Zoltan Bettenbuk suggested the following:
const state = getState();
if (desiredTypes.length === 0) {
- const { audio, video } = state['features/base/media'];
- audio.muted || desiredTypes.push(MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO);
- video.muted || desiredTypes.push(MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO);
+ const startAudioOnly = getPropertyValue(state, 'startAudioOnly');
+ const startWithAudioMuted
+ = getPropertyValue(state, 'startWithAudioMuted');
+ const startWithVideoMuted
+ = getPropertyValue(state, 'startWithVideoMuted');
+ if (!startWithAudioMuted) {
+ desiredTypes.push(MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO);
+ }
+ if (!startAudioOnly && !startWithVideoMuted) {
+ desiredTypes.push(MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO);
+ }
const availableTypes
The final commit is really a different implementation of the same idea
but takes into account that the state of base/media already contains the
intent of the URL and notices the delay in the realization of the
background app state.
Additionally, unbreaks one more case where setAudioOnly is incorrectly
dispatched on CONFERENCE_LEFT or CONFERENCE_FAILED and, consequently,
overrides the intent of the URL.
* feat(Deeplinking): Implement for web.
* ref(unsupported_browser): Move the mobile version to deeplinking feature
* feat(deeplinking_mobile): Redesign.
* fix(deeplinking): Use interface.NATIVE_APP_NAME.
* feat(dial_in_summary): Add the PIN to the number link.
* fix(deep_linking): Handle use case when there isn't deep linking image.
* fix(deep_linking): css
* fix(deep_linking): deeplink -> "deep linking"
* fix(deeplinking_css): Remove position: fixed
* docs(deeplinking): Add comment for the openWebApp action.
* fix(recording): fetch events also for available broadcasts
Only "persistent" broadcasts were being fetched using the
YouTube API. Fetching "all" will get persistent broadcasts
and events. If events use a custom encoder then the stream
key can be obtained. If google hangouts is used for the event
then a stream key will not be obtainable; in those cases
input empty string as the stream key.
* squash: fix typos, reword comments, use object for preventing duplicate broadcasts
The feature was not ported to the new toolbar. Arguable these
can all be moved into notification but for now simply the
logic will be removed and worked on again as demand arised.
Adds TestConnectionInfo component which exposes some internal app state
to the jitsi-meet-torture through the UI accessibility layer. This
component will render only if config.testing.testMode is set to true.
Moves the statsEmitter.start() invocation to the middleware of
the connection-indicator feature, so that it's started for both mobile
and web (now mobile needs RTP stats for the tests).
On Android the files will be copied to the assets/sounds directory of
the SDK bundle on build time. To play the "asset:/" prefix has to be
used to locate the files correctly.
On iOS each sound file must be added to the SDK's Xcode project in order
to be bundled correctly. To playback we need to know the path of the SDK
bundle which is now exposed by the AppInfo iOS module.
TouchableWithoutFeedback and TouchableHighlight interfere with the
implementation of 'pinch to zoom' to come. We prepare for it by driving
the onClick/onPress handler(s) out of Conference, through LargeVideo and
ParticipantView into Video itself where the bulk of 'pinch to zoom' will
be implemented.
In preparation for "pinch to zoom" support in desktop streams on mobile, make
certain Views not intervene in touch event handling. While the modification is
necessary for "pinch to zoom" which is coming later, it really makes sense for
the modified Views to not be involved in touching because they're used to aid
layout and/or animations and are to behave to the user as if they're not there.
Adds Nat64InfoModule which resolves IPv6 addresses for IPv4 addresses
in IPv6 only network where jitsi-meet deployment does not provide any
IPv6 addresses as ICE candidates.
Being kicked out of the conference will result with a conference failed
event with 'conference.kicked' reason and take the user back to
the welcome page by navigating to 'undefined'.
I don't understand the old showDesktopSharingButton action
but I've tried my best to copy it over. There is an existing
issue where the keyboard shortcut gets registered when it
probably shouldn't because screensharing is disabled. It will
be fixed soon with refactoring of the entire logic determining
whether or not to show the screensharing button.
The onPresence parsing was refactored to remove use of jQuery.
This exposed three methods not available in react-native:
ParentNode.children, ChildNode.remove, and
document.querySelectorAll. The querySelectorAll change could
be swapped for the already polyfilled querySelector, but
children and remove had to be added. The polyfills are based
on those supplied by MDN web docs, but modified to pass jitsi
* fix(invite): do not send empty queries for people search
The endpoint might return an error if an empty query is sent.
* fix(invite): add error logging for failed people directory requests
The error currently being passed through from $.getJSON ended up
being an empty string plus was not getting logged. So switch to
fetch to move along with jquery killing and log the error.
* fix(dial-in): add error logging for failed requests
* ref(invite): create a fetch helper to remove duplicate logic
* feat(invite): add basic analytics for AddPeople dialog
Analytics for opening the dialog, closing the dialog, the
count of invites sent, and the count of invites errored.
* squash: fix typo, change default count init, remove extra analytics param
* feat(recording): use google api to get stream key
* squash: renaming pass
* squash: return full load promise
* sqush: use google api state enum
* squash: workaround for lib not loading
* another new design...
* increase timeout workaround for gapi load issue
* styling pass
* tweak copy
* squash: auto select first broadcast
Moves the things around to be able to override the config with the URL
params specified in the hash part of the location URI to which the app
is navigating to.
Adds base/sounds feature which allows other features to register a sound
source under specified id. A new SoundsCollection component will then
render corresponding HTMLAudioElement for each such sound. Once "setRef"
callback is called by the HTMLAudioElement, this element will be added
to the Redux store. When that happens sound can be played through the
new 'playSound' action which will call play() method on the stored
HTMLAudioElement instance.
Pre-existing logic made it so numbers were assumed as valid
if no validation url was specified. To be consistent with
the validation server, the faked number should include a
+ at the beginning.
* feat(invite): be able to call numbers from the invite dialog
The major changes:
- Remove DialOutDialog, its views, redux hooks, css, and images.
Its main functionality has been moved into AddPeopleDialog.
- Modify the AppPeopleDialog styling a bit so it is wider.
- Add phone numbers to AddPeopleDialog search results. Phone
numbers are validated in parallel with the request for people
and then appended to the result. The validation includes
an ajax to validate the number is recognized as dialable by
the server. The trigger for the validation is essentially if
the entered input is numbers only.
- AddPeopleDialog holds onto the full object representation of
an item selected in MultiSelectAutocomplete. This is so
selected items can be removed on successful invite, leaving
only unsuccessful items.
- More granular error handling on invite so individual invitees
can be removed from the selected items list.
* squash: change load state, new regex for numbers
* squash: change strings, auto prepend 1 if no country code, add reminders