day 7: cleaned up version using graph-lib
this was a pain in the ass to write vs the initial implementation, but it's a lot more efficient due to not revisiting nodes that are already visited. i would warrant it's as efficient as possible at this point also, both part1 and part2 use the generalized do-dfs form provided by the graph package
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,48 +4,68 @@
;; solution for day 7
(define (part1 adjlist all-colors wanted)
(define (dfs src dest)
(for/or ([item (in-list (hash-ref adjlist src '()))])
(or (dfs (car item) dest) (string=? (car item) dest))))
(define (part1 G wanted)
(define-vertex-property G has-wanted #:init #f)
(do-dfs G
;; only visit when the to vertex is not already marked with has-wanted
#:visit?: (if (and $from (has-wanted $to))
(begin (has-wanted-set! $from #t) #f)
;; propagate has-wanted if the child has it
#:epilogue: (when (and $from (or (has-wanted $to) (string=? wanted $to)))
(has-wanted-set! $from #t)))
;; count the results
(for/sum ([(_ v) (in-hash (has-wanted->hash))] #:when v) 1))
;; bad solution
(for/sum ([src (in-set all-colors)])
(if (dfs src wanted) 1 0)))
(define (part2 G wanted)
;; initially, each vertex just counts the weight of itself, which is 1
(define-vertex-property G all-weight #:init 1)
(define (part2 adjlist all-colors wanted)
(define (part2-impl src)
(for/sum ([subbag (in-list (hash-ref adjlist src '()))])
(* (cdr subbag) (part2-impl (car subbag))))))
(sub1 (part2-impl wanted)))
;; accumulates the result in the vertex property tracking all weights
;; adds the total weight of $to multiplied by the edge weight of $from -> $to to the total weight
;; of $from
;; this will be called for each neighbor of $from, and $from's total weight starts at 1
(define (increment $from $to)
(when $from
(all-weight-set! $from
(+ (all-weight $from)
(* (edge-weight G $from $to) (all-weight $to))))))
(do-dfs G
#:order (lambda (_) (list wanted))
;; always check already-visited nodes
#:process-unvisited?: #t
;; add already-visited nodes to the total
#:process-unvisited: (increment $from $to)
;; add nodes we finished visiting to the total
#:epilogue: (increment $from $to))
;; subtract 1 because we counted the shiny gold bag itself, when we only need the weight of
;; what's inside it
(sub1 (all-weight wanted)))
(module+ main
(define input (file->lines "inputs/7"))
(define all-colors (mutable-set))
(define adjlist
(for/hash ([line (in-list input)])
(match line
[(pregexp #px"^([a-z ]+) bags contain ([^\\.]+).$" (list _ src-color contains))
(set-add! all-colors src-color)
(values src-color
(define input-lines (file->lines "inputs/7"))
(define edges
(apply append
(for/list ([line (in-list input-lines)])
(match line
[(pregexp #px"^([a-z ]+) bags contain ([^\\.]+).$" (list _ src-color contains))
(if (string=? "no other bags" contains)
(for/list ([item (in-list (string-split contains ", "))])
(match item
[(pregexp #px"^([0-9]+) ([a-z ]+) bag[s]?"
(list _ (app string->number number) color))
(set-add! all-colors color)
(cons color number)]
[x (error "not shonks" x)]))))]
[x (error "not shonks" x)])))
(list _ (app string->number number) dst-color))
(list number src-color dst-color)]
[x (error "not shonks" x)])))]
[x (error "not shonks" x)]))))
(define input (weighted-graph/directed edges))
(define wanted "shiny gold")
;; part 1
(answer 7 1 (part1 adjlist all-colors wanted))
(answer 7 1 (part1 input wanted))
;; part 2
(answer 7 2 (part2 adjlist all-colors wanted))
(answer 7 2 (part2 input wanted))
(displayln "meow"))
Reference in New Issue