ESLint 4.8.0 discovers a lot of error related to formatting. While I
tried to fix as many of them as possible, a portion of them actually go
against our coding style. In such a case, I've disabled the indent rule
which effectively leaves it as it was before ESLint 4.8.0.
Additionally, remove jshint because it's becoming a nuisance with its
lack of understanding of ES2015+.
* Javadoc introduced @code as a replacement of <code> and <tt> which is
better aligned with other javadoc tags such as @link. Use it in the
Java source code. If we switch to Kotlin, then we'll definitely use
* There are more uses of @code in the JavaScript source code than <tt>
so use @code for the sake of consistency. Eventually, I'd rather we
switch to Markdown because it's easier on my eyes.
* Xcode is plain confused by @code and @link. The Internet says that
Xcode supports the backquote character to denote the beginning and end
of a string of characters which should be formatted for display as
code but it doesn't work for me. <tt> is not rendered at all. So use
the backquote which is rendered itself. Hopefully, if we switch to
Markdown, then it'll be common between JavaScript and Objective-C
source code.
Gradually, we exploded the error of CONNECTION_FAILED in multiple
redux state properties. The explosion makes maintenance harder because
the properties have to be updated in sync. Collect them in an object
resembling an Error instance.
It is required to clear the flag, before the connection attempt.
Otherwise the app may confuse deployments without guest access with
a one with guess access if it was visited previously and
the WaitForOwnerDialog was canceled. That's because there will be no
conference related event that clears the flag.
* Implement disabling buttons (like Web had the ability).
* Use consistent colors (e.g. for the buttons) like the rest of the app
(e.g. WelcomePage).
* Enable AbstractDialog to await a thenable from onSubmit and Dialog to
render a LoadingIndicator in place of the OK/submit button text.
In order to support XMPP authentication, we'll need the message
accompanying the error and carried by lib-jitsi-meet's
CONFERENCE_FAILED in the redux store. We already carry the message in
the redux action and we've got the error in the redux store.
In order to accommodate the requirements of the work on supporting XMPP
authentication on mobile/react-native, make dealing with Dialog a
little more generic and a little easier.
Filmstrip only mode displays a device selection dialog that
does not have access to the redux/connect. However, the current
VideoTrack extends from AbstractVideoTrack, which assumes a
redux connection. The fix is to move video display logic into
a separate component and have device selection use that, while
the existing VideoTrack remains connected to redux but
uses the new video display component.
We broke external_api.min.js by importing react/features/util which
imported react/features/base/lib-jitsi-meet.
1. To reduce the risks of such a breakage until we add
external_api.min.js to the torture tests, import as little as
possible in modules/API/external/external_api.js.
2. Use the global JitsiMeetJS on Web in react/features/base/util.
The error is stored in the redux store in base/config so other components can
consult it. It is also broadcasted as a new event in the external API for the
- Remove references to the model ContactList.
- Replace ContactListView with an empty element for attaching
the React Component ContactListPanel, which has the same
features as the old ContactListView.
- Create new selector for getting non-fake participants for
ContactListPanel's props.
- Create a ParticipantCounter component to place in the contact
list button. Previously ContactListView updated that but now
it's a react component hooked into the participant state.
- Remove pub/sub that was used only by ContactListView.
It's built on top of React Native's AsyncStorage. They have differing APIs, so
we implement a synchronous API on top of an asynchronous one. This is done by
being optimistic and hoping that operations will happen asynchronously. If one
such operation fails, the error is ignored and life goes on, since operations
are performed in the in-memory cache first.
Note to reviewers: LocalStorage.js lacks Flow annotations because indexable
class declarations are not yet supported: and yours truly couldn't find a way
to make the required syntax work without making it unnecessarily complex.
This patch loads the config later than we used to, that is, only once we
know the room the user is about to join.
Due to architectural limitations in lib-jitsi-meet, it needs to be
initialized with a configuration in order to properly function. This is
unfortunate because we need to create a video track in the welcome page,
but don't know the room (hence no config) yet. In order to circumvent
this problem an empty configuration is used, which is later swapped with
the appropriate one, once loaded.
Some interesting side-effects of this change are a perceived speed
increase when the app starts or a conference is hangup. They are both
due to the fact that no config needs to be fetched from a remote server
in those cases.
