added everything, this is a base commit

This commit is contained in:
Ella Evelyn Paws 2021-05-09 22:43:13 +02:00
parent 5c1f124d65
commit 582d8fe1f4
263 changed files with 2597 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
playsound master @a
kill @e[type=end_crystal,distance=...01]
scoreboard players set @s emk-timer 150
execute unless score @e[tag=emk-sel2,limit=1] emk-timer matches 1.. unless score @e[tag=emk-sel2,limit=1] emk-item matches 1.. run scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-sel2] emk-timer 91

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute align xyz run summon minecraft:armor_stand ~.5 ~.9 ~.5 {Tags:["emk-box"],Invisible:1b,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b}
execute align xyz run summon minecraft:end_crystal ~.5 ~.9 ~.5 {Invulnerable:1b,ShowBottom:0b}

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 1 run summon minecraft:end_crystal ~ ~ ~ {Invulnerable:1b,ShowBottom:0b}
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 1.. run scoreboard players remove @s emk-timer 1

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
execute if block ~ ~-10 ~ minecraft:magenta_glazed_terracotta[facing=east] run tp @s ~-.12 ~ ~ 90 0
execute if block ~ ~-10 ~ minecraft:magenta_glazed_terracotta[facing=west] run tp @s ~.12 ~ ~ -90 0
execute if block ~ ~-10 ~ minecraft:magenta_glazed_terracotta[facing=north] run tp @s ~ ~ ~.12 0 0
execute if block ~ ~-10 ~ minecraft:magenta_glazed_terracotta[facing=south] run tp @s ~ ~ ~-.12 180 0
execute if block ~ ~-10 ~ minecraft:black_glazed_terracotta[facing=east] run tp @s ~.1 ~ ~-.1 -135 0
execute if block ~ ~-10 ~ minecraft:black_glazed_terracotta[facing=west] run tp @s ~-.1 ~ ~.1 45 0
execute if block ~ ~-10 ~ minecraft:black_glazed_terracotta[facing=north] run tp @s ~-.1 ~ ~-.1 135 0
execute if block ~ ~-10 ~ minecraft:black_glazed_terracotta[facing=south] run tp @s ~.1 ~ ~.1 -45 0

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
execute store result score @s emk-item run loot insert 1000 0 0 loot emk:itembox
execute if score @s emk-item matches 1 run replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:gold_ingot
execute if score @s emk-item matches 3 run replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:gold_ingot 3
execute if score @s emk-item matches 4 run replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:slime_block
execute if score @s emk-item matches 6 run replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:slime_block 3
execute if score @s emk-item matches 7 run replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:scute
execute if score @s emk-item matches 10 run replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:nether_star
execute if score @s emk-item matches 11 run replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:tnt
execute if score @s emk-item matches 12 run replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:blaze_rod
playsound minecraft:entity.item.pickup ambient @p[tag=emk-sel]

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
scoreboard players set @s[scores={emk-stun=1..}] emk-speed 0
scoreboard players set @s[scores={emk-stun=1..}] emk-distance 0
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-id 0
#execute store success score #tmp emk-speed positioned ~.5 ~ ~.5 if block ^ ^ ^.1 #emk:transparent positioned ~-1 ~ ~ if block ^ ^ ^.1 #emk:transparent positioned ~ ~ ~-1 if block ^ ^ ^.1 #emk:transparent positioned ~1 ~ ~ if block ^ ^ ^.1 #emk:transparent positioned ~-.5 ~ ~.5 run tp @s ^ ^ ^.1
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.1 if block ~.5 ~1 ~.5 #emk:transparent if block ~.5 ~1 ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~-.5 ~1 ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~-.5 ~1 ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 2
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.1 if block ~.5 ~ ~.5 #emk:transparent if block ~.5 ~ ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~-.5 ~ ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~-.5 ~ ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 1
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.1 if block ~.5 ~2 ~.5 #emk:transparent if block ~.5 ~2 ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~-.5 ~2 ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~-.5 ~2 ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 1
#0-2 is wall, 3-4 is clear
execute if score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. if score #tmp emk-id matches ..2 unless score @s emk-collision matches 1 run playsound master @a ~ ~ ~ .5 .75
execute if score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. if score #tmp emk-id matches ..2 run scoreboard players set @s emk-collision 1
execute if score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. if score #tmp emk-id matches ..2 run scoreboard players set @s emk-speed 0
execute if score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. if score #tmp emk-id matches ..2 if block ^.25 ^ ^.7 #emk:transparent if block ^.25 ^1 ^.7 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players remove @s emk-rot 10000
execute if score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. if score #tmp emk-id matches ..2 if block ^-.25 ^ ^.7 #emk:transparent if block ^-.25 ^1 ^.7 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add @s emk-rot 10000
execute if score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. if score #tmp emk-id matches ..2 run scoreboard players set @s emk-distance 0
execute if score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. if score #tmp emk-id matches 3.. run scoreboard players set @s emk-collision 0
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-speed 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 3.. if block ~-.5 ~ ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~.5 ~ ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~-.5 ~ ~.5 #emk:transparent if block ~.5 ~ ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players set #tmp emk-speed 1
#1 is clear, 0 is a block
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-item 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 3.. if score #tmp emk-speed matches 0 run scoreboard players set #tmp emk-item 1
#scoreboard players set #tmp emk-speed 0
#if 4 are non-slabs AND on a slab, don't move up (needs fix before use!)
#execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 3..4 unless blocks 1000 ~ 0 1000 ~ 0 1000 ~.5 0 all unless block ~-.5 ~ ~-.5 #emk:half unless block ~.5 ~ ~-.5 #emk:half unless block ~-.5 ~ ~.5 #emk:half unless block ~.5 ~ ~.5 #emk:half run scoreboard players set #tmp emk-speed 1
#execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 3..4 if score #tmp emk-speed matches 0 run tp @s ~ ~.5 ~
tag @s add emk-onground
execute if block ~-.5 ~-.001 ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~.5 ~-.001 ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~-.5 ~-.001 ~.5 #emk:transparent if block ~.5 ~-.001 ~.5 #emk:transparent run tag @s remove emk-onground
#these lines can be moved to kart/update if performance is a problem, at the cost of less accuracy.
execute if block ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:gold_block run scoreboard players set @s emk-ymov 5000
execute if block ~ ~-2 ~ minecraft:gold_block run scoreboard players set @s emk-ymov 5000
execute if block ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:gold_block run scoreboard players set @s[scores={emk-speed=..1500}] emk-speed 1500
execute if block ~ ~-2 ~ minecraft:gold_block run scoreboard players set @s[scores={emk-speed=..1500}] emk-speed 1500
execute if score @s emk-star matches 1.. as @e[tag=emk-slime,distance=...95] run function emk:slime/hit
execute if score @s emk-star matches 1.. run kill @e[tag=emk-turtle,distance=1]
tag @s add emk-sel2
execute positioned ~ ~.9 ~ as @e[tag=emk-box,distance=...95] unless score @s emk-timer matches 1.. at @s run function emk:box/open
execute if score @s emk-star matches 0 as @e[tag=emk-slime,distance=...95] run function emk:slime/hit
#{ hit other kart
execute run tag @e[tag=emk-kart,tag=!emk-sel2,tag=!emk-finished,scores={emk-stun=0,emk-star=0},sort=nearest,distance=..1,limit=1] add emk-sel3
execute if score @s emk-star matches 1.. as @e[tag=emk-sel3] run function emk:kart/explode
execute if score @s emk-star matches 1.. if entity @e[tag=emk-sel3] run playsound minecraft:entity.generic.explode master @a ~ ~ ~ 1.5 .8
execute if score @s emk-star matches 0 if entity @e[tag=emk-sel3] run playsound master @a ~ ~ ~ .5 .8
#execute if score @s emk-star matches 0 if entity @e[tag=emk-sel3] facing entity @e[tag=emk-sel3,limit=1] feet rotated ~ 0 run tp @s ^ ^ ^-.1
#execute if score @s emk-star matches 0 if entity @e[tag=emk-sel3] at @e[tag=emk-sel3] facing entity @s feet rotated ~ 0 run tp @e[tag=emk-sel3] ^ ^ ^-.1
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-star 2
#bad but works
tag @s[scores={emk-star=0}] add emk-sel3
execute if score @s emk-star matches 0 positioned ^ ^ ^1.5 run scoreboard players operation @e[tag=emk-sel3,sort=furthest,limit=1] emk-speed /= #tmp emk-star
execute if score @s emk-star matches 0 positioned ^ ^ ^1.5 run scoreboard players operation @e[tag=emk-sel3,sort=nearest,limit=1] emk-speed += @e[tag=emk-sel3,sort=furthest,limit=1] emk-speed
tag @e remove emk-sel3
#} end hit other kart
tag @s remove emk-sel2
#scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-race = @s emk-race
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 0..99 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:white_wool run function emk:kart/lap
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 100..199 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:orange_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt1
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 200..299 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:magenta_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt2
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 300..399 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:light_blue_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt3
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 400..499 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:yellow_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt4
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 500..599 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:lime_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt5
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 600..699 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:pink_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt6
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 700..799 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:gray_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt7
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 800..899 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:light_gray_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt8
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 900..999 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:cyan_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt9
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 1000..1099 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:purple_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt10
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 1100..1199 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:blue_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt11
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 1200..1299 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:brown_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt12
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 1300..1399 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:green_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt13
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 1400..1499 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:red_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt14
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 1500..1599 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:black_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt15

