Also checks the nets when checking for a pad being flashed on a particular
layer (so we don't end up thinking the currently-routing-collided track
is a connection).
The use of printf, wxLogDebug, and std::err/std::out causes excessive
debugging output which makes finding specific debugging messages more
difficult than it needs to be.
There is still some debugging output in test code that really needs to
be moved into a unit test.
Add debugging output section to the coding policy regarding debugging
The last remaining threaded operation in dynamic ratsnest was the
recalculation of the dynamic connectivity map. Because we do not
require any of the extra features of the connectivity map, we can get
away with a lightweight move of the anchors to update the ratsnest. The
resulting connectivity tree is not valid but it is not needed for the
ratsnest, which only needs a list of nets/anchors.
Connectivity takes an absolute approach to whether elements are
connected. DRC will be adjusted to check to illegal necks that are less
than the board minimum width
This option removes copper layers from pads and vias where they are not
connected to other board elements. This allows the inner layers to be
more closely routed if the via landing pad is not needed.
Connecting zone-to-zone, we need to allow for the stroke-width in
old-style polygons.
Also, speed up the calculation by skipping zone points that do not fall
inside the matching BBox
We need to be careful in the connectivity system to always use
dyn_cast/dynamic_cast and check the return when dealing with board
items. Getting non-connected items will result in null nets when
When running a hit test to check if the anchors are connected, we should
loosen the check for tracks to account for the width. Otherwise
connected anchors can be connected in the system but test positive for
Intrusive lists made the connectivity search not thread-safe. Using
iterators for item deletion provides the same order performance while
keeping the container thread-localized
Removes the TTL triangulator in favor of the delaunator triangulator.
This removes the only AGPL code in the KiCad codebase and therefore
allows the full project to be licensed under the GPLv3.