day 17: some cleanup but idk how to make it better

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xenia 2020-12-17 00:54:24 -05:00
parent 61f870ddac
commit 357a58b55f
1 changed files with 51 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -5,85 +5,68 @@
;; solution for day 17 ;; solution for day 17
(struct pt [x y z w] #:transparent) (struct pt [x y z w] #:transparent)
(define pt-getters (list pt-x pt-y pt-z pt-w))
(define (part1 input) (define (pt+ . args)
(define world (hash-copy input)) (for/fold ([ans (pt 0 0 0 0)]) ([x (in-list args)])
(define (simulate world) (apply pt (map #{+ (% ans) (% x)} pt-getters))))
(define new-world (make-hash))
(define min-x (apply min (map pt-x (hash-keys world))))
(define max-x (apply max (map pt-x (hash-keys world))))
(define min-y (apply min (map pt-y (hash-keys world))))
(define max-y (apply max (map pt-y (hash-keys world))))
(define min-z (apply min (map pt-z (hash-keys world))))
(define max-z (apply max (map pt-z (hash-keys world))))
(for* ([x (in-range (- min-x 1) (+ max-x 2))]
[y (in-range (- min-y 1) (+ max-y 2))]
[z (in-range (- min-z 1) (+ max-z 2))])
(define ct (for*/sum ([dx (in-range -1 2)]
[dy (in-range -1 2)]
[dz (in-range -1 2)]
#:unless (and (zero? dx) (zero? dy) (zero? dz))
#:when (hash-ref world (pt (+ x dx) (+ y dy) (+ z dz) 0) #f))
(define this (pt x y z 0))
[(hash-ref world this #f)
(when (or (= 2 ct) (= 3 ct))
(hash-set! new-world this #t))]
(when (= 3 ct)
(hash-set! new-world this #t))]))
(for ([i (in-range 6)]) (define (in-pts lower upper use-w?)
(set! world (simulate world))) (define (in-range+ getter)
(length (filter identity (hash-values world)))) (in-range (sub1 (getter lower)) (+ 2 (getter upper))))
(for*/stream ([x (in-range+ pt-x)]
[y (in-range+ pt-y)]
[z (in-range+ pt-z)]
[w (if use-w? (in-range+ pt-w) (in-range 1))])
(pt x y z w)))
(define (part2 input) (define nearby/4d
(define world (hash-copy input)) (for*/list ([x (in-range -1 2)]
(define (simulate world) [y (in-range -1 2)]
(define new-world (make-hash)) [z (in-range -1 2)]
(define min-x (apply min (map pt-x (hash-keys world)))) [w (in-range -1 2)]
(define max-x (apply max (map pt-x (hash-keys world)))) #:unless (and (zero? x) (zero? y) (zero? z) (zero? w)))
(define min-y (apply min (map pt-y (hash-keys world)))) (pt x y z w)))
(define max-y (apply max (map pt-y (hash-keys world))))
(define min-z (apply min (map pt-z (hash-keys world))))
(define max-z (apply max (map pt-z (hash-keys world))))
(define min-w (apply min (map pt-w (hash-keys world))))
(define max-w (apply max (map pt-w (hash-keys world))))
(for* ([x (in-range (- min-x 1) (+ max-x 2))]
[y (in-range (- min-y 1) (+ max-y 2))]
[z (in-range (- min-z 1) (+ max-z 2))]
[w (in-range (- min-w 1) (+ max-w 2))])
(define ct (for*/sum ([dx (in-range -1 2)]
[dy (in-range -1 2)]
[dz (in-range -1 2)]
[dw (in-range -1 2)]
#:unless (and (zero? dx) (zero? dy) (zero? dz) (zero? dw))
#:when (hash-ref world (pt (+ x dx) (+ y dy) (+ z dz) (+ w dw)) #f))
(define this (pt x y z w))
[(hash-ref world this #f)
(when (or (= 2 ct) (= 3 ct))
(hash-set! new-world this #t))]
(when (= 3 ct)
(hash-set! new-world this #t))]))
(for ([i (in-range 6)]) (define nearby/3d (filter #{zero? (pt-w %)} nearby/4d))
(set! world (simulate world)))
(length (filter identity (hash-values world)))) (define (calc-bounds world)
(define (helper getter reducer)
(apply reducer (set-map world getter)))
(define (helper2 reducer)
(apply pt (map #{helper % reducer} pt-getters)))
(values (helper2 min) (helper2 max)))
(define (simulate world use-w?)
(define new-world (mutable-set))
(define-values [lower upper] (calc-bounds world))
(define nearby (if use-w? nearby/4d nearby/3d))
(for ([pt (in-pts lower upper use-w?)])
(define ct
(for*/sum ([nb (in-list nearby)])
(if (set-member? world (pt+ pt nb)) 1 0)))
(when (if (set-member? world pt) (<= 2 ct 3) (= 3 ct))
(set-add! new-world pt)))
(define (simulate/times world times use-w?)
(for/fold ([world world]) ([_ (in-range times)])
(simulate world use-w?))))
(define part1 #{simulate/times % 6 #f})
(define part2 #{simulate/times % 6 #t})
;; parse input file ;; parse input file
(define (parse fname) (define (parse fname)
(define input (file->lines fname)) (define input (file->lines fname))
(define world (make-hash)) (define world (mutable-set))
(for ([line (in-list input)] [y (in-naturals)]) (for ([line (in-list input)] [y (in-naturals)])
(for ([char (in-string line)] [x (in-naturals)]) (for ([char (in-string line)] [x (in-naturals)])
(when (char=? #\# char) (when (char=? #\# char)
(hash-set! world (pt x y 0 0) #t)))) (set-add! world (pt x y 0 0)))))
world) world)
(module+ test (module+ test