80 lines
2.9 KiB
80 lines
2.9 KiB
#lang curly-fn racket
;; utilities for every challenge script
(require "aoc-lib.rkt" (prefix-in is: data/integer-set) graph threading syntax/parse/define
(for-syntax racket/syntax))
(provide answer aoc-finish dbg memoize define/memoized
band bor bxor bnot bshl bshr bset? bfield
(all-from-out data/integer-set graph syntax/parse/define threading)
(for-syntax (all-from-out racket/syntax)))
;; in-expression debug print, uwu
(define (dbg x)
(pretty-write x)
(define band bitwise-and)
(define bor bitwise-ior)
(define bxor bitwise-xor)
(define bnot bitwise-not)
(define bshl arithmetic-shift)
(define bshr #{arithmetic-shift %1 (- %2)})
(define bset? bitwise-bit-set?)
(define bfield bitwise-bit-field)
;; makes a memoization wrapper around a function
(define (memoize func)
(define memo (make-hash))
(lambda args
(hash-ref! memo args (λ () (apply func args)))))
(define-syntax-parse-rule (define/memoized (name:id arg:id ...) body:expr ...+)
(define name (memoize (λ (arg ...) body ...))))
(define-syntax-parse-rule (define/memo (name:id arg:id ...) body:expr ...+)
(define name (memoize (λ (arg ...) body ...))))
;; helper for maximum-bipartite-matching
;; given an edge list where each first item corresponds to the left set and each second item
;; corresponds to the right set, return a matching list where the first item is from the left set
;; and the second item is from the right
(define (maximum-bipartite-matching/stable edges)
(when (empty? edges) (error "provided empty edges list"))
(define left (list->set (map first edges)))
(define G (undirected-graph edges))
(define matching (maximum-bipartite-matching G))
(define num-first-lefts
(for/sum ([m (in-list matching)] #:when (set-member? left (first m)))
;; if the first set contains more elements belonging to lefts than rights, then assume it's in
;; the right order. otherwise, swap
(if (> num-first-lefts (- (length matching) num-first-lefts))
(map #{list (second %) (first %)} matching)))
;; submit a solution to the server if not already submitted
(define (answer day part answer)
(printf "answer ~a.~a: ~s\n" day part answer)
(unless (aoc-complete? day part)
(printf "submit? [Y/n]: ")
(match (string-downcase (string-trim (read-line)))
[(or "" "y" "yes")
(printf "submitting...\n")
(define resp
(aoc-submit-answer (getenv "AOC_YEAR") (~a day) (getenv "AOC_SESSION") (~a part)
(~a answer)))
(printf "server responded: ~a\n" resp)]
[_ (printf "not submitting\n")])))
;; submit 25 part 2
(define (aoc-finish)
(unless (aoc-complete? 25 1)
(error "submit 25.1 first"))
(unless (aoc-complete? 25 2)
(printf "submitting done for 25.2...\n")
(define resp
(aoc-submit-answer (getenv "AOC_YEAR") "25" (getenv "AOC_SESSION") "2" "done"))
(printf "server responded: ~a\n" resp)))