
2.6 KiB

Top-level Clauses

(version <number>)

(rule <rule_name> <rule_clause> ...)

Rule Clauses

(constraint <constraint_type> ...)

(condition "<expression>")

(layer "<layer_name>")

Constraint Types

  • annular_width
  • clearance
  • courtyard_clearance
  • diff_pair_gap
  • diff_pair_uncoupled
  • disallow
  • edge_clearance
  • length
  • hole
  • hole_clearance
  • silk_clearance
  • skew
  • track_width
  • via_count

Item Types

  • buried_via
  • graphic
  • hole
  • micro_via
  • pad
  • text
  • track
  • via
  • zone


# Comment

(rule "copper keepout"
   (constraint disallow track via zone)
   (condition "A.insideArea('zone3')"))

(rule "BGA neckdown"
   (constraint track_width (min 0.2mm) (opt 0.25mm))
   (constraint clearance (min 0.05) (opt 0.08mm))
   (condition "A.insideCourtyard('U3')"))

(rule HV
   (constraint clearance (min 1.5mm))
   (condition "A.NetClass == 'HV'"))

(rule HV
   (layer outer)
   (constraint clearance (min 1.5mm))
   (condition "A.NetClass == 'HV'"))

(rule HV_HV
   # wider clearance between HV tracks
   (constraint clearance (min "1.5mm + 2.0mm"))
   (condition "A.NetClass == 'HV' && B.NetClass == 'HV'"))

(rule HV_unshielded
   (constraint clearance (min 2mm))
   (condition "A.NetClass == 'HV' && !A.insideArea('Shield*')))

# prevent silk over tented vias
(rule silk_over_via
   (constraint silk_clearance (min 0.2mm))
   (condition "A.Type == '*Text' && B.Type == 'Via'"))


Version clause must be the first clause.

Rules should be ordered by specificity. Later rules take precedence over earlier rules; once a matching rule is found no further rules will be checked.

Use Ctrl+/ to comment or uncomment line(s).

Expression functions

All function parameters support simple wildcards (* and ?).

True if any part of A lies within the given footprint's courtyard.


True if any part of A lies within the given zone's outline.


True if A has a hole which is plated.


True if A is a member of the given group. Includes nested membership.


True if A exists on the given layer. The layer name can be either the name assigned in Board Setup > Board Editor Layers or the canonical name (ie: F.Cu).


NB: this returns true if A is on the given layer, independently of whether or not the rule is being evaluated for that layer. For the latter use a (layer "layer_name") clause in the rule.