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=200..299}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 200

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=1100..1199}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 1100

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=1200..1299}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 1200

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=1300..1399}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 1300

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=1400..1499}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 1400

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=1500..1599}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 1500

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=0..99}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 0

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=300..399}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 300

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=400..499}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 400

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=500..599}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 500

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=600..699}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 600

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=700..799}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 700

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=800..899}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 800

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=900..999}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 900

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=1000..1099}] run scoreboard players add @s emk-chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 1000

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#playsound minecraft:entity.generic.explode master @a ~ ~ ~ 1.5 .8
scoreboard players set @s emk-stun 30
scoreboard players set @s emk-ymov 5000
#-1 means lost
scoreboard players set @s[scores={emk-item=1..}] emk-item -1
scoreboard players set @s emk-itemboost 0
scoreboard players set @s emk-timer 0
#replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:air

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#tp @p[tag=emk-sel] ~ ~ ~
scoreboard players operation @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-place = @s emk-place
clear @p[tag=emk-sel]
replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] weapon.offhand minecraft:air
tag @s add emk-finished
#? points depending on place and total players (2+(players-place)*3)
#execute store result score #tmp emk-id at @e[tag=emk-map,distance=..500,limit=1] if entity @a[distance=..500]
#players × 2 - place
scoreboard players operation @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-points += @e[tag=emk-map,distance=..500,limit=1] emk-id
scoreboard players operation @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-points += @e[tag=emk-map,distance=..500,limit=1] emk-id
scoreboard players operation @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-points -= @s emk-place
#scoreboard players set #tmp emk-stun 3
#scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-id *= #tmp emk-stun
#execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 1.. run scoreboard players add @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-points 2
tp @s ~ -10 ~
#execute unless score @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-fw matches 1.. run summon minecraft:firework_rocket ^ ^.5 ^1 {FireworksItem:{id:"minecraft:firework_rocket",Count:1b,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1b,Explosions:[{Type:0b,Colors:[I;14602026,15435844],FadeColors:[I;15435844,11743532]}]}}},LifeTime:20}
execute unless score @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-fw matches 1.. run summon minecraft:firework_rocket ^ ^.5 ^1 {FireworksItem:{id:"minecraft:firework_rocket",Count:1b,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1b,Explosions:[{Type:0b,Colors:[I;16758835,16754976,16745500],FadeColors:[I;16738327,16733972]}]}}},LifeTime:20}
execute if score @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-fw matches 1 run summon minecraft:firework_rocket ^ ^.5 ^1 {FireworksItem:{id:"minecraft:firework_rocket",Count:1b,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1b,Explosions:[{Type:0b,Colors:[I;3029209,2858969,3587321],FadeColors:[I;1652985,1525503]}]}}},LifeTime:20}
execute if score @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-fw matches 2 run summon minecraft:firework_rocket ^ ^.5 ^1 {FireworksItem:{id:"minecraft:firework_rocket",Count:1b,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1b,Explosions:[{Type:0b,Colors:[I;2424604,2419996,1697812],FadeColors:[I;1688084,1292045]}]}}},LifeTime:20}
execute if score @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-fw matches 3 run summon minecraft:firework_rocket ^ ^.5 ^1 {FireworksItem:{id:"minecraft:firework_rocket",Count:1b,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1b,Explosions:[{Type:0b,Colors:[I;6016762,16099768],FadeColors:[I;16777215]}]}}},LifeTime:20}
execute if score @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-fw matches 4 run summon minecraft:firework_rocket ^ ^.5 ^1 {FireworksItem:{id:"minecraft:firework_rocket",Count:1b,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1b,Explosions:[{Type:0b,Colors:[I;16774195,16777215,10181072,0],FadeColors:[I;16774195,16777215,10181072,0]}]}}},LifeTime:20}
#execute if score @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-fw matches 3 run summon minecraft:firework_rocket ^ ^.5 ^1 {FireworksItem:{id:"minecraft:firework_rocket",Count:1b,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1b,Explosions:[{Type:0b,Colors:[I;16774195,10181072],FadeColors:[I;16777215,0]}]}}},LifeTime:20}
execute if score @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-fw matches 5 run summon minecraft:firework_rocket ^ ^.5 ^1 {FireworksItem:{id:"minecraft:firework_rocket",Count:1b,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1b,Explosions:[{Type:0b,Colors:[I;14035200,16751445,16777215,13918630,10813538],FadeColors:[I;14035200,16751445,16777215,13918630,10813538]}]}}},LifeTime:20}
execute if score @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-fw matches 6 run summon minecraft:firework_rocket ^ ^.5 ^1 {FireworksItem:{id:"minecraft:firework_rocket",Count:1b,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1b,Explosions:[{Type:0b,Colors:[I;14942465,16747520,16772352,32798,19711,7668615],FadeColors:[I;14942465,16747520,16772352,32798,19711,7668615]}]}}},LifeTime:20}
execute if score @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-fw matches 7 run summon minecraft:firework_rocket ^ ^.5 ^1 {FireworksItem:{id:"minecraft:firework_rocket",Count:1b,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:1b,Explosions:[{Type:0b,Colors:[I;0,16777215]}]}}},LifeTime:20}

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
scoreboard players add @s emk-itemboost 80
scoreboard players set @s emk-item 0
playsound minecraft:block.enchantment_table.use ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1.5
replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:air

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
scoreboard players add @s emk-itemboost 80
scoreboard players set @s emk-item 1
playsound minecraft:block.enchantment_table.use ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1.5
replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:gold_ingot

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
scoreboard players add @s emk-itemboost 80
scoreboard players set @s emk-item 2
playsound minecraft:block.enchantment_table.use ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1.5
replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:gold_ingot 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-id = @s emk-place
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,distance=..500,limit=1] as @e[tag=emk-kart,distance=..500] if score @s emk-place < #tmp emk-id at @s run function emk:kart/lightning
playsound minecraft:entity.lightning_bolt.thunder ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 20
scoreboard players set @s emk-item 0
replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:air

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
scoreboard players set @s emk-item 0
replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:air
playsound minecraft:entity.firework_rocket.launch ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 2.5 1
summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~1.2 ~ {Tags:["emk-missile","emk-sel2"],Invisible:1b,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b}
scoreboard players operation @e[tag=emk-sel2] emk-id = @s emk-id
#tp @e[tag=emk-sel2] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
data modify entity @e[tag=emk-sel2,limit=1] Rotation set from entity @p[tag=emk-sel] Rotation
tag @e remove emk-sel2

