;
uint64_t logic_counter;
@ -135,6 +136,7 @@ static const int devopts[] = {
@ -295,6 +297,7 @@ static GSList *scan(GSList *options)
devc->limit_samples = 0;
devc->limit_msec = 0;
devc->step = 0;
devc->continuous = FALSE;
devc->num_logic_channels = num_logic_channels;
devc->logic_unitsize = (devc->num_logic_channels + 7) / 8;
devc->logic_pattern = PATTERN_SIGROK;
@ -618,7 +621,7 @@ static int prepare_data(int fd, int revents, void *cb_data)
struct sr_channel_group *cg;
struct analog_gen *ag;
GSList *l;
uint64_t logic_todo, analog_todo, expected_samplenum, analog_samples, sending_now;
uint64_t logic_todo, analog_todo, expected_samplenum, analog_sent, sending_now;
int64_t time, elapsed;
@ -626,21 +629,27 @@ static int prepare_data(int fd, int revents, void *cb_data)
sdi = cb_data;
devc = sdi->priv;
logic_todo = analog_todo = 0;
/* How many "virtual" samples should we have collected by now? */
/* How many samples should we have sent by now? */
time = g_get_monotonic_time();
elapsed = time - devc->starttime;
expected_samplenum = elapsed * devc->cur_samplerate / 1000000;
/* But never more than the limit, if there is one. */
if (!devc->continuous)
expected_samplenum = MIN(expected_samplenum, devc->limit_samples);
/* Of those, how many do we still have to send? */
logic_todo = MIN(expected_samplenum, devc->limit_samples) - devc->logic_counter;
analog_todo = MIN(expected_samplenum, devc->limit_samples) - devc->analog_counter;
if (devc->num_logic_channels)
logic_todo = expected_samplenum - devc->logic_counter;
if (devc->num_analog_channels)
analog_todo = expected_samplenum - devc->analog_counter;
while (logic_todo || analog_todo) {
/* Logic */
if (devc->num_logic_channels > 0 && logic_todo > 0) {
sending_now = MIN(logic_todo,
LOGIC_BUFSIZE / devc->logic_unitsize);
if (logic_todo > 0) {
sending_now = MIN(logic_todo, LOGIC_BUFSIZE / devc->logic_unitsize);
logic_generator(sdi, sending_now * devc->logic_unitsize);
packet.type = SR_DF_LOGIC;
packet.payload = &logic;
@ -653,8 +662,8 @@ static int prepare_data(int fd, int revents, void *cb_data)
/* Analog, one channel at a time */
if (devc->num_analog_channels > 0 && analog_todo > 0) {
sending_now = 0;
if (analog_todo > 0) {
analog_sent = 0;
for (l = devc->analog_channel_groups; l; l = l->next) {
cg = l->data;
ag = cg->priv;
@ -666,19 +675,21 @@ static int prepare_data(int fd, int revents, void *cb_data)
* beginning of our buffer. A ring buffer would
* help here as well */
analog_samples = MIN(analog_todo, ag->num_samples);
/* Whichever channel group gets there first. */
sending_now = MAX(sending_now, analog_samples);
ag->packet.num_samples = analog_samples;
sending_now = MIN(analog_todo, ag->num_samples);
ag->packet.num_samples = sending_now;
sr_session_send(sdi, &packet);
/* Whichever channel group gets there first. */
analog_sent = MAX(analog_sent, sending_now);
analog_todo -= sending_now;
devc->analog_counter += sending_now;
analog_todo -= analog_sent;
devc->analog_counter += analog_sent;
if (devc->logic_counter >= devc->limit_samples &&
devc->analog_counter >= devc->limit_samples) {
if (!devc->continuous
&& (!devc->num_logic_channels || devc->logic_counter >= devc->limit_samples)
&& (!devc->num_analog_channels || devc->analog_counter >= devc->limit_samples)) {
sr_dbg("Requested number of samples reached.");
dev_acquisition_stop(sdi, cb_data);
return TRUE;
@ -698,8 +709,7 @@ static int dev_acquisition_start(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, void *cb_data)
devc = sdi->priv;
if (devc->limit_samples == 0)
return SR_ERR;
devc->continuous = !devc->limit_samples;
devc->logic_counter = devc->analog_counter = 0;
@ -714,22 +724,20 @@ static int dev_acquisition_start(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, void *cb_data)
return SR_ERR;
for (l = devc->analog_channel_groups; l; l = l->next) {
for (l = devc->analog_channel_groups; l; l = l->next)
generate_analog_pattern(l->data, devc->cur_samplerate);
devc->channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(devc->pipe_fds[0]);
g_io_channel_set_flags(devc->channel, G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, NULL);
/* Set channel encoding to binary (default is UTF-8). */
g_io_channel_set_encoding(devc->channel, NULL, NULL);
/* Make channels to unbuffered. */
/* Make channels unbuffered. */
g_io_channel_set_buffered(devc->channel, FALSE);
sr_session_source_add_channel(sdi->session, devc->channel, G_IO_IN | G_IO_ERR,
40, prepare_data, (void *)sdi);
sr_session_source_add_channel(sdi->session, devc->channel,
G_IO_IN | G_IO_ERR, 40, prepare_data, (void *)sdi);
/* Send header packet to the session bus. */
std_session_send_df_header(sdi, LOG_PREFIX);
Reference in New Issue