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# Jitsi Meet SDK for iOS
## Build
1. Install all required [dependencies](https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/doc/mobile.md).
2. `xcodebuild -workspace ios/jitsi-meet.xcworkspace -scheme JitsiMeet -destination='generic/platform=iOS' -configuration Release archive`
## Install
After successfully building Jitsi Meet SDK for iOS, copy
`ios/sdk/JitsiMeet.framework` (if the path points to a symbolic link, follow the
symbolic link) and
`node_modules/react-native-webrtc/ios/WebRTC.framework` into your project.
## API
JitsiMeet is an iOS framework which embodies the whole Jitsi Meet experience and
makes it reusable by third-party apps.
To get started:
1. Add a `JitsiMeetView` to your app using a Storyboard or Interface Builder,
for example.
2. Then, once the view has loaded, set the delegate in your controller and load
the desired URL:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
JitsiMeetView *jitsiMeetView = (JitsiMeetView *) self.view;
jitsiMeetView.delegate = self;
[jitsiMeetView loadURL:nil];
### JitsiMeetView class
The `JitsiMeetView` class is the entry point to the SDK. It a subclass of
`UIView` which renders a full conference in the designated area.
#### delegate
Property to get/set the `JitsiMeetViewDelegate` on `JitsiMeetView`.
#### defaultURL
Property to get/set the default base URL used to join a conference when a
partial URL (e.g. a room name only) is specified to
`loadURLString:`/`loadURLObject:`. If not set or if set to `nil`, the default
built in JavaScript is used: https://meet.jit.si.
NOTE: Must be set before `loadURL:`/`loadURLString:` for it to take effect.
#### welcomePageEnabled
Property to get/set whether the Welcome page is enabled. If `NO`, a black empty
view will be rendered when not in a conference. Defaults to `NO`.
NOTE: Must be set before `loadURL:`/`loadURLString:` for it to take effect.
#### loadURL:NSURL
[jitsiMeetView loadURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://meet.jit.si/test123"]];
Loads a specific URL which may identify a conference to join. If the specified
URL is `nil` and the Welcome page is enabled, the Welcome page is displayed
#### loadURLObject:NSDictionary
[jitsiMeetView loadURLObject:@{
@"url": @"https://meet.jit.si/test123",
@"configOverwrite": @{
@"startWithAudioMuted": @YES,
@"startWithVideoMuted": @NO
Loads a specific URL which may identify a conference to join. The URL is
specified in the form of an `NSDictionary` of properties which (1) internally
are sufficient to construct a URL (string) while (2) abstracting the specifics
of constructing the URL away from API clients/consumers. If the specified URL is
`nil` and the Welcome page is enabled, the Welcome page is displayed instead.
#### loadURLString:NSString
[jitsiMeetView loadURLString:@"https://meet.jit.si/test123"];
Loads a specific URL which may identify a conference to join. If the specified
URL is `nil` and the Welcome page is enabled, the Welcome page is displayed
#### Universal / deep linking
In order to support Universal / deep linking, `JitsiMeetView` offers 2 class
methods that you app's delegate should call in order for the app to follow those
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity
restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray *restorableObjects))restorationHandler
return [JitsiMeetView application:application
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
openURL:(NSURL *)url
sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
return [JitsiMeetView application:application
### JitsiMeetViewDelegate
This delegate is optional, and can be set on the `JitsiMeetView` instance using
the `delegate` property.
It provides information about the conference state: was it joined, left, did it
All methods in this delegate are optional.
##### conferenceFailed
Called when a joining a conference was unsuccessful or when there was an error
while in a conference.
The `data` dictionary contains an "error" key describing the error and a "url"
key with the conference URL.
#### conferenceJoined
Called when a conference was joined.
The `data` dictionary contains a "url" key with the conference URL.
#### conferenceLeft
Called when a conference was left.
The `data` dictionary contains a "url" key with the conference URL.
#### conferenceWillJoin
Called before a conference is joined.
The `data` dictionary contains a "url" key with the conference URL.
#### conferenceWillLeave
Called before a conference is left.
The `data` dictionary contains a "url" key with the conference URL.
#### loadConfigError
Called when loading the main configuration file from the Jitsi Meet deployment
The `data` dictionary contains an "error" key with the error and a "url" key
with the conference URL which necessitated the loading of the configuration