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
function emk:slime/summon
playsound minecraft:entity.slime.jump ambient @a
data modify entity @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-slime,limit=1] Rotation[0] set from entity @s Rotation[0]
execute as @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-slime] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~180 ~
tag @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-slime] remove emk-sel
scoreboard players set @s emk-item 0
replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:air

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
function emk:slime/summon
playsound minecraft:entity.slime.jump ambient @a
data modify entity @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-slime,limit=1] Rotation[0] set from entity @s Rotation[0]
execute as @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-slime] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~180 ~
tag @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-slime] remove emk-sel
scoreboard players set @s emk-item 4
replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:slime_block

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
function emk:slime/summon
playsound minecraft:entity.slime.jump ambient @a
data modify entity @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-slime,limit=1] Rotation[0] set from entity @s Rotation[0]
execute as @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-slime] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~180 ~
tag @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-slime] remove emk-sel
scoreboard players set @s emk-item 5
replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:slime_block 2

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# 10 sec is quite long but ya
scoreboard players set @s emk-star 200
scoreboard players set @s emk-item 0
replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:air

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
scoreboard players set @s emk-item 0
playsound minecraft:entity.snowball.throw ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 0
replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:air
function emk:turtle/summon

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#execute as @e[scores={emk-chkpnt=100..199}] if score #tmp emk-race = @s emk-race run scoreboard players add @s chkpnt 1
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] as @e[distance=..500,tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-chkpnt=100..199}] run scoreboard players add @s chkpnt 1
scoreboard players set @s emk-chkpnt 100
scoreboard players add @s emk-lap 1
execute if score @s emk-lap matches 2.. run title @p[tag=emk-sel] times 5 20 10
execute if score @s emk-lap matches 2.. if score @s emk-lap < @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] emk-lap run title @p[tag=emk-sel] title [{"text":"Lap ","color":"aqua"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"emk-lap"}}]
execute if score @s emk-lap = @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] emk-lap run title @p[tag=emk-sel] title {"text":"Final lap ","color":"aqua"}
execute if score @s emk-lap > @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] emk-lap run function emk:kart/finish
#execute if score @s emk-lap matches 2.. run tellraw @a [{"selector":"@p[tag=emk-sel]","color":"green"},{"text":" reached lap "},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"emk-lap"}}]
execute if score @s emk-lap matches 2.. if score @s emk-lap <= @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] emk-lap run playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup ambient @p[tag=emk-sel]
#execute as @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] at @s unless entity @e[tag=emk-kart,distance=..500] run function emk:race/finish
#execute as @e[tag=emk-map,limit=1,distance=..500] at @s unless entity @e[tag=emk-kart,distance=..500] run scoreboard players set @s emk-timer -100

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
particle minecraft:end_rod ~ ~-20 ~ 0 255 0 .002 8000
function emk:kart/explode

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
scoreboard players add @s emk-sound 1
execute if score @s emk-sound matches 1 positioned ~.5 ~ ~.5 run function emk:kart/sound_drive
execute if score @s emk-sound matches 1 run scoreboard players set @s emk-sound 2
execute if score @s emk-sound matches 9 positioned ~-.5 ~ ~.5 run function emk:kart/sound_drive
execute if score @s emk-sound matches 9 run scoreboard players set @s emk-sound 10
execute if score @s emk-sound matches 17 positioned ~.5 ~ ~-.5 run function emk:kart/sound_drive
execute if score @s emk-sound matches 17 run scoreboard players set @s emk-sound 18
execute if score @s emk-sound matches 25 positioned ~-.5 ~ ~-.5 run function emk:kart/sound_drive
execute if score @s emk-sound matches 25 run scoreboard players set @s emk-sound 26
execute if score @s emk-sound matches 33.. run scoreboard players set @s emk-sound 0
function emk:kart/checks
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 0..99 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:white_wool run function emk:kart/lap
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 100..199 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:orange_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt1
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 200..299 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:magenta_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt2
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 300..399 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:light_blue_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt3
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 400..499 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:yellow_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt4
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 500..599 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:lime_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt5
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 600..699 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:pink_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt6
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 700..799 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:gray_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt7
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 800..899 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:light_gray_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt8
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 900..999 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:cyan_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt9
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 1000..1099 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:purple_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt10
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 1100..1199 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:blue_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt11
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 1200..1299 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:brown_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt12
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 1300..1399 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:green_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt13
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 1400..1499 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:red_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt14
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt matches 1500..1599 if block ~ 0 ~ minecraft:black_wool run function emk:kart/cpnt15
execute if score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. run scoreboard players remove @s emk-distance 1000
execute unless score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. run tp @s ~ ~ ~
execute if score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. if score #tmp emk-item matches 1 positioned ^ ^1 ^.1 run function emk:kart/move
execute if score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. if score #tmp emk-item matches 0 positioned ^ ^ ^.1 run function emk:kart/move

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-id 0
execute unless block ~-.5 ~-.01 ~-.5 #emk:transparent unless block ~.5 ~-.01 ~-.5 #emk:transparent unless block ~-.5 ~-.01 ~.5 #emk:transparent unless block ~.5 ~-.01 ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players set #tmp emk-id 1
#execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 1 unless block ~-.5 ~.49 ~-.5 #emk:half unless block ~.5 ~.49 ~-.5 #emk:half unless block ~-.5 ~.49 ~.5 #emk:half unless block ~.5 ~.49 ~.5 #emk:half run scoreboard players set #tmp emk-id 1
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 1 run scoreboard players set @s emk-ymov 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 1 run scoreboard players set @s emk-distancey 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 1 run tag @s add emk-onground
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0 run scoreboard players add @s emk-distancey 1000
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0 run tp @s ~ ~-.05 ~
execute if score @s emk-distancey matches ..-1000 at @s run function emk:kart/moveyd

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
execute unless block ~-.5 ~2 ~-.5 #emk:transparent unless block ~.5 ~2 ~-.5 #emk:transparent unless block ~-.5 ~2 ~.5 #emk:transparent unless block ~.5 ~2 ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players set @s emk-distancey 0
execute if score @s emk-distancey matches 0 run scoreboard players set @s emk-ymov 0
execute unless score @s emk-distancey matches 0 run scoreboard players remove @s emk-distancey 1000
execute unless score @s emk-distancey matches 0 run tp @s ~ ~.05 ~
execute if score @s emk-distancey matches 1000.. at @s run function emk:kart/moveyu

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-race = @s emk-race
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-id = @s emk-chkpnt
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-handling = @s emk-lap
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-speed 1
#execute as @e[tag=emk-kart] if score #tmp emk-race = @s emk-race run function emk:kart/place2
execute at @e[tag=emk-map,distance=..500] as @e[tag=emk-kart,distance=..500] run function emk:kart/place2
scoreboard players operation @s emk-place = #tmp emk-speed

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
execute if score @s emk-chkpnt > #tmp emk-id if score @s emk-lap = #tmp emk-handling run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-speed 1
execute if score @s emk-lap > #tmp emk-handling run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-speed 1

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #emk:dirt run playsound minecraft:block.gravel.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #emk:stone run playsound minecraft:block.stone.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #emk:wood run playsound minecraft:block.wood.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #emk:glass run playsound ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #minecraft:wool run playsound minecraft:block.wool.step ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #emk:sand run playsound minecraft:block.sand.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #minecraft:wart_blocks run playsound minecraft:block.wart_block.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #emk:metal run playsound minecraft:block.metal.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #emk:stem run playsound minecraft:block.stem.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #minecraft:nylium run playsound minecraft:block.nylium.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #emk:grass run playsound minecraft:block.grass.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ minecraft:ancient_debris run playsound minecraft:block.ancient_debris.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ minecraft:netherite_block run playsound minecraft:block.netherite_block.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ minecraft:bone_block run playsound minecraft:block.bone_block.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ minecraft:nether_quartz_ore run playsound minecraft:block.nether_ore.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ minecraft:nether_gold_ore run playsound minecraft:block.nether_gold_ore.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ minecraft:honey_block run playsound minecraft:block.honey_block.slide ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ minecraft:netherrack run playsound minecraft:block.netherrack.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #emk:basalt run playsound minecraft:block.basalt.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #emk:coral run playsound minecraft:block.coral.fall ambient @a
execute if block ~ ~-0.001 ~ #emk:nether_bricks run playsound minecraft:block.nether_bricks.fall ambient @a