In order to load the configuration from the shard that will actually
host the conference, it's imperative that we add the room= query
This implies a departure from our current model, where the config is
discarded if the domain for the next conference is different, but kept
* feat(analytics): move to React
The analytics handlers have been moved to JitsiMeetGlobalNS, so now they are
stored in ``.
The analytics handlers are re-downloaded and re-initialized on every
lib-jitsi-meet initialization, which happens every time the config is changed
(moving between deployments in the mobile app).
* Adds legacy support for old analytics location.
When do we need tracks?
- Welcome page (only the video track)
- Conference (depends if starting with audio / video muted is requested)
When do we need to destroy the tracks?
- When we are not in a conference and there is no welcome page
In order to accommodate all the above use cases, a new component is introduced:
BlankWelcomePage. Its purpose is to take the place of the welcome page when it
is disabled. When this component is mounted local tracks are destroyed.
Analogously, a video track is created when the (real) welcome page is created,
and all the desired tracks are created then the Conference component is created.
What are desired tracks? These are the tracks we'd like to use for the
conference that is about to happen. By default both audio and video are desired.
It's possible, however, the user requested to start the call with no
video/audio, in which case it's muted in base/media and a track is not created.
The first time the app starts (with the welcome page) it will request permission
for video only, since there is no need for audio in the welcome page. Later,
when a conference is joined permission for audio will be requested when an audio
track is to be created. The audio track is not destroyed when the conference
ends. Yours truly thinks this is not needed since it's a stopped track which is
not using system resources.
Iterate over objects and copy over primitives and arrays
instead of using _.merge, as merge will not replace a config
entry completely. For arrays in a target object, the arrays
will have its indices replaced. This means if a source array
is empty, the target array will be left alone. Similarly,
if the target array is longer than a source array, there
will be indices not touched in the target array.
* ref: video muted state
Get rid of 'videoMuted' flag in conference.js
* ref: audio muted state
Get rid of 'audioMuted' flag in conference.js
* fix(conference.js|API): early audio/video muted updates
* ref(conference.js): rename isVideoMuted
Rename isVideoMuted to isLocalVideoMuted to be consistent with
* doc|style(conference.js): comments and space after if
* ref: move 'setTrackMuted' to functions
* fix(tracks/middleware): no-lonely-if
* ref(features/toolbox): get rid of last argument
* ref(defaultToolbarButtons): rename var
* feat(small-video): use InlineDialog for stats and remote menu
- Remove JitsiPopover and use InlineDialog instead.
- Bring the remote menu icon into react.
- Make vertical filmstrip position:fixed so popper (AtlasKit
dependency) sets InlineDialogs and eventually tooltips to
* ref(remote-menu): hook KickButton to redux
* ref(remote-menu): hook MuteButton to redux
* modify padding, toggle dialogs
* pixel push margins to align dialogs, adjust padding of dialogs
* add comment about margin for dialog, add file I forgot
* modify indicator markup so the icon can be moved down while trigger stays at top of toolbar
- Re-use the native redux pinning implementation for web
- Remove pinning logic from conference.js
- To the native pinning add a check for sharedVideo so
youtube videos do not send a pin event
- Add shared videos as a participant to enable pinning and
so they can eventually get added to the filmstrip
- Emit UIEvents.PINNED_ENDPOINT from middleware
* feat(quality-slider): initial implementation
- Add new menu button with an Inline Dialog slider for
selecting received video quality.
- Place P2P status in redux store for the Inline Dialog
to display a warning about not respecting video quality
- Respond to data channel open events by setting receive
video quality. This is for lonely call cases where a
setting is set before the data channel is open.
- Remove dropdown menu from video status label and clean
up related js and css.
* first pass at addressing feedback
- Move VideoStatusLabel to video-quality directory.
- Rename VideoStatusLabel to VideoQualityLabel.
- Open VideoQualitydialog from VideoQualityLabel.
- New CSS for making VideoQualityLabel display properly.
- Do not render VideoQualityLabel in filmstrip only instead of hiding with css.
- Remove tooltip from VideoQualityLabel.
- Show LD, SD, HD labels in VideoQualityLabel.
- Remove action SET_LARGE_VIDEO_HD_STATUS from conference.
- Create new action UPDATE_KNOWN_LARGE_VIDEO_RESOLUTION in large-video.
- Move VideoQualityButton into video-quality directory.
- General renaming (medium -> standard, menu -> dialog).
- Render P2P message between title and slider.
- Add padding to slider for displacement caused by P2P message's new placement.
