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In order to maintain a high quality, we run a number of checks on different OS / Compiler combinations, and using different analysis tools.


Building and testing sentry-native currently requires the following tools:

  • CMake and a supported C/C++ compiler, to actually build the code.
  • python and pytest, to run integration tests.
  • clang-format and black, to format the C/C++ and python code respectively.
  • curl and zlib libraries (e.g. on Ubuntu: libcurl4-openssl-dev, libz-dev)

pytest and black are installed as virtualenv dependencies automatically.

Setting up Environment

$ make setup

This sets up both git, including a pre-commit hook and submodules, and installs a python virtualenv which is used to run tests and formatting.

Formatting Code

$ make format

This should be done automatically as part of the pre-commit hook, but can also be done manually.

$ black tests

Running Tests

$ make test

Creates a python virtualenv, and runs all the tests through pytest.

Running integration tests manually:

$ pytest --verbose --maxfail=1 --capture=no tests/

When all the python dependencies have been installed, the integration test suite can also be invoked directly.

The maxfail parameter will abort after the first failure, and capture=no will print the complete compiler output, and test log.

Running unit tests:

$ make test-unit

Unit tests also have a dedicated make target, if they need to be run separately from the integration tests.

Running unit tests manually:

$ cmake -B build -D CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=$(pwd)/build
$ cmake --build build --target sentry_test_unit
$ ./build/sentry_test_unit

The unit tests are a separate executable target and can be built and run on their own.

How to interpret CI failures

The way that tests are run unfortunately does not make it immediately obvious from the summary what the actual failure is, especially for compile-time failures. In such cases, it is good to scan the test output from top to bottom and find the offending compile error.

When running tests locally, one can use the --maxfail=1 / -x parameter to abort after the first failure.

Integration Test Parameters

The integration test suite runs the sentry_example target using a variety of different compile-time parameters, and asserts different use-cases.

Some of its behavior is controlled by env-variables:

  • ERROR_ON_WARNINGS: Turns on -Werror for gcc compatible compilers. This is also the default for MSVC on windows.
  • RUN_ANALYZER: Runs the code with/through one or more of the given analyzers. This accepts a comma-separated list, and currently has support for:
    • asan: Uses clangs AddressSanitizer and runs integration tests with the detect_leaks flag.
    • scan-build: Runs the build through the scan-build tool.
    • code-checker: Uses the CodeChecker tool for builds.
    • kcov: Uses kcov to collect code-coverage statistics.
    • valgrind: Uses valgrind to check for memory issues such as leaks.
    • gcc: Use the -fanalyzer flag of gcc > 10. This is currently not stable enough to use, as it leads to false positives and internal compiler errors.
  • TEST_X86: Passes flags to CMake to enable a 32-bit (cross-)compile.
  • ANDROID_API / ANDROID_NDK / ANDROID_ARCH: Instructs the test runner to build using the given Android NDK version, targeting the given API and ARCH. The test runner assumes an already running simulator matching the ARCH, and will run the tests on that.

Analyzer Requirements:

Some tools, such as kcov and valgrind have their own distribution packages. Clang-based tools may require an up-to-date clang, and a separate clang-tools packages. CodeChecker has its own install instructions with a list of needed dependencies.

Running examples manually:

$ cmake -B build -D CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=$(pwd)/build
$ cmake --build build --target sentry_example
$ ./build/sentry_example log capture-event

The example can be run manually with a variety of commands to test different scenarios. Additionally, it will use the SENTRY_DSN env-variable, and can thus also be used to capture events/crashes directly to sentry.

The example currently supports the following commends:

  • capture-event: Captures an event.
  • crash: Triggers a crash to be captured.
  • log: Enables debug logging.
  • release-env: Uses the SENTRY_RELEASE env-variable for the release, instead of a hardcoded value.
  • attachment: Adds an attachment, which is currently defined as the CMakeCache.txt file, which is part of the CMake build folder.
  • stdout: Uses a custom transport which dumps all envelopes to stdout.
  • no-setup: Skips all scope and breadcrumb initialization code.
  • start-session: Starts a new release-health session.
  • overflow-breadcrumbs: Creates a large number of breadcrumbs that overflow the maximum allowed number.
  • capture-multiple: Captures a number of events.
  • sleep: Introduces a 10 second sleep.
  • add-stacktrace: Adds the current thread stacktrace to the captured event.
  • disable-backend: Disables the build-configured crash-handler backend.
  • before-send: Installs a before_send() callback that retains the event.
  • discarding-before-send: Installs a before_send() callback that retains the event.
  • on-crash: Installs an on_crash() callback that retains the crash event.
  • discarding-on-crash: Installs an on_crash() callback that discards the crash event.