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This commit is contained in:
xenia 2020-09-09 23:28:57 -04:00
parent 90c8538be4
commit a2fe1cdb14
1 changed files with 12 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -120,10 +120,20 @@
[(lparen exp rparen) $2])
[(exp) (list $1)]
[(exp comma apply-args) (cons $1 $3)])
[(exp comma apply-args) (cons $1 $3)])]))
;; kaitai expr AST
;; it's like racket mostly. builtins are
;; - all the builtin operators
;; - (apply func args ...): applies a function
;; - (array args ...): constructs array
;; - (get obj attr): references an attribute on an object
;; primitive types: boolean, number, string, symbol (identifier)
(define test2 "true and 'a' != 'b' ? -1 + ~bits : ('hello' + 'world').substring(2, 3)")
;; => '(if (and #t (!= "a" "b"))
;; (+ -1 (~ bits))
;; (apply (get (+ "hello" "world") substring) 2 3))
(let ([input (open-input-string test2)])
(kaitai-parser (lambda () (kaitai-lexer input))))