Tested on msys2 which is the only place it would have been buggy
CMake seems to share the gdiplus linkage with the other dependencies automatically now
When wxAny holds an enum, it cannot be compared with an integer due to a
missing conversion function. In such case, conditional properties
compare a raw value rather than wxAny.
Introduces classes:
- INSPECTED: base class for types taking advantage of
generic properties system.
- PROPERTY*: meta-data storing information about properties
- PROPERTY_MANAGER: singleton class to get properties data
We just want to make sure our netlist exporter works. Being
deterministic is the simulator's job, not ours, though perhaps we should
investigate that too eventually.
`linearize` command resamples the data. Fourth and further digits from
decimal point are cut off by using `wrdata` command instead of `write`.
Oddly, "sources" unit test is not working (so it's still uncommented) --
some substantially different values are generated when generating the
reference with standalone Ngspice.
Unfortunately, Windows headers define a lot of macros for common words,
so we had to rename some enums to not collide.
We also fix some of the many bugs related to the new simulation
architecture and the Spice Model Editor dialog.
- Tab-switching,
- Automatic expansion of categories on tab-switch,
- Various minor simulation improvements,
- Various new simulation-related bugfixes.
Don't serialize parameters in certain models for default values. Infer
models from Value field for some kinds of models. Resolve synonyms when
loading models from Spice libraries.
Rewrite the spice exporter to work with the new simulation model
architecture and data model, with many bugfixes related to the latter
two along the way.
Implemented serialization and deserialization of models in symbol fields
through the SIM_VALUE class. We don't carry the Spice legacy of
case-insensitive suffixes, instead we conform to the SI standard (i.e. M
is Mega, not milli, P is peta, p is pico).
Parameter grid value validation is implemented by simply not allowing
any characters that will make the value invalid (instead of highlighting
the field in a red color). This will likely be changed at some point in
the future.