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
scoreboard players set @s emk-maxspeed 6400
scoreboard players set @s emk-handling 185
scoreboard players set @s emk-brakes 120
scoreboard players set @s emk-accel 95
scoreboard players set @s emk-offroad 2100
scoreboard players set @s emk-weight 480

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
scoreboard players set @s emk-maxspeed 6000
scoreboard players set @s emk-handling 192
scoreboard players set @s emk-brakes 130
scoreboard players set @s emk-accel 95
scoreboard players set @s emk-offroad 2500
scoreboard players set @s emk-weight 500

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
scoreboard players set @s emk-maxspeed 5500
scoreboard players set @s emk-handling 200
scoreboard players set @s emk-brakes 130
scoreboard players set @s emk-accel 100
scoreboard players set @s emk-offroad 2000
scoreboard players set @s emk-weight 500

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
scoreboard players set @s emk-maxspeed 6000
scoreboard players set @s emk-handling 192
scoreboard players set @s emk-brakes 130
scoreboard players set @s emk-accel 95
scoreboard players set @s emk-offroad 2000
scoreboard players set @s emk-weight 500

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["emk-kart","emk-sel"],Invisible:1b,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,PersistenceRequired:1b}
execute unless score @s emk-kart matches 2.. run summon minecraft:minecart ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["emk-seat","emk-sel"],NoGraviy:1b,Invulnerable:1b,NoAI:1b,Rotation:[90.0f,0.0f],PersistenceRequired:1b}
execute if score @s emk-kart matches 2 run summon minecraft:pig ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["emk-seat","emk-sel"],NoGraviy:1b,Invulnerable:1b,NoAI:1b,Saddle:1b,Silent:1b,PersistenceRequired:1b}
execute if score @s emk-kart matches 3 run summon minecraft:strider ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["emk-seat","emk-sel"],NoGraviy:1b,Invulnerable:1b,NoAI:1b,Saddle:1b,Silent:1b,Age:-2147483648,PersistenceRequired:1b}
team join kart @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-seat]
execute unless score @s emk-kart matches 1.. as @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart] run function emk:kart/stats/starter
execute if score @s emk-kart matches 1 as @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart] run function emk:kart/stats/advanced
execute if score @s emk-kart matches 2 as @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart] run function emk:kart/stats/pig
execute if score @s emk-kart matches 3 as @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart] run function emk:kart/stats/strider
scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart] emk-star 0
scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart] emk-itemboost 0
scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart] emk-item 0
scoreboard players operation @e[tag=emk-sel] emk-id = @s emk-id
# breaks if the player already has a kart... all karts for the player may behave unexpectedly.
tag @e remove emk-sel

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-id = @s emk-id
execute as @e if score @s emk-id = #tmp emk-id run tag @s add emk-sel
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 1 run function emk:kart/box_item
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 76 run playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @p[tag=emk-sel] ~ ~ ~ 1 .5
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 61 run playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @p[tag=emk-sel] ~ ~ ~ 1 .529732
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 46 run playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @p[tag=emk-sel] ~ ~ ~ 1 .561231
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 31 run playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @p[tag=emk-sel] ~ ~ ~ 1 .594604
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 16 run playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @p[tag=emk-sel] ~ ~ ~ 1 .629961
#1 1.122462 1.259921 1.414214 1.498307
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 1.. run scoreboard players remove @s emk-timer 1
# expensive nbt cmp:
#below should not be needed?
execute store result score #tmp emk-rot run data get entity @p[tag=emk-sel] Rotation[0] 100
scoreboard players add #tmp emk-rot 36000
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-rot %= #360 emk-rot
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-speed = @s emk-rot
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-speed -= #tmp emk-rot
scoreboard players add #tmp emk-speed 36000
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-speed %= #360 emk-rot
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-handling = @s emk-handling
execute if score @s emk-star matches 1.. run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-handling 25
execute if score #tmp emk-speed matches ..17999 if score #tmp emk-speed > #tmp emk-handling run scoreboard players operation @s[scores={emk-stun=0}] emk-rot -= @s emk-handling
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-handling 36000
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-handling -= @s emk-handling
execute if score @s emk-star matches 1.. run scoreboard players remove #tmp emk-handling 25
execute if score #tmp emk-speed matches 18000.. if score #tmp emk-speed < #tmp emk-handling run scoreboard players operation @s[scores={emk-stun=0}] emk-rot += @s emk-handling
execute store result entity @s Rotation[0] float 0.01 run scoreboard players get @s emk-rot
# change this line somehow? ^ see below, but also if move changes rotation
execute unless score #tmp emk-speed < #tmp emk-handling unless score #tmp emk-speed > @s emk-handling store result entity @s Rotation[0] float 0.01 run scoreboard players get #tmp emk-rot
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-maxspeed = @s emk-offroad
execute unless block ~.5 ~-0.001 ~.5 #emk:offroad unless block ~-.5 ~-0.001 ~.5 #emk:offroad unless block ~.5 ~-0.001 ~-.5 #emk:offroad unless block ~-.5 ~-0.001 ~-.5 #emk:offroad run scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-maxspeed = @s emk-maxspeed
execute if score @s emk-star matches 1.. run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-maxspeed 250
execute if block ~.5 ~-0.001 ~.5 #emk:transparent if block ~-.5 ~-0.001 ~.5 #emk:transparent if block ~.5 ~-0.001 ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~-.5 ~-0.001 ~-.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players set #tmp emk-maxspeed 0
execute if score #tmp emk-maxspeed = @s emk-offroad run scoreboard players remove @s emk-speed 60
execute if entity @p[tag=emk-sel,nbt={SelectedItemSlot:0}] if score @s emk-speed < #tmp emk-maxspeed run scoreboard players operation @s[scores={emk-stun=0}] emk-speed += @s emk-accel
execute if score #tmp emk-maxspeed matches 1.. if entity @p[tag=emk-sel,nbt={SelectedItemSlot:1}] run scoreboard players operation @s emk-speed -= @s emk-brakes
scoreboard players set @s[scores={emk-speed=..0}] emk-speed 0
scoreboard players operation @s emk-distance += @s emk-speed
scoreboard players add @s[scores={emk-itemboost=1..},tag=emk-onground] emk-distance 80
#execute if score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. at @s run function emk:kart/move
function emk:kart/checks
#execute positioned ^ ^ ^.1 run function emk:kart/move
execute if score @s emk-distance matches 1000.. positioned ^ ^ ^.1 run function emk:kart/move
execute store result entity @s Rotation[0] float 0.01 run scoreboard players get @s emk-rot
scoreboard players remove @s[scores={emk-speed=0..}] emk-speed 10
scoreboard players set @s[scores={emk-speed=..0}] emk-speed 0
scoreboard players operation @s[tag=!emk-onground] emk-ymov -= @s emk-weight
scoreboard players operation @s emk-distancey += @s emk-ymov
scoreboard players remove @s[scores={emk-stun=1..}] emk-stun 1
scoreboard players remove @s[scores={emk-star=1..}] emk-star 1
scoreboard players remove @s[scores={emk-itemboost=1..}] emk-itemboost 1
#move up if using: scoreboard players add @s[scores={emk-itemboost=1..},tag=emk-onground] emk-speed 40
execute if score @s emk-distancey matches 1000.. at @s run function emk:kart/moveyu
execute if score @s emk-distancey matches ..-1000 at @s run function emk:kart/moveyd
execute unless score @s emk-stun matches 1.. if entity @p[tag=emk-sel,scores={emk-use=1..}] run function emk:kart/use_item
execute if score @s emk-item matches 1.. run replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] weapon.offhand minecraft:splash_potion{CustomPotionColor:16777215,display:{Name:'""'}}
execute if score @s emk-item matches -1 run replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] weapon.offhand minecraft:air
execute if score @s emk-item matches -1 run replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] container.2 minecraft:air
execute if score @s emk-item matches -1 run playsound minecraft:entity.item.break ambient @p[tag=emk-sel]
scoreboard players set @s[scores={emk-item=-1}] emk-item 0
execute if score @s emk-star matches 1.. run playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @a ~ ~.4 ~ .8 1.1
#tellraw @p[tag=emk-sel,tag=!emk-help-drive] [{"text":"<Minerace Help>","color":"#ffcc66"},{"text":" Welcome to your first race in Minerace! Sit in the kart and press ","color":"white","extra":[{"keybind":"key.hotbar.1"},{"text":" or select slot 1 to accelerate. Use "},{"keybind":"key.hotbar.2"},{"text":" or select slot 2 to brake."}]}]
#tag @p[tag=emk-sel] add emk-help-drive
# execute if score @s emk-item matches 1.. run tellraw @p[tag=emk-sel,tag=!emk-help-item] [{"text":"<Minerace Help>","color":"#ffcc66"},{"text":" You have an item! Use ","color":"white","extra":[{"keybind":"key.use"},{"text":" to activate the item."}]}]
# execute if score @s emk-item matches 1.. run tag @p[tag=emk-sel] add emk-help-item
# execute if score @s emk-item matches 1..3 run tellraw @p[tag=emk-sel,tag=!emk-help-gold] [{"text":"<Minerace Help>","color":"#ffcc66"},{"text":" You have gold! When activated, you will drive a little faster.","color":"white"}]
# execute if score @s emk-item matches 1..3 run tag @p[tag=emk-sel] add emk-help-gold
# execute if score @s emk-item matches 4..6 run tellraw @p[tag=emk-sel,tag=!emk-help-slime] [{"text":"<Minerace Help>","color":"#ffcc66"},{"text":" You have a slime! When activated, a slime will be placed behind your kart. When a kart hits the slime, it will stop for a while, so avoid driving into them.","color":"white"}]
# execute if score @s emk-item matches 4..6 run tag @p[tag=emk-sel] add emk-help-slime
# execute if score @s emk-item matches 7 run tellraw @p[tag=emk-sel,tag=!emk-help-turtle] [{"text":"<Minerace Help>","color":"#ffcc66"},{"text":" You have a turtle! When activated, a turtle will be thrown in front of you. When a kart hits the turtle, the kart will stop for a while, so avoid driving into them. Turtles can kill slimes.","color":"white"}]
# execute if score @s emk-item matches 7 run tag @p[tag=emk-sel] add emk-help-turtle
# execute if score @s emk-stun matches 9 run tellraw @p[tag=emk-sel,tag=!emk-help-stun] [{"text":"<Minerace Help>","color":"#ffcc66"},{"text":" Oops! You got stunned! Try to avoid slimes and turtles.","color":"white"}]
# execute if score @s emk-stun matches 9 run tag @p[tag=emk-sel] add emk-help-stun
scoreboard players operation @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-place = @s emk-place
tp @a[tag=emk-sel,distance=5..,gamemode=adventure] ~ ~ ~
execute as @e[tag=emk-seat,tag=emk-sel] run function emk:seat/update
#Perfect place to update other entities of the kart like missiles, foxes etc due to having all entities with the same emk-id selected 5613054
#execute as @e[tag=emk-missile] if score @s emk-id = #tmp emk-id at @s run function emk:missile/update
execute as @e[tag=emk-missile,tag=emk-sel] at @s run function emk:missile/update
execute if score @s emk-star matches 1.. run particle minecraft:end_rod ~ ~.4 ~ 0 0 0 .005 4
#execute if score @s emk-itemboost matches 1.. run particle minecraft:flame ~ ~.4 ~ 0 0 0 .005 1
execute if score @s emk-itemboost matches 1.. run particle minecraft:flame ^.45 ^.05 ^-.45 0 0 0 .005 1
execute if score @s emk-itemboost matches 1.. run particle minecraft:flame ^-.45 ^.05 ^-.45 0 0 0 .005 1
#kill @s[y=-10,dy=10]
tag @e remove emk-sel

