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Jitsi Meet API

You can use Jitsi Meet API to create Jitsi Meet video conferences with custom GUI.


To embed Jitsi Meet API in your application you need to add Jitsi Meet API library

<script src="https://meet.jit.si/lib-jitsi-meet.js"></script>

Now you can access Jitsi Meet API trough the JitsiMeetJS global object.


Jitsi Meet API has the following components:

  • JitsiMeetJS

  • JitsiConnection

  • JitsiConference

  • JitsiTrack



You can access the following methods and objects trough JitsiMeetJS object.

  • JitsiMeetJS.init(options) - this method initialized Jitsi Meet API. The options parameter is JS object with the following properties:

    1. useIPv6 - boolean property
  • JitsiMeetJS.JitsiConnection - the JitsiConnection constructor. You can use that to create new server connection.

  • JitsiMeetJS.setLogLevel - changes the log level for the library. For example to have only error messages you should do:

  • JitsiMeetJS.createLocalTracks(options) - Creates the media tracks and returns them trough Promise object.

    • options - JS object with configuration options for the local media tracks. You can change the following properties there:
      1. devices - array with the devices - "video" and "audio" that will be passed to GUM. If that property is not set GUM will try to get all available devices.
      2. resolution - the prefered resolution for the local video.
      3. cameraDeviceId - the deviceID for the video device that is going to be used
      4. micDeviceId - the deviceID for the audio device that is going to be used
  • JitsiMeetJS.enumerateDevices(callback) - returns list of the available devices as a parameter to the callback function. Every device is a object with the following format:

    • label - the name of the device
    • kind - "audioinput" or "videoinput"
    • deviceId - the id of the device.
  • JitsiMeetJS.isDeviceListAvailable()- returns true if retrieving the device list is support and false - otherwise.

  • JitsiMeetJS.events - JS object that contains all events used by the API. You will need that JS object when you try to subscribe for connection or conference events. We have two event types - connection and conference. You can access the events with the following code JitsiMeetJS.events.<event_type>.<event_name>. For example if you want to use the conference event that is fired when somebody leave conference you can use the following code - JitsiMeetJS.events.conference.USER_LEFT. We support the following events:

    1. conference

      • TRACK_ADDED - remote stream received. (parameters - JitsiTrack)
      • TRACK_REMOVED - remote stream removed. (parameters - JitsiTrack)
      • TRACK_MUTE_CHANGED - JitsiTrack was muted or unmuted. (parameters - JitsiTrack)
      • ACTIVE_SPEAKER_CHANGED - the active speaker is changed. (parameters - id(string))
      • USER_JOINED - new user joined a conference. (parameters - id(string))
      • USER_LEFT - a participant left conference. (parameters - id(string))
      • MESSAGE_RECEIVED - new text message received. (parameters - id(string), text(string))
      • DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGED - user has changed his display name. (parameters - id(string), displayName(string))
      • LAST_N_ENDPOINTS_CHANGED - last n set was changed (parameters - array of ids of users)
      • IN_LAST_N_CHANGED - passes boolean property that shows whether the local user is included in last n set of any other user or not. (parameters - boolean)
      • CONFERENCE_JOINED - notifies the local user that he joined the conference successfully. (no parameters)
      • CONFERENCE_LEFT - notifies the local user that he left the conference successfully. (no parameters)
    2. connection

      • CONNECTION_FAILED - indicates that the server connection failed.
      • CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED - indicates that we have successfully established server connection.
      • CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED - indicates that we are disconnected.
      • WRONG_STATE - indicates that the user has performed action that can't be executed because the connection is in wrong state.
  • JitsiMeetJS.errors - JS object that contains all errors used by the API. You can use that object to check the reported errors from the API We have two error types - connection and conference. You can access the events with the following code JitsiMeetJS.errors.<error_type>.<error_name>. For example if you want to use the conference event that is fired when somebody leave conference you can use the following code - JitsiMeetJS.errors.conference.PASSWORD_REQUIRED. We support the following events:

    1. conference
      • CONNECTION_ERROR - the connection with the conference is lost.
      • PASSWORD_REQUIRED - that error can be passed when the connection to the conference failed. You should try to join the conference with password.
      • VIDEOBRIDGE_NOT_AVAILABLE - video bridge issues.
    2. connection
      • PASSWORD_REQUIRED - passed when the connection to the server failed. You should try to authenticate with password.
      • CONNECTION_ERROR - indicates connection failures.
      • OTHER_ERROR - all other errors
  • JitsiMeetJS.logLevels - object with the log levels:

    1. TRACE
    2. DEBUG
    3. INFO
    4. LOG
    5. WARN
    6. ERROR


This objects represents the server connection. You can create new JitsiConnection object with the constructor JitsiMeetJS.JitsiConnection. JitsiConnection has the following methods:

  1. JitsiConnection(appID, token, options) - constructor. Creates the conference object.

    • appID - identification for the provider of Jitsi Meet video conferencing services. NOTE: not implemented yet. You can safely pass null
    • token - secret generated by the provider of Jitsi Meet video conferencing services. The token will be send to the provider from the Jitsi Meet server deployment for authorization of the current client. NOTE: not implemented yet. You can safely pass null
    • options - JS object with configuration options for the server connection. You can change the following properties there:
      1. bosh -
      2. hosts - JS Object
        • domain
        • muc
        • bridge
        • anonymousdomain
      3. useStunTurn -
  2. connect(options) - establish server connection

    • options - JS Object with id and password properties.
  3. disconnect() - destroys the server connection

  4. initJitsiConference(name, options) - creates new JitsiConference object.

