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* This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Dick Hollenbeck,
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Kicad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
/* This module contains a number of COLLECTOR implementations which are used
to augment the functionality of class WinEDA_PcbFrame.
#include "class_collector.h"
* is an abstract base class that may be passed to a GENERALCOLLECTOR, telling
* it what should be collected (aside from HitTest()ing and KICAD_T scanTypes[],
* information which are provided to the GENERALCOLLECTOR through attributes or
* arguments separately).
* <p>
* This class introduces the notion of layer locking.
virtual ~COLLECTORS_GUIDE() {}
* Function IsLayerLocked
* @return bool - true if the given layer is locked, else false.
virtual bool IsLayerLocked( int layer ) const = 0;
* Function IsCopperLayerVisible
* @return bool - true if the copper layer is visible.
virtual bool IsCopperLayerVisible() const = 0;
* Function IsComponentLayerVisible
* @return bool - true if the component layer is visible, else false.
virtual bool IsComponentLayerVisible() const = 0;
* Function IsLayerVisible
* @return bool - true if the given layer is visible, else false.
virtual bool IsLayerVisible( int layer ) const = 0;
* Function IgnoreLockedLayers
* @return bool - true if should ignored locked layers, else false.
virtual bool IgnoreLockedLayers() const = 0;
* Function IgnoredNonVisibleLayers
* @return bool - true if should ignore non-visible layers, else false.
virtual bool IgnoreNonVisibleLayers() const = 0;
* Function GetPreferredLayer
* @return int - the preferred layer for HitTest()ing.
virtual int GetPreferredLayer() const = 0;
// more soon
* is intended for use when the right click button is pressed, or when the
* plain "arrow" tool is in effect. This class can be used by window classes
* such as WinEDA_PcbFrame.
* Philosophy: this class knows nothing of the context in which a BOARD is used
* and that means it knows nothing about which layers are visible or current,
* but can handle those concerns by the SetPreferredLayer() function and the
* SetLayerMask() fuction.
* A place to hold collected objects which don't match precisely the search
* criteria, but would be acceptable if nothing else is found.
* "2nd" choice, which will be appended to the end of COLLECTOR's prime
* "list" at the end of the search.
std::vector<BOARD_ITEM*> list2nd;
* A bit-mapped layer mask that defines any layers which are acceptable
* on a secondary search criterion basis.
int m_LayerMask;
/// A scan list for all editable board items, like PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay()
static const KICAD_T AllBoardItems[];
m_LayerMask = 0;
SetScanTypes( AllBoardItems );
void Empty2nd()
void Append2nd( BOARD_ITEM* item )
list2nd.push_back( item );
* Function SetLayerMask
* takes a bit-mapped layer mask and records it. During the scan/search,
* this is used as a secondary search criterion. That is, if there is no direct
* layer match with COLLECTOR::m_PreferredLayer (the primary criterion),
* then an object on any layer given in this bit-map is recorded as a
* second choice object if it also HitTest()s true.
* @param aLayerMask A layer mask which has bits in it indicating which
* layers are acceptable. Caller must pay attention to which layers are
* visible, selected, etc. All those concerns are handled outside this
* class, as stated in the class Philosophy above.
void SetLayerMask( int aLayerMask )
m_LayerMask = aLayerMask;
* Function operator[int]
* overloads COLLECTOR::operator[](int) to return a BOARD_ITEM* instead of
* an EDA_BaseStruct* type.
* @param ndx The index into the list.
* @return BOARD_ITEM* - or something derived from it, or NULL.
BOARD_ITEM* operator[]( int ndx ) const
if( (unsigned)ndx < (unsigned)GetCount() )
return (BOARD_ITEM*) list[ ndx ];
return NULL;
* Function Inspect
* is the examining function within the INSPECTOR which is passed to the
* Iterate function.
* @param testItem An EDA_BaseStruct to examine.
* @param testData is not used in this class.
* @return SEARCH_RESULT - SEARCH_QUIT if the Iterator is to stop the scan,
SEARCH_RESULT Inspect( EDA_BaseStruct* testItem, const void* testData );
* Function Scan
* scans a BOARD using this class's Inspector method, which does the collection.
* @param board A BOARD to scan.
* @param refPos A wxPoint to use in hit-testing.
* @param aPreferredLayer The layer meeting the primary search criterion.
* @param aLayerMask The layers, in bit-mapped form, meeting the secondary search criterion.
void Scan( BOARD* board, const wxPoint& refPos, int aPreferredLayer, int aLayerMask );
* Function Scan
* scans a BOARD using this class's Inspector method, which does the collection.
* @param board A BOARD to scan.
* @param refPos A wxPoint to use in hit-testing.
* @param guide The COLLECTORS_GUIDE to use in collecting items.
void Scan( BOARD* board, const wxPoint& refPos, const COLLECTORS_GUIDE& guide );
#endif // COLLECTORS_H