- Fix display issue with VideoQualityButton displaying out of line in the
primary toolbar.
* second pass at addressing feedback
- Fix p2p inline message color
- Force labels to break on words
- Resolve rebase issues, including only dispatching quality
update on change. Before there was double calling of dispatch
produced by an IE11 workaround. This breaks now when setting
audio only mode to true twice.
- Rename some instances of quality to definition
* rename to data channel opened
* do not show p2p in audio only
* stop toggle audio only icon automatically
* remove fixme about toolbar button
* find closest resolution for label
* toggle dialog on button click
* redo last commit for both button and label
* ref(base/conference): add tracks before join
Sometimes it will be suboptimal to add local tracks to the conference,
after the room has been joined. It may slow down the session initiation
process by having to send unnecessary 'source-add' notifications.
* squash: fix typos/comments
Simplify the code by using a bitfied instead of a couple of boolean flags. This
allows us to mute the video from multiple places and only make the unmute
effective once they have all unmuted.
Alas, this cannot be applied to the web without a massive refactor, because it
uses the track muted state as the source of truth instead of the media state.
Currently lib-jitsi-meet looks there in case the `anonymousdomain` config option
was specified.
While this commit alone doesn't add support for authenticated deployments, it
avoids a failure if `anonymousdomain` was set, regardless of authentication being
turned on or not.
Refactors the previous "[RN] Cache avatars and provide a default in
case load fails" for the purposes of simplification but also modifies
its functionality at the same time. For example:
- Always displays the default avatar immediately which may be seen if
the remote avatar needs to be downloaded.
- Does not use random colors.
- Uses a default avatar image which is not transparent and ugly but at
least it's the same image that's used on Web. I've started talks to
have images/avatar2.png replaced with a transparent and beautiful
so that will land later on and we'll see the automagic colors in all
their glory then.
Avatars are cached to the filesystem and loaded from there when requested again.
The cache is cleaned after a conference ends and on application startup
(defensive move).
In addition, implement a fully local avatar system, which is used as a fallback
when loading a remote avatar fails. It can also be forced using a prop.
The fully local avatars use a user icon as a mask and apply a background color
qhich is picked by hashing the URI passed to the avatar. If no URI is passed a
random color is chosen.
A grace period of 1 second is also implemented so a default local avatar will be
rendered if an Avatar component is mounted but has no URI. If a URI is specified
later on, it will be loaded and displayed. In case loading the remote avatar
fails, the locally generated one will be used.
* feat(presence): display status in thumbnail and large video
- Create a React Component for displaying presence. It currently
connects to the store for participant updates but in the future
should not be as smart once more reactification occurs.
- Modify filmstrip css so the presence status displays horizontal
center and below the avatar.
- Modify videolayout css so the presence status displays horizontal
centered and with a rounded background.
- Dispatch presence updates so the participant state can be update.
- Update message position on large video update to ensure message
positioning is correct.
* squash: do not show presence message if connection message is displayed
Make toolbar's microphone button enabled whenever there are any
'audioinput' devices available and allow to add audio during
the conference even if microphone permissions were denied on startup.
Whatever I've tried so far ends up failing in really weird ways, so let's admit
defeat, for now. Destroy containers only on Android.
This shall be revisited when we update RN to version >= 0.43 and we have
"display: 'none'" available.
Web's ExternalAPI accepts an object with properties as one of its
constructor arguments and from which it generated a URL. Mobile's
JitsiMeetView.loadURLObject is supposed to accept pretty much the same
Introduces loadURLObject in JitsiMeetView on Android and iOS which
accepts a Bundle and NSDictionary, respectively, similar in structure to
the JS object accepted by the constructor of Web's ExternalAPI. At this
time, only the property url of the bundle/dictionary is supported.
However, it allows the public API of loadURLObject to be consumed. The
property url will be made optional in the future and other properties
will be supported from which a URL will be constructed.
When a Container is not visible there is no need for it to react to touch
events, thus avoid wrapping it in a touch component.
In addition, simplify the style needed for hiding the component. Moving the view
out of the window boundaries no longer works on RN 0.42 on iOS. Seting the size
to 0 works well on both platforms, but in the future (when we upgrade to RN >=
0.43) we should switch to display: none:
Because on web video track is stored both in redux and in 'localVideo'
field, video is attempted to be unmuted twice when turning off the audio
only mode. This will crash the app with 'unmute operation is already in
progress'. This commit will prevent from taking action from the web
world if the video track already exists and will make the redux side
rollback unmuted status in case unmute fails.
