* feat(display-name): convert to React
- Create a new React Component for displaying and updating display
names on small videos
- The updating of the Component is defined in the parent class
SmallVideo, which children will get access to through prototype
- Create a new actionType and middleware so name changes that occur
in DisplayName can be propogated to outside redux
- Update the local video's DisplayName when a conference is joined
or else the component may keep an undefined user id
* squash: query for the container, not the el owned by react
- Create a new ConnectionIndicator component for displaying an
icon for connection quality and for triggering a popover. The
popover handling has been left in ConnectionIndicator for now,
which follows the existing implementation.
- Remove the unused method "connectionIndicatorShowMore"
- Change the implementation of existing methods that update the
connection indicator to call the same method which will rerender
the indicator completely.
- Add tracks to the redux store by intercepting where the
tracks actually get used via conference.replaceTrack
- While the replace call is unique to web, the _dispose and
_addTracks calls use existing native code implementations
- Between _dispose and addTracks is a call to update mute state.
Without it, when changing devices or videoType while muted,
the user will stay muted (whereas existing web behavior
causes unmute). This is due to middelware calling
_syncTrackMutedState to make the track mute if the user is
currently muted.
- Move the rest of ConferenceEvents.TRACK_MUTE_CHANGED into
middleware so the event is no longer used
- Note: This change does not guarantee the track state in the
redux store will be 100% accurate, specifically the attribute
videoStarted. Muted and videoType should be accurate.
- Use actions trackAdded and trackRemoved to add and remove remote
tracks from the redux store
- Emit out to non-react components on track added and removed in
the track middleware
- Emit out to existing non-react components on track mute and
video type changes
With popover usage now only passing in React Components, the
logic of removing the popover and recreating its html with
every update is not necessary. Instead allow React to update
the popover contents.
Because of this change, mouse event handlers are not recreated
on each update, so it is possible for mouseleave to fire after
the size of the popover shrinks when collapsing to hide more stats,
forcing the mouse out of the popover. To prevent this, padding has
been added to the top of the popover so on resize the mouse will
still be over the popover. The padding has the added bonus of
fixing an issue where the popover would not close until mouseenter
was triggered after size collapse, but it adds the drawback of
requiring more upward mouse travel to close the popover.
Move all logic related to displaying a table of connection stats to a React
Component. The actual parsing logic was modified as little as possible as the
focus is moving display to React.
React Native's Gradle script does not bundle the JS bundle in the Debug
configuration. Copy that source code (and adapt it) into our sdk Gradle
Before, Jitsi Meet (the app) would only link with JitsiMeet.framework, which in
turn embedded WebRTC.framework. While possible, Apple doesn't allow apps with
nested frameworks to be submitted to the store. Now the app will link with
WebRTC.framework directly so there is no framework nesting.
A potential improvement here is to build WebRTC as a static library so it can
then be embedded in JitsiMeet.framework and completely hidden from the app.