    • name - the name of the conference
    • options - JS object with configuration options for the conference. You can change the following properties there:
      1. devices - array with the devices - "video" and "audio" that will be passed to GUM. If that property is not set GUM will try to get all available devices.
      2. resolution - the prefered resolution for the local video.
      3. openSctp - boolean property. Enables/disables datachannel support. NOTE: we recommend to set that option to true
      4. disableAudioLevels - boolean property. Enables/disables audio levels.
  5. addEventListener(event, listener) - Subscribes the passed listener to the event.

    • event - one of the events from JitsiMeetJS.events.connection object.
    • listener - handler for the event.
  6. removeEventListener(event, listener) - Removes event listener.

    • event - the event
    • listener - the listener that will be removed.


The object represents a conference. We have the following methods to control the conference:

  1. join(password) - Joins the conference

    • password - string of the password. This parameter is not mandatory.
  2. leave() - leaves the conference

  3. getLocalTracks() - Returns array with JitsiTrack objects for the local streams.

  4. addEventListener(event, listener) - Subscribes the passed listener to the event.

    • event - one of the events from JitsiMeetJS.events.conference object.
    • listener - handler for the event.
  5. removeEventListener(event, listener) - Removes event listener.

    • event - the event
    • listener - the listener that will be removed.
  6. on(event, listener) - alias for addEventListener

  7. off(event, listener) - alias for removeEventListener

  8. sendTextMessage(text) - sends the given string to other participants in the conference.

  9. setDisplayName(name) - changes the display name of the local participant.

    • name - the new display name
  10. selectParticipant(participantID) - Elects the participant with the given id to be the selected participant or the speaker. You should use that method if you are using simulcast.

  11. sendCommand(name, values) - sends user defined system command to the other participants

    • name - the name of the command.

    • values - JS object. The object has the following structure:

              value: the_value_of_the_command,
              attributes: {},// map with keys the name of the attribute and values - the values of the attributes.
              children: [] // array with JS object with the same structure.

    NOTE: When you use that method the passed object will be added in every system message that is sent to the other participants. It might be sent more than once.

  12. sendCommandOnce(name, values) - Sends only one time a user defined system command to the other participants

  13. removeCommand(name) - removes a command for the list of the commands that are sent to the ther participants

    • name - the name of the command
  14. addCommandListener(command, handler) - adds listener

    • command - string for the name of the command
    • handler(values) - the listener that will be called when a command is received from another participant.
  15. removeCommandListener(command) - removes the listeners for the specified command

    • command - the name of the command
  16. addTrack(track) - Adds JitsiLocalTrack object to the conference.

    • track - the JitsiLocalTrack
  17. removeTrack(track) - Removes JitsiLocalTrack object to the conference.

    • track - the JitsiLocalTrack JitsiTrack ====== The object represents single track - video or audio. They can be remote tracks ( from the other participants in the call) or local tracks (from the devices of the local participant). We have the following methods for controling the tracks:

1.getType() - returns string with the type of the track( "video" for the video tracks and "audio" for the audio tracks)

2.mute() - mutes the track.

Note: This method is implemented only for the local tracks.

3.unmute() - unmutes the track.

Note: This method is implemented only for the local tracks.

  1. attach(container) - attaches the track to the given container.

  2. detach(container) - removes the track from the container.

  3. stop() - stop sending the track to the other participants in the conference.

Note: This method is implemented only for the local tracks.

  1. getId() - returns unique string for the track.

Getting Started

  1. The first thing you must do in order to use Jitsi Meet API is to initialize JitsiMeetJS object:
  1. Then you must create the connection object:
var connection = new JitsiMeetJS.JitsiConnection(null, null, options);
  1. Now we can attach some listeners to the connection object and establish the server connection:
connection.addEventListener(JitsiMeetJS.events.connection.CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED, onConnectionSuccess);
connection.addEventListener(JitsiMeetJS.events.connection.CONNECTION_FAILED, onConnectionFailed);
connection.addEventListener(JitsiMeetJS.events.connection.CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED, disconnect);

  1. After you receive the CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED event you are to create the JitsiConference object and also you may want to attach listeners for conference events (we are going to add handlers for remote track, conference joined, etc. ):

room = connection.initJitsiConference("conference1", confOptions);
room.on(JitsiMeetJS.events.conference.TRACK_ADDED, onRemoteTrack);
room.on(JitsiMeetJS.events.conference.CONFERENCE_JOINED, onConferenceJoined);
  1. You also may want to get your local tracks from the camera and microphone:

NOTE: Adding listeners and creating local streams are not mandatory steps.

  1. Then you are ready to create / join a conference :

After that step you are in the conference. Now you can continue with adding some code that will handle the events and manage the conference.