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
execute if score @s emk-item matches 1 run function emk:kart/item/gold_1
execute if score @s emk-item matches 2 run function emk:kart/item/gold_2
execute if score @s emk-item matches 3 run function emk:kart/item/gold_3
execute if score @s emk-item matches 4 positioned ^ ^ ^-1 run function emk:kart/item/slime_1
execute if score @s emk-item matches 5 positioned ^ ^ ^-1 run function emk:kart/item/slime_2
execute if score @s emk-item matches 6 positioned ^ ^ ^-1 run function emk:kart/item/slime_3
execute if score @s emk-item matches 7 run function emk:kart/item/turtle_1
execute if score @s emk-item matches 10 run function emk:kart/item/star
execute if score @s emk-item matches 11 run function emk:kart/item/missile
execute if score @s emk-item matches 12 run function emk:kart/item/lightning
execute if score @s emk-item matches 0 run replaceitem entity @p[tag=emk-sel] weapon.offhand minecraft:air
scoreboard players set @p[tag=emk-sel] emk-use 0

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
particle minecraft:smoke ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 .15 250
playsound minecraft:entity.generic.explode master @a ~ ~ ~ 2.5 .8
execute as @e[tag=emk-kart,distance=..4] run function emk:kart/explode
execute as @e[tag=emk-slime,distance=..4] at @s run function emk:slime/hit
kill @e[tag=emk-turtle,distance=..4]

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
execute if entity @e[tag=emk-kart,tag=!emk-sel,distance=..7] positioned ~ ~-.3 ~ facing entity @e[tag=emk-kart,tag=!emk-sel,distance=..7,sort=nearest] feet run tp @s ~ ~.3 ~ ~ ~
tp @s ^ ^ ^.25
particle minecraft:smoke ~ ~ ~ .05 .05 .05 .001 3
execute unless block ~ ~ ~ #emk:transparent run function emk:missile/hit
execute if block ~ ~ ~ #emk:transparent positioned ~ ~-.3 ~ if entity @e[tag=emk-kart,tag=!emk-sel,distance=..1] run function emk:missile/hit
execute if block ~ ~ ~ #emk:transparent positioned ~ ~-.2 ~ if entity @e[tag=emk-turtle,distance=...5] run function emk:missile/hit
execute if block ~ ~ ~ #emk:transparent positioned ~ ~-.25 ~ if entity @e[tag=emk-slime,distance=...6] run function emk:missile/hit

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
function emk:missile/move
execute at @s run function emk:missile/move
execute at @s run function emk:missile/move
execute at @s run function emk:missile/move
execute at @s run function emk:missile/move
execute at @s run function emk:missile/move
scoreboard players add @s emk-timer 1
kill @s[scores={emk-timer=400}]

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
scoreboard players add #max emk-id 1
scoreboard players operation @s emk-id = #max emk-id
tp @s 0 50 -12 180 0
tellraw @s {"text":"Welcome to Minerace! Before playing, you are recommended to see the help section before proceeding with your first race.","color":"#ffcc66"}

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
execute store result score #tmp emk-id run loot insert 1000 0 0 loot emk:map
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 1 positioned 10000 50 0 run function emk:race/start
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 2 positioned 20000 50 10000 run function emk:race/start
#execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 3 positioned 19997 51 20005 run function emk:race/start
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 3 positioned 6000 50 0 run function emk:race/start

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#could assign a race to all entities used and find all with that race
spreadplayers 0 0 0 5 under 55 false @a[distance=..500]
kill @e[tag=emk-seat,distance=..500]
tp @e[tag=emk-slime,distance=..500] ~ -100 ~
tp @e[tag=emk-turtle,distance=..500] ~ -100 ~
kill @e[tag=emk-missile,distance=..500]

