* fix(quality-control): Switch to new receiver constraints by default. Use the new receiver constraints unless it is explicitly disabled through config.js.
* feat: Exposes a hook to mod_external_services data.
The hook can be used to get turn servers and credentials from another module.
* feat: JiConOp2 pushes a message with some info to clients.
* feat: JiConOp adds config for shard name feature.
* squash: Changes message type to service-info.
* squash: Drops the event in external_services.
* fix(authentication) login dialog now closes when connection is established
* fix(authentication) fixed shibboleth auth
* fix(authentication) renamed authenticateExternal func to authenticate and updated its logic
* fix(authentication)removed logindialog.js and created actions.any
* fix(authentication) removed focus from externalauthwindow
* fix(authentication) removed private sign from some actions and added openLoginDialog to actions.any
* fix(authentication) exported all from actions.any
* fix(authentication) reverted change regarding externalAuth
* fix(authentication) fixed indentation
* fix(JingleSession): Increase the ICE candidate gathering timeout to 150ms. This will reduce the numbers of transport-info IQs sent by the client.
* fix(TPC): Fix error handling for getStats.
* fix(stats): Use promise-based getStats on all browsers. Get rid of the browser specific keys and use the standard spec-compliant fields for stats. Get the resolution/fps for remote streams from 'inbound-rtp' stats. Use the 'track' stats for the local resolution/fps since these take the active simulcast streams into account.
* fix(SS): Implement a 2500Kbps limit for VP9 SS.
* fix(RTC): Remove stream effect before disposing the track. Remove the effect instead of stopping it so that the original stream is restored on both the local track and on the peerconnection. Fixes issues when a stream with effect applied is replaced on the pc after it is muted, also fixes https://github.com/jitsi/lib-jitsi-meet/issues/1537.
* fix: Drops unused config.
* language update: main.json and main-de.json
* language update: main-de.json
* language update: main-de.json
* revert changes in main.json and delete same entries in main-de.json
Co-authored-by: qwertiko <gross@qwertiko>