day 21: revised clean solution

This commit is contained in:
xenia 2020-12-21 01:33:43 -05:00
parent e5cc177d78
commit 79ff63e453
1 changed files with 27 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -4,78 +4,43 @@
;; solution for day 21 ;; solution for day 21
(struct line [is as] #:transparent)
(struct data [lines all-is all-as tainted] #:transparent)
(define (part1 input) (define (part1 input)
; (define edges (match-define (data lines all-is all-as tainted) input)
; (for/fold ([edges '()]) ([line (in-list input)]) (define untainted (set-subtract all-is (apply set-union (hash-values tainted))))
; (match-define (cons ingreds allergs) line) (for*/sum ([l (in-list lines)] [i (in-set (line-is l))] #:when (set-member? untainted i))
; (append edges (for*/list ([i (in-list ingreds)] [a (in-list allergs)]) 1))
; (list i a)))))
; (define G (undirected-graph edges))
;(define matching (maximum-bipartite-matching G))
(define all-ingreds (for/fold ([all (set)]) ([line (in-list input)])
(set-union all (list->set (car line)))))
(define all-allergs (for/fold ([all (set)]) ([line (in-list input)])
(set-union all (list->set (cdr line)))))
(define tainted (mutable-set))
(for ([allerg (in-set all-allergs)])
(define necessary (for/fold ([necessary all-ingreds]) ([line (in-list input)] #:when (member allerg (cdr line)))
(set-intersect necessary (list->set (car line)))))
(set-union! tainted necessary))
(define untainted (set-subtract all-ingreds tainted))
(for*/sum ([line (in-list input)] [ingred (in-list (car line))])
(if (set-member? untainted ingred) 1 0)))
(define (part2 input) (define (part2 input)
(define all-ingreds (for/fold ([all (set)]) ([line (in-list input)]) (match-define (data lines all-is all-as tainted) input)
(set-union all (list->set (car line))))) (define edges
(define all-allergs (for/fold ([all (set)]) ([line (in-list input)]) (for*/list ([(k v*) (in-hash tainted)] [v (in-set v*)])
(set-union all (list->set (cdr line)))))
(define tainted (mutable-set))
(for ([allerg (in-set all-allergs)])
(define necessary (for/fold ([necessary all-ingreds]) ([line (in-list input)] #:when (member allerg (cdr line)))
(set-intersect necessary (list->set (car line)))))
(set-union! tainted necessary))
(define tainthash (for/hash ([a (in-set all-allergs)])
(values a (for/fold ([is all-ingreds]) ([line (in-list input)] #:when (member a (cdr line)))
(set-intersect is (list->set (filter #{set-member? tainted %} (car line))))))))
(define edges (for*/list ([k (in-list (hash-keys tainthash))]
[v (in-set (hash-ref tainthash k))])
(list k v))) (list k v)))
(pretty-write edges)
(define G (undirected-graph edges)) (define G (undirected-graph edges))
(define matching (maximum-bipartite-matching G)) (define matching (maximum-bipartite-matching G))
(displayln matching)
(define mhash (for/hash ([item (in-list matching)]) (values (first item) (second item))))
(displayln mhash)
(define by-allergs (sort (hash-keys mhash) string<?))
(string-join (string-join
(for/list ([key (in-list by-allergs)]) (for/list ([val (in-list (sort matching #{string<? (first %1) (first %2)}))])
(hash-ref mhash key)) (second val))
",") ","))
; (part2 (parse "test"))
; (error "not shonks")
;; parse input file ;; parse input file
(define (parse fname) (define (parse fname)
(define lines (file->lines fname)) (define-values [lines all-is all-as]
(for/list ([line (in-list lines)]) (for/fold ([lines '()] [all-is (set)] [all-as (set)]) ([l (in-list (file->lines fname))])
(match line (match-define (list _ p1 p2) (regexp-match #px"^([^\\(]+) \\(contains ([^\\)]+)\\)+" l))
[(pregexp #px"^([^\\(]+) \\(contains ([^\\)]+)\\)+" (define is (list->set (string-split p1 " ")))
(list _ p1 p2)) (define as (list->set (string-split p2 ", ")))
(define ingredients (string-split p1 " ")) (values (cons (line is as) lines) (set-union all-is is) (set-union all-as as))))
(define allergens (string-split p2 ", "))
(cons ingredients allergens)]
[_ (error "not shonks" line)])))
(module+ test (define tainted
(require rackunit) (for/hash ([a (in-set all-as)])
;; tests here (values a (for/fold ([necessary all-is]) ([l (in-list lines)]
(displayln "no tests :(")) #:when (set-member? (line-as l) a))
(set-intersect (line-is l) necessary)))))
(data lines all-is all-as tainted))
(module+ main (module+ main
(define input (parse "inputs/21")) (define input (parse "inputs/21"))