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#position is/should be where the map is
#scoreboard players add #max emk-race 1 (not needed)
forceload add ~-2 ~-7 ~2 ~
execute store result score @e[tag=emk-map,distance=..500,limit=1] emk-id if entity @a[tag=emk-queue]
tag @r[tag=emk-queue] add emk-sel2
tp @a[tag=emk-sel2] ~2 ~ ~
execute as @a[tag=emk-sel2] positioned ~2 ~ ~ run function emk:kart/summon
execute positioned ~2 ~ ~ run scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-kart,sort=nearest,distance=...5,limit=1] emk-chkpnt 7
tag @a[tag=emk-sel2] remove emk-queue
tag @a remove emk-sel2
tag @r[tag=emk-queue] add emk-sel2
tp @a[tag=emk-sel2] ~ ~ ~-1
execute as @a[tag=emk-sel2] positioned ~ ~ ~-1 run function emk:kart/summon
execute positioned ~ ~ ~-1 run scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-kart,sort=nearest,distance=...5,limit=1] emk-chkpnt 6
tag @a[tag=emk-sel2] remove emk-queue
tag @a remove emk-sel2
tag @r[tag=emk-queue] add emk-sel2
tp @a[tag=emk-sel2] ~-2 ~ ~-2
execute as @a[tag=emk-sel2] positioned ~-2 ~ ~-2 run function emk:kart/summon
execute positioned ~-2 ~ ~-2 run scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-kart,sort=nearest,distance=...5,limit=1] emk-chkpnt 5
tag @a[tag=emk-sel2] remove emk-queue
tag @a remove emk-sel2
tag @r[tag=emk-queue] add emk-sel2
tp @a[tag=emk-sel2] ~ ~ ~-1
execute as @a[tag=emk-sel2] positioned ~ ~ ~-1 run function emk:kart/summon
execute positioned ~ ~ ~-1 run scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-kart,sort=nearest,distance=...5,limit=1] emk-chkpnt 4
tag @a[tag=emk-sel2] remove emk-queue
tag @a remove emk-sel2
tag @r[tag=emk-queue] add emk-sel2
tp @a[tag=emk-sel2] ~-2 ~ ~-2
execute as @a[tag=emk-sel2] positioned ~-2 ~ ~-2 run function emk:kart/summon
execute positioned ~-2 ~ ~-2 run scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-kart,sort=nearest,distance=...5,limit=1] emk-chkpnt 3
tag @a[tag=emk-sel2] remove emk-queue
tag @a remove emk-sel2
tag @r[tag=emk-queue] add emk-sel2
tp @a[tag=emk-sel2] ~ ~ ~-1
execute as @a[tag=emk-sel2] positioned ~ ~ ~-1 run function emk:kart/summon
execute positioned ~ ~ ~-1 run scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-kart,sort=nearest,distance=...5,limit=1] emk-chkpnt 2
tag @a[tag=emk-sel2] remove emk-queue
tag @a remove emk-sel2
tag @r[tag=emk-queue] add emk-sel2
tp @a[tag=emk-sel2] ~-2 ~ ~-2
execute as @a[tag=emk-sel2] positioned ~-2 ~ ~-2 run function emk:kart/summon
execute positioned ~-2 ~ ~-2 run scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-kart,sort=nearest,distance=...5,limit=1] emk-chkpnt 1
tag @a[tag=emk-sel2] remove emk-queue
tag @a remove emk-sel2
tag @r[tag=emk-queue] add emk-sel2
tp @a[tag=emk-sel2] ~-2 ~ ~-2
execute as @a[tag=emk-sel2] positioned ~-2 ~ ~-2 run function emk:kart/summon
execute positioned ~-2 ~ ~-2 run scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-kart,sort=nearest,distance=...5,limit=1] emk-chkpnt 0
tag @a[tag=emk-sel2] remove emk-queue
tag @a remove emk-sel2
scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-map,distance=..500,limit=1] emk-timer 170
forceload remove ~-2 ~-7 ~2 ~

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
execute align xyz run summon minecraft:armor_stand ~.5 ~ ~.5 {Tags:["emk-map"],Invisible:1b,NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b}

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
execute as @s[scores={emk-timer=-2}] run function emk:race/reset
execute as @s[scores={emk-timer=-3}] as @a[distance=..500] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~
execute as @s[scores={emk-timer=-3}] run tp @e[tag=emk-seat,distance=..500] ~ -100 ~
execute unless entity @e[tag=emk-kart,tag=!emk-finished,distance=..500] run scoreboard players set @s[scores={emk-timer=0}] emk-timer -122
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 160 run title @a[distance=..500] times 5 65 10
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 160 run title @a[distance=..500] title {"selector":"@s","color":"#ffcc66"}
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 160 run title @a[distance=..500] subtitle {"text":"Enter your kart!","color":"#33aaff"}
#execute if score @s emk-timer matches 101 run title @a[distance=..500] times 0 0 20
#execute if score @s emk-timer matches 101 run title @a[distance=..500] title {"text":"Starting in 5","color":"#ffaa00"}
#execute if score @s emk-timer matches 81 run title @a[distance=..500] times 0 0 20
#execute if score @s emk-timer matches 81 run title @a[distance=..500] title {"text":"Starting in 4","color":"#ffaa00"}
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 61 run title @a[distance=..500] times 0 12 7
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 61 run title @a[distance=..500] title {"text":"Starting in 3","color":"#ffaa00"}
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 41 run title @a[distance=..500] times 0 12 7
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 41 run title @a[distance=..500] title {"text":"Starting in 2","color":"#ffaa00"}
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 21 run title @a[distance=..500] times 0 12 7
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 21 run title @a[distance=..500] title {"text":"Starting in 1","color":"#ffaa00"}
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 1 run title @a[distance=..500] times 0 20 20
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 1 run title @a[distance=..500] title {"text":"Go!","color":"#22ff22"}
execute if score @s emk-timer matches ..200 unless score @s emk-timer matches ..20 unless score @s emk-timer matches 22..40 unless score @s emk-timer matches 42..60 unless score @s emk-timer matches 62.. as @a[distance=..500] at @s run playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @s ~ ~ ~ 1 .5
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 1 as @a[distance=..500] at @s run playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @s ~ ~ ~ 1 .75
#Not pretty but stops the karts at least
execute if score @s emk-timer matches 1.. run scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-kart,distance=..500] emk-stun 1
scoreboard players add @s[scores={emk-timer=..-2}] emk-timer 1
scoreboard players remove @s[scores={emk-timer=1..}] emk-timer 1

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 1000.. run scoreboard players remove #tmp emk-id 1000
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 0 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~ 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 1 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~36 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 2 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~72 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 3 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~108 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 4 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~144 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 5 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~180 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 6 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~216 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 7 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~252 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 8 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~288 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 9 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~324 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 1000.. positioned ^ ^ ^2 run function emk:seat/move
#execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 run scoreboard players set #tmp emk-id -1

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 1000.. run scoreboard players remove #tmp emk-id 1000
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 0 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~90 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 1 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~126 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 2 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~162 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 3 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~198 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 4 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~234 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 5 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~270 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 6 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~306 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 7 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~342 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 8 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~18 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 if score #tmp emk-stun matches 9 run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~54 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 1000.. positioned ^ ^ ^.4 run function emk:seat/movecart
#execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 0..999 run scoreboard players set #tmp emk-id -1

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-id = @s emk-id
#execute as @e[tag=emk-kart] if score @s emk-id = #tmp emk-id run tag @s add emk-sel
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-id 10
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-stun = @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart] emk-stun
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-stun %= #tmp emk-id
scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-id = @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart] emk-distance
#scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-id += @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart] emk-speed
execute unless entity @s[type=minecraft:minecart] at @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart,limit=1] run function emk:seat/move
execute if entity @s[type=minecraft:minecart] at @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart,limit=1] run function emk:seat/movecart
#execute if entity @s[type=minecraft:strider] at @e[tag=emk-sel,tag=emk-kart,limit=1] run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~ 0
execute store result score #tmp emk-id if entity @p[tag=emk-sel,nbt={RootVehicle:{Entity:{Tags:["emk-seat"]}}}]
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 1 run data merge entity @s[type=!minecraft:minecart] {Saddle:0b}
execute unless score #tmp emk-id matches 1 run data merge entity @s[type=!minecraft:minecart] {Saddle:1b}

