Activity.enterPictureInPictureMode method must be invoked synchronously
on userLeaveHint callback in order to be sure that the current Activity
is still visible (does not transit to PAUSED state). Previously if the
asynchronous processing would be delayed enough for the Activity to go
into the PAUSED state it will be too late to go into the PiP mode.
* Button conditionally shown based on if the feature is enabled and available
* Hooks for launching the invite UI (delegates to the native layer)
* Hooks for using the search and dial out checks from the native layer (calls back into JS)
* Hooks for handling sending invites and passing any failures back to the native layer
* Android and iOS handling for those hooks
Author: Ryan Peck <>
Author: Eric Brynsvold <>
Activity.enterPictureInPictureMode can fail for a couple of reasons
mentioned in the JSDoc:
"The system may disallow entering picture-in-picture in various cases,
including when the activity is not visible, if the screen is locked or
if the user has an activity pinned."
It seems to be safe to assume that those cases will be caught by
a RuntimeException handler (only RuntimeExceptions can be left without
explicit catch block).
Anyway the root cause for problems is the fact that the current process
for going to the picture in picture mode is not synchronised with
Activity's lifecycle. On Activity's "userLeaveHint" callback we dispatch
async task to the JS code which only then after dispatching some more
stuff eventually call native method that enter PiP. In case we spend too
much time on the JS side and the Activity goes to PAUSED state the call
will fail with IllegalStatException: "activity is not visible",
"activity is paused" etc. This means with this fix the app will not
crash, but we'll see it sometimes not go to the PiP mode as expected.
Adds Nat64InfoModule which resolves IPv6 addresses for IPv4 addresses
in IPv6 only network where jitsi-meet deployment does not provide any
IPv6 addresses as ICE candidates.
Adds base/sounds feature which allows other features to register a sound
source under specified id. A new SoundsCollection component will then
render corresponding HTMLAudioElement for each such sound. Once "setRef"
callback is called by the HTMLAudioElement, this element will be added
to the Redux store. When that happens sound can be played through the
new 'playSound' action which will call play() method on the stored
HTMLAudioElement instance.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Tried to access a JS module before the React instance was fully set up. Calls to ReactContext#getJSModule should only happen once initialize() has been called on your native module.
at com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactContext.getJSModule(
at com.rnimmersive.RNImmersiveModule.emitImmersiveStateChangeEvent(
at android.view.View.dispatchWindowFocusChanged(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchWindowFocusChanged(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchWindowFocusChanged(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchWindowFocusChanged(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchWindowFocusChanged(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchWindowFocusChanged(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchWindowFocusChanged(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchWindowFocusChanged(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessage(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
This only works automatically on Android >= 8. On other platforms / versions, it
relies on the SDK user on implementing a "reduced UI" mode and reacting to the
"request PIP" delegate method.
On Android we go into "immersive mode" when in a conference, this is our way of
being full-creen. There are occasions, however, in which Android takes us out of
immerfive mode without us (the application / SDK) knowing: when a child activity
is started, a modal window shown, etc.
In order to be resilient to any possible change in the immersive mode, register
a listener which will be called when Android changes it, so we can re-eavluate
if we need it and thus re-enable it.
Due to the difference in nature, the iOS and Android implementations are
completely different:
iOS: MPVolumeView is used, which allows us to place a button which will launch a
native route picker provided by iOS itself. This view is different depending on
the iOS version, with the iOS 11 version being more complete.
Android: A completely custom component is used, which displays a bottom sheet
with the device categories, not devices individually. This is akin to the sheet
in the builtin dialer.
* Javadoc introduced @code as a replacement of <code> and <tt> which is
better aligned with other javadoc tags such as @link. Use it in the
Java source code. If we switch to Kotlin, then we'll definitely use
* There are more uses of @code in the JavaScript source code than <tt>
so use @code for the sake of consistency. Eventually, I'd rather we
switch to Markdown because it's easier on my eyes.
* Xcode is plain confused by @code and @link. The Internet says that
Xcode supports the backquote character to denote the beginning and end
of a string of characters which should be formatted for display as
code but it doesn't work for me. <tt> is not rendered at all. So use
the backquote which is rendered itself. Hopefully, if we switch to
Markdown, then it'll be common between JavaScript and Objective-C
source code.
* Regardless of whether the SDK client/consumer employs
JitsiMeetActivity or JitsiMeetView, default to finishing the
associated Activity upon invoking the back button (which is what
Activity#onBackPressed() is documented to do).
* Do not break the public API of JitsiMeetView and, thus, Jitsi Meet SDK
for Android.
Don't require autofocus because that prevents the app from appearing in
Google Play Store for some devices.
Don't require camera for the same reason but also because camera/video
is not a mandatory feature of the app, it's merely likely very
JitsiMeetViewListener is an integral part of the public API of Jitsi
Meet SDK for Android. Utilize it in the Debug configuration of the Jitsi
Meet app for Android in order to increase (1) awareness of API breakages
and (2) API coverage.
The same goes for JitsiMeetViewDelegate in Jitsi Meet SDK and app for
The error is stored in the redux store in base/config so other components can
consult it. It is also broadcasted as a new event in the external API for the
JitsiMeetViewListener currently has methods of one and the same pattern
so adding new methods i.e. events i.e. redux action types is a question
of repetition in the Java source code. Speed up the support of new
events by trying to deal with them in a generic way.
The same goes for JitsiMeetViewDelegate.
It's a global action, and if we do that other applications won't be able to use
it. I experienced this with the system camera. We do, however, make sure to
enable it when we need to.
Note that enabling it doesn't mean we are *using* it. It just means we *can*,
and that we will get actual audio when we do.
Avatars are cached to the filesystem and loaded from there when requested again.
The cache is cleaned after a conference ends and on application startup
(defensive move).
In addition, implement a fully local avatar system, which is used as a fallback
when loading a remote avatar fails. It can also be forced using a prop.
The fully local avatars use a user icon as a mask and apply a background color
qhich is picked by hashing the URI passed to the avatar. If no URI is passed a
random color is chosen.
A grace period of 1 second is also implemented so a default local avatar will be
rendered if an Avatar component is mounted but has no URI. If a URI is specified
later on, it will be loaded and displayed. In case loading the remote avatar
fails, the locally generated one will be used.
In iOS this is automagically done in the view destructor, bunt we don't have
that luxury in Java we have to do it manually.
The new disponse() method MUST be called when the Activity holding the view is
going to be destroyed, typically in the onDestroy() handler.