In another installment of "how on earth?!", using a 1px border instead of a
0.2px border fixes view clipping on a device where it didn't work before
(Moto X Play).
- When nothing was rendered, rotating the device made the buttons show up, this
makes me think the Surface is not properly composited with the toolbar view
for some reason. Why this happens in some devices and not in others remains a
Other approaches attempted:
- Setting View.collapsed to false so it will remain in the view hierarchy. It
made no effect.
- Setting View.needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing to true. It made no effect.
Just like before, I came up with this workaround by accident, but couldn't find
another way, so here we go again.
This essentially reverts
In the filmstrip we keep a container full of thumbnail views. Destroying these
every time we want we want to hide it is costly, as new renderers have to be
recreated, and they lack context, so there is an increased chance for "black
The speakerStatus field already exists as part of the objects
in the participant reducer. When the library updates the
connection status of a user, plumb that update through to redux.
The end goal of this patch was to avoid opening the camera when there is no
welcome page.
In order to achieve this, the logic for creating the local tracks was
Before this patch local tracks were created when lib-jitsi-meet was initialized,
and destroyed when it was deinitialized. As a side note, this meant that when a
conference in a non-default domain was joined, local tracks were destroyed and
recreated in quick succession.
Now, local trans are created and destroyed based on what the next route will be,
and this happens when the target room has been decided. This allows us to create
local tracks the moment we need to render any route, and destroy them when there
is no route to be rendered. As an interesting byproduct, this refactor also
avoids the destruction + recreation of local tracks when a conference in a
non-default domain was left.
* feat(local-video): convert to react
- Create a VideoTrack component for displaying a video element.
This mirrors native also having a VideoTrack component.
- The VideoTrack component does not let React update it to prevent
the video element from re-rendering, which could cause flickers
and would not work with temasys's overriding of the video element.
- VideoTrack extends AbstractVideoTrack to mirror native
implementation and to get the dispatch of the onplaying event.
- Remove the onclick handler on the video element. Honestly, I
didn't get it to work, and did not try, but it is also unnecessary
because another handler already exists on the video wrapper.
* ref(device-selection): VideoInputPreview uses VideoTrack to show video
* squash into conversion: change css selectors
* squash into conversion: mix in abstract props
* squash into conversion: change shouldComponentUpdate check
* squash: update comment about why triggerOnPlayingUpdate is used
Listeners were set for when a track muted or changed its video
type, but the listeners were never removed. This would could
cause events to keep firing on the removed tracks, which would
cause redux to fire and error because the tracks were no longer
known. That the tracks still fire events after removal is
another issue...
Dynamically enables/disables the toolbar video button. Prior to that
commit if we would start with no video there would be no way to enable
it later on.
Keep track of the connection and conference objects so we can leave and / or
disconnect early, before the connection is established or the conference joined.
Apparently iOS doesn't like dangling background tasks very much, so update the
background timers plugin with a version which fixes this.
Also accomodate for the API changes upstream.
Credits to @lyubomir for finding the needle in the haystack.
* feat(display-name): convert to React
- Create a new React Component for displaying and updating display
names on small videos
- The updating of the Component is defined in the parent class
SmallVideo, which children will get access to through prototype
- Create a new actionType and middleware so name changes that occur
in DisplayName can be propogated to outside redux
- Update the local video's DisplayName when a conference is joined
or else the component may keep an undefined user id
* squash: query for the container, not the el owned by react
- Add tracks to the redux store by intercepting where the
tracks actually get used via conference.replaceTrack
- While the replace call is unique to web, the _dispose and
_addTracks calls use existing native code implementations
- Between _dispose and addTracks is a call to update mute state.
Without it, when changing devices or videoType while muted,
the user will stay muted (whereas existing web behavior
causes unmute). This is due to middelware calling
_syncTrackMutedState to make the track mute if the user is
currently muted.
- Move the rest of ConferenceEvents.TRACK_MUTE_CHANGED into
middleware so the event is no longer used
- Note: This change does not guarantee the track state in the
redux store will be 100% accurate, specifically the attribute
videoStarted. Muted and videoType should be accurate.