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
scoreboard objectives add emk-timer dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-rot dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-distance dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-speed dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-chkpnt dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-id dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-maxspeed dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-handling dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-brakes dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-accel dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-offroad dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-ymov dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-distancey dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-weight dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-lap dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-item dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-stun dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-place dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-sound dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-collision dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-kart dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-fw dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-points dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-star dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-itemboost dummy
scoreboard objectives add emk-use minecraft.used:minecraft.splash_potion
scoreboard objectives setdisplay list emk-place
scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar emk-points
scoreboard objectives modify emk-points displayname {"text":"Points","color":"#ffcc66"}
bossbar add emk:queue ""
bossbar set emk:queue color blue
bossbar set emk:queue max 160
scoreboard players set #360 emk-rot 36000

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
title @s actionbar "You bought the advanced kart for 200 points and selected it."
tag @s add emk-owns-advanced
scoreboard players remove @s emk-points 200
playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @s ~ ~ ~ 1 .95

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
title @s actionbar "You bought the black and white firework for 100 points and selected it."
tag @s add emk-owns-blackwhite
scoreboard players remove @s emk-points 50
playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @s ~ ~ ~ 1 .95

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
title @s actionbar "You bought the gay firework for 100 points and selected it."
tag @s add emk-owns-gay
scoreboard players remove @s emk-points 100
playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @s ~ ~ ~ 1 .95

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
title @s actionbar "You bought the lesbian firework for 100 points and selected it."
tag @s add emk-owns-lesbian
scoreboard players remove @s emk-points 100
playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @s ~ ~ ~ 1 .95

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
title @s actionbar "You bought the nonbinary firework for 100 points and selected it."
tag @s add emk-owns-nonbinary
scoreboard players remove @s emk-points 100
playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @s ~ ~ ~ 1 .95

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
title @s actionbar "You bought the pig kart for 20 points and selected it."
tag @s add emk-owns-pig
scoreboard players remove @s emk-points 20
playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @s ~ ~ ~ 1 .95

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
title @s actionbar "You bought the strider kart for 50 points and selected it."
tag @s add emk-owns-strider
scoreboard players remove @s emk-points 50
playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @s ~ ~ ~ 1 .95

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
title @s actionbar "You bought the trans firework for 100 points and selected it."
tag @s add emk-owns-trans
scoreboard players remove @s emk-points 100
playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient @s ~ ~ ~ 1 .95

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title @s[tag=emk-owns-advanced] actionbar "Selected advanced kart."
playsound ambient @s[tag=emk-owns-advanced]
execute if score @s[tag=!emk-owns-advanced] emk-points matches 200.. at @s run function emk:shop/buy/advanced
title @s[tag=!emk-owns-advanced] actionbar [{"text":"You only have ","color":"#ff2222"},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"emk-points"}}," of the 200 required points."]
playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit ambient @s[tag=!emk-owns-advanced] ~ ~ ~ 1 0
scoreboard players set @s[tag=emk-owns-advanced] emk-kart 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title @s[tag=emk-owns-blackwhite] actionbar "Selected black and white firework."
playsound ambient @s[tag=emk-owns-blackwhite]
execute if score @s[tag=!emk-owns-blackwhite] emk-points matches 50.. at @s run function emk:shop/buy/blackwhite
title @s[tag=!emk-owns-blackwhite] actionbar [{"text":"You only have ","color":"#ff2222"},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"emk-points"}}," of the 50 required points."]
playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit ambient @s[tag=!emk-owns-blackwhite] ~ ~ ~ 1 0
scoreboard players set @s[tag=emk-owns-blackwhite] emk-fw 7

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
title @s actionbar "Selected blue firework."
playsound ambient @s
scoreboard players set @s emk-fw 1

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title @s[tag=emk-owns-gay] actionbar "Selected gay firework."
playsound ambient @s[tag=emk-owns-gay]
execute if score @s[tag=!emk-owns-gay] emk-points matches 100.. at @s run function emk:shop/buy/gay
title @s[tag=!emk-owns-gay] actionbar [{"text":"You only have ","color":"#ff2222"},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"emk-points"}}," of the 100 required points."]
playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit ambient @s[tag=!emk-owns-gay] ~ ~ ~ 1 0
scoreboard players set @s[tag=emk-owns-gay] emk-fw 6

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
title @s actionbar "Selected green firework."
playsound ambient @s
scoreboard players set @s emk-fw 2

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title @s[tag=emk-owns-lesbian] actionbar "Selected lesbian firework."
playsound ambient @s[tag=emk-owns-lesbian]
execute if score @s[tag=!emk-owns-lesbian] emk-points matches 100.. at @s run function emk:shop/buy/lesbian
title @s[tag=!emk-owns-lesbian] actionbar [{"text":"You only have ","color":"#ff2222"},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"emk-points"}}," of the 100 required points."]
playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit ambient @s[tag=!emk-owns-lesbian] ~ ~ ~ 1 0
scoreboard players set @s[tag=emk-owns-lesbian] emk-fw 5

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title @s[tag=emk-owns-nonbinary] actionbar "Selected nonbinary firework."
playsound ambient @s[tag=emk-owns-nonbinary]
execute if score @s[tag=!emk-owns-nonbinary] emk-points matches 100.. at @s run function emk:shop/buy/nonbinary
title @s[tag=!emk-owns-nonbinary] actionbar [{"text":"You only have ","color":"#ff2222"},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"emk-points"}}," of the 100 required points."]
playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit ambient @s[tag=!emk-owns-nonbinary] ~ ~ ~ 1 0
scoreboard players set @s[tag=emk-owns-nonbinary] emk-fw 4

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
title @s actionbar "Selected orange firework."
playsound ambient @s
scoreboard players set @s emk-fw 0

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title @s[tag=emk-owns-pig] actionbar "Selected pig kart."
playsound ambient @s[tag=emk-owns-pig]
execute if score @s[tag=!emk-owns-pig] emk-points matches 20.. at @s run function emk:shop/buy/pig
title @s[tag=!emk-owns-pig] actionbar [{"text":"You only have ","color":"#ff2222"},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"emk-points"}}," of the 20 required points."]
playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit ambient @s[tag=!emk-owns-pig] ~ ~ ~ 1 0
scoreboard players set @s[tag=emk-owns-pig] emk-kart 2

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
title @s actionbar "Selected starter kart."
playsound ambient @s
scoreboard players set @s emk-kart 0

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title @s[tag=emk-owns-strider] actionbar "Selected strider kart."
playsound ambient @s[tag=emk-owns-strider]
execute if score @s[tag=!emk-owns-strider] emk-points matches 50.. at @s run function emk:shop/buy/strider
title @s[tag=!emk-owns-strider] actionbar [{"text":"You only have ","color":"#ff2222"},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"emk-points"}}," of the 50 required points."]
playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit ambient @s[tag=!emk-owns-strider] ~ ~ ~ 1 0
scoreboard players set @s[tag=emk-owns-strider] emk-kart 3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title @s[tag=emk-owns-trans] actionbar "Selected trans firework."
playsound ambient @s[tag=emk-owns-trans]
execute if score @s[tag=!emk-owns-trans] emk-points matches 100.. at @s run function emk:shop/buy/trans
title @s[tag=!emk-owns-trans] actionbar [{"text":"You only have ","color":"#ff2222"},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"emk-points"}}," of the 100 required points."]
playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit ambient @s[tag=!emk-owns-trans] ~ ~ ~ 1 0
scoreboard players set @s[tag=emk-owns-trans] emk-fw 3

