
3.6 KiB

Commit Message Format


Commit messages should begin with a subject line; try to limit this to no more than 50-72 characters. The body of the message should be separated from the subject by a blank line and wrapped at 72 characters. The body of a commit message should explain what the commit does and why, but do not explain how as the code itself should do that.

Linking a commit to a bug report

If your commit fixes a bug that has been reported in the Launchpad bug tracker, end your commit with the following lines to mark it as fixed, where 1234567 represents the actual bug ID. A bot will automatically set the bug status to "Fix Committed" and link to the commit once it is merged.

Fixes: lp:1234567

There is an alias to simplify this step.

Changelog tags

To facilitate following the code changes, you should include a changelog tag to indicate modifications noticable by the users. There are three types of changelog tags:

  • NEW to denote a new feature
  • CHANGED to indicate a modification of an existing feature
  • REMOVED to inform about removal of an existing feature

There is no need to add changelog tags for commits that do not modify the way the users interact with the software, such as code refactoring or a bugfix for unexpected behavior. The main purpose of the changelog tags is to generate the release notes and notify the documentation maintainers about changes. Keep that in mind when deciding whether to add a changelog tag.

When a commit with changelog tags is pushed, the committer should create a new issue in the documentation repository to notify the documentation maintainers. You should include a link to the commit containing the reported changes.

Extracting changelog

Thanks to the changelog tags, it is easy to extract the changelog using git commands:

git log -E --grep="ADD:|NEW:|REMOVE[D]?:|CHANGE[D]?:" --since="1 Jan 2017"
git log -E --grep="ADD:|NEW:|REMOVE[D]?:|CHANGE[D]?:" <commit hash>

KiCad provides an alias to shorten the changelog extraction commands.


Following is an example of a properly formatted commit message:

Eeschema: Adding line styling options

NEW: Adds support in eeschema for changing the default line style,
width and color on a case-by-case basis.

CHANGED: "Wire" lines now optionally include data on the line style,
width and color if they differ from the default.

Fixes: lp:594059

Fixes: lp:1405026

Git aliases file

There is a file containing helpful git aliases located at helpers/git/fixes_alias. To install it, run in the source repository:

git config --add include.path $(pwd)/helpers/git/fixes_alias

'fixes' alias

Once the alias configuration file is installed, it may be used to amend the most recent commit to include the bug report link:

git fixes 1234567

The example command would add the following lines to the last commit message:

Fixes: lp:1234567

'changelog' alias

With the alias configuration file installed, you get an alias to extract the changelog:

git changelog --since="1 Jan 2017"
git changelog <commit hash>