This makes it clearer that the overrides are not inverses of each
other -- one overrides the flashing state and the other overrides
the connection state (to other zones, not to everything).
Also fixes a bug where we were failing to check the force-no-connect
for pads.
The dialog allows a color selection for each dielectric layer.
However for a "dielectric" defined by more than one layer, the color was handled
only for the first layer, and not for the other sub-layers.
The implementation used to always check F_Cu and B_Cu, rather than
where the via started and ended (which will be different for blind/
buried vias and microvias).
1) The highest priority zone that a via/pad collides with "owns" its
connectivity state. Once set, lower priority zones cannot change it --
and in fact, if they would have connected to it are forced not to.
2) The connectivity state goes with the zone fill state, and therefore
must be saved in the file.
3) Display of remove-unconnected's pads is no longer done in GetViewLOD()
(which isn't called for selected items), and is instead done in PCB_PAINTER.
This allows us to draw the full pad in outline mode when a via/pad is
selected which would otherwise only show the hole.
4) Note that in some cases this will still generate DRC errors -- in
particular when a via nearly collides with a higher priority zone it
won't get "owned" by that zone and may therefore have insufficient
clearance if said zone concludes it's unconnected and a subsequent
(lower priority) zone connects to it (causing it to now become flashed).
Each pad group is allowed to short nets with other pads in its group.
Legacy footprints with the "net tie" keyword hack will get a single
group auto-created with all the footprint's pads in it.
DRC and the router now allow a track to collide with copper graphic items
while entering a net-tie pad as long as the closest point in the collision
is within the pad.
DRC (and the footprint checker) now check for copper items in the
footprint shorting pads which are not in the same pad group.
Pads with zero width or height cause issues when rendering and
selecting. KiCad has never allowed these elements but hasn't prevented
importing systems where they exist. This prevents their import and
cleans existing designs where the pads are placed
1) Move a bunch of std::map's to std::unordered_map to get constant-time
2) Lengthen progress-reporting intervals to spend more time doing work
and less time talking about it
3) Reverse order of SHAPE_LINE_CHAINs in thermal intersection checks to
make (much) better use of bbox caches
4) Don't re-generate bboxes we already have
5) Fix some autos that weren't by reference (and were therefore copying
large datasets)
6) Rename delta progressDelta so it's easier to search for in future
7) Get rid of a few more autos (because I don't like them)
8) Pass large items to lambdas by reference
Removes a nanny setting that prevented the use of
blind/buried/micro-vias without a checkbox. If the designer does not
want microvias in their board, they simply do not place microvias.