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
playsound minecraft:entity.slime.death_small ambient @a
particle minecraft:item_slime ~ ~.5 ~ .2 .2 .2 1 100
scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-sel2] emk-stun 30
tp @s ~ -100 ~

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
summon minecraft:slime ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["emk-slime","emk-sel"],Invulnerable:1b,NoAI:1b,Size:1,PersistenceRequired:1b}

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
kill @e[type=minecraft:item]
kill @e[type=minecraft:potion]
execute as @a unless score @s emk-id matches 1.. run function emk:player/register
stopsound @a * minecraft:entity.splash_potion.throw
stopsound @a * minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic
#team join kart @a
effect give @a minecraft:saturation 1000000 255 true
effect give @a minecraft:resistance 1000000 255 true
#execute positioned 0.5 50 9.5 run tag @a[distance=..3] add emk-queue
#execute positioned 0.5 50 9.5 run tag @a[distance=3.5..] remove emk-queue
execute positioned 0.5 50 16.5 run tag @a[distance=..8.5] add emk-queue
execute positioned 0.5 50 16.5 run tag @a[distance=9..] remove emk-queue
execute store result score #tmp emk-id if entity @a[tag=emk-queue]
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches ..1 run scoreboard players set #max emk-timer 160
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 2.. run scoreboard players remove #max emk-timer 1
execute store result bossbar emk:queue value run scoreboard players get #max emk-timer
bossbar set emk:queue name [{"color":"#55bbff","score":{"name":"#tmp","objective":"emk-id"}},{"text":"/8 players in queue"}]
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 2..7 if score #max emk-timer matches 0 run function emk:race/launch
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 8 run function emk:race/launch
bossbar set emk:queue players @a[tag=emk-queue]
execute as @e[tag=emk-box] at @s run function emk:box/update
execute as @e[tag=emk-turtle] at @s run function emk:turtle/update
execute as @e[tag=emk-turtle] at @s run function emk:turtle/update
execute as @e[tag=emk-turtle] at @s run function emk:turtle/update
execute as @e[tag=emk-turtle] at @s run function emk:turtle/update
execute as @e[tag=emk-slime] at @s if block ~ ~-.1 ~ #emk:transparent run tp @s ~ ~-.1 ~
execute as @e[tag=emk-kart,tag=!emk-finished] at @s run function emk:kart/update
#execute as @e[tag=emk-seat] at @s run function emk:seat/update
execute as @e[tag=emk-kart] at @s run function emk:kart/place
execute as @e[tag=emk-map] at @s run function emk:race/update

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
summon minecraft:turtle ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["emk-turtle","emk-sel"],Invulnerable:1b,NoAI:1b,Silent:1b,PersistenceRequired:1b}
data modify entity @e[tag=emk-turtle,tag=emk-sel,limit=1] Rotation[0] set from entity @p[tag=emk-sel] Rotation[0]
execute as @e[tag=emk-turtle,tag=emk-sel,limit=1] at @s run tp @s ^ ^ ^1.5
tag @e[tag=emk-turtle,tag=emk-sel,limit=1] remove emk-sel

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-id 0
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-handling 0
scoreboard players add @s emk-timer 1
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~-.5 ~1 ~-.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 2
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~-.5 ~ ~-.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 1
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~-.5 ~2 ~-.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 1
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches ..2 run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-handling 1
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-id 0
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~.5 ~1 ~-.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 2
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~.5 ~ ~-.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 1
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~.5 ~2 ~-.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 1
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches ..2 run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-handling 2
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-id 0
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~-.5 ~1 ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 2
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~-.5 ~ ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 1
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~-.5 ~2 ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 1
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches ..2 run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-handling 4
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-id 0
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~.5 ~1 ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 2
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~.5 ~ ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 1
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~.5 ~2 ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-id 1
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches ..2 run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-handling 8
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 15 run kill
#tmp id 0-2 is wall, 3-4 is clear
execute unless score #tmp emk-handling matches 0 run scoreboard players set #tmp emk-stun 18000
execute unless score #tmp emk-handling matches 0 store result score @s emk-rot run data get entity @s Rotation[0] 100
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 1 run scoreboard players add @s emk-rot 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 2 run scoreboard players remove @s emk-rot 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 4 run scoreboard players remove @s emk-rot 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 5 run scoreboard players add @s emk-rot 9000
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 6..8 run scoreboard players add @s emk-rot 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 9 run scoreboard players remove @s emk-rot 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 10 run scoreboard players add @s emk-rot 9000
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 11 run scoreboard players remove @s emk-rot 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 13 run scoreboard players remove @s emk-rot 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 14 run scoreboard players add @s emk-rot 4500
execute unless score #tmp emk-handling matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #tmp emk-stun -= @s emk-rot
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 1 run scoreboard players remove #tmp emk-stun 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 2 run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-stun 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 4 run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-stun 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 5 run scoreboard players remove #tmp emk-stun 9000
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 6..8 run scoreboard players remove #tmp emk-stun 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 9 run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-stun 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 10 run scoreboard players remove #tmp emk-stun 9000
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 11 run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-stun 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 13 run scoreboard players add #tmp emk-stun 4500
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 14 run scoreboard players remove #tmp emk-stun 4500
execute unless score #tmp emk-handling matches 0 store result entity @s Rotation[0] float 0.01 run scoreboard players get #tmp emk-stun
execute unless score #tmp emk-handling matches 0 run playsound minecraft:entity.turtle.hurt master @a
execute unless score #tmp emk-handling matches 0 run scoreboard players add @s emk-distance 1
tp @s ^ ^ ^.2
scoreboard players set #tmp emk-speed 0
execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 3.. positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~-.5 ~ ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~.5 ~ ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~-.5 ~ ~.5 #emk:transparent if block ~.5 ~ ~.5 #emk:transparent run scoreboard players set #tmp emk-speed 1
#1 is clear, 0 is a block
execute if score #tmp emk-handling matches 0 if score #tmp emk-speed matches 0 run tp @s ~ ~1 ~
#scoreboard players set #tmp emk-speed 0
#if 4 are non-slabs AND on a slab, don't move up (needs fix before use!)
#execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 3..4 unless blocks 1000 ~ 0 1000 ~ 0 1000 ~.5 0 all positioned ^ ^ ^.2 unless block ~-.5 ~ ~-.5 #emk:half unless block ~.5 ~ ~-.5 #emk:half unless block ~-.5 ~ ~.5 #emk:half unless block ~.5 ~ ~.5 #emk:half run scoreboard players set #tmp emk-speed 1
#execute if score #tmp emk-id matches 3..4 if score #tmp emk-speed matches 0 run tp @s ~ ~.5 ~
tag @s add emk-onground
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 if block ~-.5 ~-.001 ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~.5 ~-.001 ~-.5 #emk:transparent if block ~-.5 ~-.001 ~.5 #emk:transparent if block ~.5 ~-.001 ~.5 #emk:transparent run tag @s remove emk-onground
execute unless entity @s[tag=emk-onground] run scoreboard players remove @s emk-ymov 150
scoreboard players operation @s emk-distancey += @s emk-ymov
execute if score @s emk-distancey matches ..-1000 at @s run function emk:kart/moveyd
tag @s add emk-sel2
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 as @e[tag=emk-slime,distance=...95] run function emk:slime/hit
execute positioned ^ ^ ^.2 run tag @e[tag=emk-kart,scores={emk-star=0,emk-stun=0},distance=..1] add emk-sel3
scoreboard players set @e[tag=emk-sel3] emk-stun 30
execute if entity @e[tag=emk-sel3] run kill
tag @e remove emk-sel3
tag @e[tag=emk-turtle,tag=!emk-sel2,distance=..1] add emk-sel3
execute if entity @e[tag=emk-sel3] run kill
kill @e[tag=emk-sel3]
tag @s remove emk-sel2
kill @s[scores={emk-stun=1..}]
kill @s[scores={emk-timer=4000..}]
kill @s[scores={emk-distance=50..}]
execute if block 1000 ~ 0 minecraft:barrel run kill

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