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2022-12-01 05:11:06 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
(require html xml "ansi-color.rkt" "aoc-lib.rkt")
;; finds a given element of an xexpr
(define (find-element el doc)
(match doc
[(list (== el) _ ...) doc]
[(list tag attrs children ...)
(ormap (curry find-element el) children)]
[_ #f]))
(struct style-ast [fg bg fs children] #:transparent)
;; convert xexpr tree to an ast with lower-level styling
(define (xexpr->style-ast doc)
(match doc
[(? string?) (style-ast #f #f #f doc)]
[(list (or 'script 'form) _ ...) #f]
[(list-no-order 'p (list 'span (list-no-order '(class "share")) _ ...) _ ...) #f]
[(list 'li _ children ...)
(define out-children (filter identity (map xexpr->style-ast children)))
(style-ast #f #f #f (cons (style-ast #f #f #f "- ") out-children))]
[(list tag attrs children ...)
(define-values [fg bg fs]
(match* (tag attrs)
[('main _) (values #f #f #f)]
[('article _) (values #f #f #f)]
[('p (list-no-order '(class "day-success") _ ...)) (values 'yellow #f 'bold)]
[('p _) (values #f #f #f)]
[('pre _) (values #f #f #f)]
[('h2 _) (values #f #f 'bold)]
[('ul _) (values #f #f #f)]
[('a _) (values 'green #f #f)]
[('code _) (values 'white 234 #f)]
[('span _) (values #f #f #f)]
[('em (list-no-order '(class "star") _ ...)) (values 'yellow #f 'bold)]
[('em _) (values #f #f 'bold)]
[(_ _)
(printf "warning: unhandled ~a ~a\n" tag attrs)
(values #f #f #f)]))
(define inner-children (filter identity (map xexpr->style-ast children)))
(define new-children
(if ((or/c 'h2 'pre 'p) tag)
(let ([nls (list (style-ast #f #f #f "\n") (style-ast #f #f #f "\n"))])
(append nls inner-children nls))
(style-ast fg bg fs new-children)]))
(define (output-style-ast ast)
(define num-newlines (make-parameter #f))
(define (helper ast [prev-bg ""] [prev-fg ""] [prev-fs ""])
(match-define (style-ast fg bg fs children) ast)
(when bg (background-color bg))
(when fg (foreground-color fg))
(when fs (font-style fs))
(match children
(unless (or (false? (num-newlines)) (>= (num-newlines) 2))
(num-newlines (add1 (num-newlines)))
(display "\n"))]
[(? string? str)
(num-newlines 0)
(if (string-contains? str "\n")
(for ([i (in-naturals)] [line (in-list (string-split (string-trim str "\n") "\n"))])
(color-display (format (if (zero? i) "~a~a" "\n~a~a") erase-line line)))
(color-display str))]
[_ (map (lambda (item) (helper item (or bg prev-bg) (or fg prev-fg) (or fs prev-fs)))
(when prev-bg (background-color prev-bg))
(when prev-fg (foreground-color prev-fg))
(when prev-fs (font-style prev-fs)))
(num-newlines #f)
(helper ast))
#:program "get-challenge"
#:args (day)
(define in (aoc-fetch-challenge (getenv "AOC_YEAR") day (getenv "AOC_SESSION")))
(use-html-spec #f)
(define doc-xmls (read-html-as-xml in))
(close-input-port in)
(define doc `(top-element ,@(map xml->xexpr doc-xmls)))
(define main (find-element 'main doc))
(define ast (xexpr->style-ast main))
; (pretty-write ast)
(output-style-ast ast))