REMOVED: Update schematic option from geographical annotation dialog due
to potential issues with incomplete and/or broken updates. Use "Update
Schematic from PCB" tool to update reference designation changes.
Forcing the footprint reference designator changes back to the schematic
without checking any other board changes in the schematic could leave the
schematic in a undefined state. The update schematic from board tool is
the correct method to sync any changes from the board.
Keeping them in base_units means that we can't introduce
any dependence on these functions to anything that needs to
compile without one of the unit defines (EESCHEMA, PCBNEW, etc)
VIEW::GetBoundary() returns the entire view area, not the visible area.
Surprisingly, we had no API for this, so I added one.
Also, changed the dragger behavior to toggle between optimizing just the
modified area and optimizing the visible area, i.e. we will now never
optimize off-screen portions of the dragged track.
CHANGED: The interactive router settings now include a switch to
enable or disable optimization of the entire dragged track,
which is now disabled by default. When enabled, the router
will reroute the entire track (from the dragged segment to
the closest pad/via in each direction) to be more optimal.
When disabled, only the area around the dragged segment
will be modified.
CHANGED: The "optimizer effort" slider is removed from the interactive
router settings dialog, as this setting did not have any
meaningful impact in most cases and was a source of confusion.
Instead of enabling/disabling the controls on every possible
UI event in these dialogs, only do it when the actual control
wants to know if it should change status.
This is under the supposition that we can't set the column widths
on some Mac instances because the host controls haven't yet been
created. This is primarily conjecture based on looking at things
that have the *possibility* of going wrong. Why this only happens
in some installs is beyond me.
It is still possible to move a pad independent of footprint through
the pad properties dialog. This is a much more conscious decision
than using the move tools.
ADDED: "Allow free pads" preference setting in pcbnew, default to off.
When enabled, allows moving unlocked pads independent of the footprint
(i.e. previous behaviour). When disabled (default), any attempt to move
a pad will move the parent footprint instead.
REMOVED: "Lock pads of newly added footprints" preference setting in
pcbnew. (Pad lock state is now loaded from the footprint definition)
CHANGED: There are now only two possible lock states for a footprint:
locked and unlocked. The lock state of the pads in the footprint is
now independent of the footprint lock state.
Also fixed a latent bug that would allow a pad to be moved when the
parent footprint was locked (see m_selectionTool->RequestSelection
lambdas in edit_tool.cpp)
For some reason, the footprint UUID was being prefixed to the sheet path
which caused the symbol look up by sheet path to fail. An option was
added to not do this when the geographical back annotation to the schematic
is performed.
If we keep doing design validations at two different places, they can
only start to drift apart. Board Setup should validate for malformed
data ONLY; everything else is the business of DRC.
This also fixes a bug where implementation validations would not allow
OK in the dialog, but wouldn't put up a message to say why. We now use
the InfoBar impl from Jon's commit for that.
Bitmaps are now identified by an enum class instead of by pointers.
Bitmap loading and caching is now handled by a class in common, and
we no longer compile most bitmaps into the binary, so there is no
longer a bitmaps static library.
Instead, bitmaps are archived to a .tar.gz file which is installed
in ${KICAD_DATA}/resources/images.tar.gz
The source PNGs are checked in to Git as the original CPP files were,
so that people can build without the required dependencies to convert
SVGs to PNGs.
Initial support is also added for dark theme icons, although this
is not yet exposed in the GUI.
Stubs are present for multi-resolution image resources, but this is
not fully-baked yet and could use some refinement.
We auto-size them in the code and doing both produces nothing but a
Also improves the auto-sizing for the layers drop-down (particularly
needed for the new, somewhat longer, layer names.
Each symbol unit in eeschema has a unique identifier. But we don't have
a unique identifier for the entire symbol. So changing which symbol
instance was unit A (our default base for matching), changed the UUID
that we were using to match the footprints.
This commit adds all UUIDs to the netlist, allowing us to match symbol
to footprint without worrying about which unit is referenced.
This still does not handle changing different units on different sheets.
This change is mainly due to the fact Modal dialogs do not work when our
current tool is the tool used to create new item (text, zone, graphic).
If when this tool is active, one try to edit the properties of the new item
being created (or being placed) the modal dialog does not capture the event tool
and hangs (cannot be dismissed)
Our quasi modal dialogs have their own event loop and work.
For some kinds of issues, we want a way to point them out but
we don't need to keep the user from being able to close the
dialog. A separate Validate button lets the user check for
issues if desired, but these issues are not "fatal" and can
be ignored if the user wishes.
Keep Through Hole pads on external layers should be ON by default, because
such a pad does not allow soldering/unsoldering, if this option this option is OFF
Also rename dialog_enum_pads.fbp as dialog_enum_pads_base.fbp, as usual
You had to set the line width in the SVG export dialog in order to
change the displayed line width in the 3d viewer. The line width did
not affect the SVG export. Removing in favor of the Board design
settings for line widths
New strategy isolates all draw/don't draw decisions to the ViewGetLOD
routines, and all dimmed/not dimmed to PCB_RENDER_SETTINGS::GetColor.
The actual drawing in PCB_PAINTER is more-or-less conditon free.
Also adds new layers for pad and via hole walls so that they can be
controlled for high-contrast mode.
Also changes the drawing paradigm so that the pads are drawn even when
not on the high contrast layer, just in low contrast. The hole wall
is drawn in high contrast. This actually makes things clearer to the
user (although to be honest was done to keep from having to re-render
pads when the high contrast layer changes since we have two separate
layers now that we can adjut colours on).