- Use actions trackAdded and trackRemoved to add and remove remote
tracks from the redux store
- Emit out to non-react components on track added and removed in
the track middleware
- Emit out to existing non-react components on track mute and
video type changes
When entering audio-only mode, VideoBridge is instructed to stop sending
remote videos. However, if the instruction fails because DataChannels do
not work, for example, then the app continues to display the remote
videos. Even though they're received in the case of such a failure, no
videos are to be displayed in audio-only mode.
Introduce certain React Components which may be used to write
cross-platform source code such as Audio like Web's audio, Container
like Web's div, Text like Web's p, etc.
The counterpart of the external API in the Jitsi Meet Web app uses the
search URL param jwt to heuristically detect that the Web app is very
likely embedded (as an iframe) and, consequently, needs to forcefully
enable itself. It was looking at whether there was a JSON Web Token
(JWT) but that logic got broken when the JWT support was rewritten
because the check started happening before the search URL param jwt was
Add a menu that displays when hovering over VideoStatusLabel. The menu's
display is controlled by CSS. As the existing AudioOnlyLabel no longer needs
needs its own tooltip, it has been removed and label display logic has been
moved into VideoStatusLabel.
There were getDomain, setDomain, SET_DOMAIN, setRoomURL, SET_ROOM_URL
which together were repeating one and the same information and in the
case of the 'room URL' abstraction was not 100% accurate because it
would exist even when there was no room. Replace them all with a
'location URL' abstraction which exists with or without a room.
Then the 'room URL' abstraction was not used in (mobile) feature
share-room. Use the 'location URL' there now.
Finally, removes source code duplication in supporting the Web
application context root.
Move the HD label into the newly renamed VideoStatusLabel
component. That way it cannot be possible for the audio only
label and the HD label to display simultaneously.
Audio only mode can be used to save bandwidth. In this mode local video is muted
and last N is set to 0, thus disabling all remote video.
When this mode is enabled avatars are shown.
* fix(react/participant): store display name in redux
* feat(remotecontrol): Add option to display the authorization dialog in meet
* feat(remotecontrol): Enable ESLint and Flow
Watermarks can be used to link to an external site by configuring a URL.
However, the URL is optional. When it is not set, the watermark should
not be clickable. This prevents users from reloading the room by
clicking on a watermark (caused by an HTML anchor element without an
The functionality around logging including logging_config.js i.e.
loggingConfig and the other classes and/or functions that initialize
loggers for Jits Meet truly deserves a feature of its own. Start getting
in that direction on both Web and mobile by introducing
features/base/logging and bringing loggingConfig to mobile.
The config object defined by lib-jitsi-meet is not used by
lib-jitsi-meet only, jitsi-meet respects its values as well.
Moreover, jitsi-meet defined classes and/or functions which manipulate
that config object. Consequently, it makes sense to move the config
object and the associated classes and functions in a dedicated feature.
@virtuacoplenny, the changes of this commit are not necessarily in
source code that you introduced in but I saw violations in
files modified in the PR which I had to read in order to understand the
Converting the invite modal includes the following:
- Creating new react components to display InviteDialog. The
main parent components are ShareLink and PasswordOverview,
the later handles displaying lock state and password editing.
These components do not make use of atlaskit as the component
for input does not yet support readonly, so for consistency
within the modal content no atlaskit was used.
- Using redux for keeping and accessing lock state instead of
- Publicly exposing the redux action lockStateChanged for direct
calling on lock events experienced on the web client.
- Removing Invite, InviteDialogView, and RoomLocker and references
to them.
- Handling errors that occur when setting a password to preserve
existing web funtionality.
Some atlaskit components, such as field-text, inherit text color.
This is a problem with components that are white as they will
inherit $defaultColor, which is a light gray. So instead, for
the atlaskit modal, set a color for all the form content so it
can be inherited instead.
Dialog does not currently support displaying dynamic strings
for titles, only static strings listed for translation. Accept
a new prop that explicitly states it is for setting the title
and have the web dialog prefer it over the titleKey.
When the prosody setting has muc_allowners, everyone joins as a
moderator. In this case, the local user will not be set as a
moderator in the redux store as the USER_ROLE_CHANGE event will
trigger with the local user id before the redux store has set
the actual local user id--something that happens on
CONFERENCE_JOINED. The fix is to explicitly signal the local user
role has changed to the redux store, which follows the
implementation of pre-existing web logic.
Over time features/base/util became a bucket where people seemed to dump
just about anything they couldn't think of a better place for. That's a
trend I don't like encouraging. Given that roomnameGenerator.js is
currently used in features/welcome only, I'm fine with moving it there
for the greater good.
