
148 lines
4.4 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use crate::{defaults::*, parse::*};
mod class;
mod consts;
mod defaults;
mod media_queries;
mod modifiers;
mod parse;
mod tests;
#[cfg(feature = "inventory")]
pub mod inventory;
#[cfg(feature = "scraping")]
pub mod scraping;
/// used to generate css out of classes
/// contains shorthands and replacements that can be modified
/// to customize the css generation
pub struct Zephyr {
/// for non-value classes
pub declarations: HashMap<String, String>,
/// special declarations. Fn(Value) -> declarations
pub specials: HashMap<String, SpecialDeclaration>,
/// list of property short-hands
pub properties: HashMap<String, String>,
/// list of value short-hands
pub values: HashMap<String, String>,
/// list of pseudo-class short-hands
pub modifiers: HashMap<String, String>,
/// list of pseudo-element short-hands
pub pseudos: HashMap<String, String>,
/// list of value replacements for each property
/// property -> [(short, expanded)]
pub context_aware_values: HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>,
pub pretty_print: bool,
/// value -> declarations
pub type SpecialDeclaration = Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> String>;
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum ZephyrError {
/// the provided rule has invalid braces (single braces, or in incorrect order `..}...{..`)
/// the provided rule isn't a no-variable rule, but no variables were provided
impl Zephyr {
/// generates css rules for all the of the classes that parse correctly
pub fn generate_classes<'a>(&self, classes: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>) -> String {
// TODO we could return (css, seen_classes)
let mut seen_classes = vec![];
let span = tracing::trace_span!("generating classes");
let _enter = span.enter();
let classes = classes
// get a list with one class per element
.flat_map(|s| s.split_ascii_whitespace())
.map(|s| s.trim())
// remove duplicates
// we use this instead of a HashSet because we want it to not change the order
// if it's a performance concern, we could use HashSet on normal builds and the filter for test
// but i don't really like that
.filter(|s| {
if seen_classes.contains(s) {
} else {
// we ignore errors
// TODO change this to call parse_class directly
// TODO then group by media query
.flat_map(|c| match self.generate_class(c) {
Ok(v) => Some(v),
Err(err) => {
// trace error
tracing::error!("error generating {c}: {err:?}");
let len = classes.len();
tracing::trace!("finished generating {len} classes");
/// this one returns an error if parsing or generating fails
pub fn generate_class(&self, class: &str) -> Result<String, ZephyrError> {
let c = parse_class(class)?;
/// builds a `Zephyr` with the default ruleset
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
declarations: default_declarations(),
properties: default_properties(),
values: default_values(),
modifiers: default_modifiers(),
pseudos: default_pseudos(),
specials: default_specials(),
context_aware_values: default_context_aware_values(),
pretty_print: false,
pub fn with_css_colors(mut self) -> Self {
.extend(crate::consts::CSS_COLORS.iter().map(|c| {
format!("color:{}{c}", space(self.pretty_print)),
pub(crate) fn space(b: bool) -> &'static str {
b.then_some(" ").unwrap_or_default()
pub(crate) fn indent(b: bool, level: usize) -> String {
b.then_some(" ".repeat(level)).unwrap_or_default()
pub(crate) fn nl(b: bool) -> &'static str {