Because timeUtil.js computes hours, minutes, and seconds out of a single
time/duration using three separate functions, I wouldn't recommend using
it, especially reusing it. That's why I'm even making the functions
private to their current use location.
I don't like the file/function name, I'm not excited about the
complexity of the logic it implements, and it's definitely a reusable
piece worthy of being called a utility.
Atlaskit at times will have localized styling for font-size and
sometimes will not. The button component will inherit its
font-size whereas selectors have localized font-size of 14px. For
consistency, the cancel/submit buttons on the atlaskit modals
will also have 14px. The atlaskit story book examples also use
buttons with 14px font-size.
The Device Selection modal consists of:
- DeviceSelection, an overly smart component responsible for
triggering stream creation and cleanup.
- DeviceSelector for selector elements.
- VideoInputPreview for displaying a video preview.
- AudioInputPreview for displaying a volume meter.
- AudioOutputPreview for a test sound output link.
Store changes include is primarily storing the list of
available devices in redux. Other app state has been left
alone for future refactoring.
When a conference is to happen in a domain which is not the defaut, its config
is loaded and set. As part of this process, lib-jitsi-meet is disposed. Because
disposing is asynchronous, events happen in this sequence:
- set new config
- dispose lib (which effectively wipes the config)
- init lib
This results in the library to be initialized without the loaded config, which
was lost. This commit fixes that by delaying setting the config and
re-initializing the library until it was disposed.
The functionality to use the react-native-webrtc custom API for fast switching
cameras was moved to JitsiLocalTrack in lib-jitsi-meet. Use that.
The behavior can be triggered with the toggleAudioOnly action, which is
currently fired with a button.
The following aspects of the conference will change when in audio only mode:
- local video is muted
- last N is set to 0 (effectively muting remote video)
- full-screen mode is exited
- audio mode is set to "audio chat" (default output is the earpiece)
- the wake lock is disengaged
One aspect not handled in this patch is disabling the video mute button while in
audio only mode. The user should not be able to turn back video on in that case.
They better represent if a participant has video available or not. There are
cases when even a participant in the last N set would not have video because it
disconnected momentarily, for example.
Use the curstom _switchCamera API provided by react-native-webrtc to toggle the
camera instead of destroying the current track and creating a new one.
_switchCamera is implemented at a low level, so the track perceives no changes,
thus being a lot faster and less involved since the capturer doesn't need to be
destroyed and re-created.
In addition, don't mirror the video for the back camera.
When a new local video track is created an associated video capturer is created
for it. The cause for the freezes seems to be creating mutliple tracks (which
come with a video capturer each). Fix this by first disposing of the previous
video track before creating the new one.
Lib-jitsi-meet does not really implement isScreenSharing. Besides,
getCameraFacingMode will already make sure that the video track does not
represent a desktop stream.
This is in preparation for an upcoming "audio only mode" feature. Setting last N
will also be required for it, so this patch factors out the action and makes it
public so other modules can reuse it.
In addition, if the value is set to undefined the configured default value (or
-1 if absent) is picked.
Replaces changeAvatarID, changeAvatarURL and changeEmail with
participantUpdated action.
participantUpdated can be fired for local user without id. This
fixes the problem with updating the local user before the user
join the conference which results in fix for failing to execute
commands for avatarID, avatarURL and email right after the iframe
api creates the iframe with Jitsi Meet.
The error raised by JitsiMeetJS.init() is already in the state of
features/base/lib-jitsi-meet so it's not a good design to store the same
error in the state of features/unsupported-browser.
On RN we don't use the global APP object, so don't save the store there unless
it's defined, which is the case in the current web version. Also, check for
undefined explicitly, since a "if (!APP)" check will throw a ReferenceError.
Lib-jitsi-meet uses jQuery's .append method to manipulate Jingle. The
method in question invokes the getter and setter of Element.innerHTML.
Unfortunately, xmldom which we use in React Native to polyfill DOM does
not polyfill Element.innerHTML. So polyfill it ourselves.
Turns out React Native's timers (setTimeout / setInterval) don't run while the
app is in the background:
This patch replaces the global timer functions with those from the
react-native-background-timer package, which work in the background.
These timers won't magically make an application work in the background, but
they will run if an application already happens to run in the background. That's
our case while in a conference, so these timers will run, allowing XMPP pings to
be sent and the conference to stay up as long as the user desires.