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Какая конфигурация используется в демо-GIF?

How do I get command completion as shown in the demo GIF?

Completion support, or autocomplete, is provided by your shell of choice. In the case of the demo, the demo was done with Fish Shell, which provides completions by default. If you use Z Shell (zsh), I'd suggest taking a look at zsh-autosuggestions.

Do top level format and <module>.disabled do the same thing?

Да, они могут быть использованы для отключения модулей в подсказке. Если всё, что вы хотите сделать - это отключить модули, <module>.disabled - предпочитаемый способ сделать это по следующим причинам:

  • Disabling modules is more explicit than omitting them from the top level format
  • Новосозданные модули будут добавлены в подсказку по мере обновления Starship

The docs say Starship is cross-shell. Why isn't my preferred shell supported?

Starship устроен так, что есть возможность добавить поддержку практически любой оболочки. Бинарный файл Starship не зависит от оболочки и не имеет состояния, так что если ваша оболочка поддерживает расширение подстрок и настройку подсказки, то Starship может быть использован.

Вот небольшой пример работы Starship с bash:

# Get the status code from the last command executed

# Get the number of jobs running.
NUM_JOBS=$(jobs -p | wc -l)

# Set the prompt to the output of `starship prompt`
PS1="$(starship prompt --status=$STATUS --jobs=$NUM_JOBS)"

The Bash implementation built into Starship is slightly more complex to allow for advanced features like the Command Duration module and to ensure that Starship is compatible with pre-installed Bash configurations.

Для списка всех флагов, принимаемых starship prompt, используйте следующую команду:

starship prompt --help

Подсказка будет использовать столько контекста, сколько доступно, но ни один флаг не обязателен.

Как запускать Starship на Linux-дистрибутивах с более ранними версиями glibc?

Если вы получаете ошибку типа "version 'GLIBC_2.18' not found (required by starship)" при использовании заранее собранного бинарного файла (например, на CentOS 6 или 7), вы можете использовать бинарный файл, скомпилированый с musl вместо glibc:

curl -fsSL | bash -s -- --platform unknown-linux-musl

I see symbols I don't understand or expect, what do they mean?

If you see symbols that you don't recognise you can use starship explain to explain the currently showing modules.

Why don't I see a glyph symbol in my prompt?

The most common cause of this is system misconfiguration. Some Linux distros in particular do not come with font support out-of-the-box. You need to ensure that:

  • Your locale is set to a UTF-8 value, like de_DE.UTF-8 or ja_JP.UTF-8. If LC_ALL is not a UTF-8 value, you will need to change it.
  • You have an emoji font installed. Most systems come with an emoji font by default, but some (notably Arch Linux) do not. You can usually install one through your system's package manager--noto emoji is a popular choice.
  • You are using a Nerd Font.

To test your system, run the following commands in a terminal:

echo -e "\xf0\x9f\x90\x8d"
echo -e "\xee\x82\xa0"

The first line should produce a snake emoji, while the second should produce a powerline branch symbol (e0a0).

If either symbol fails to display correctly, your system is still misconfigured. Unfortunately, getting font configuration correct is sometimes difficult. Users on the Discord may be able to help. If both symbols display correctly, but you still don't see them in starship, file a bug report!

How do I uninstall Starship?

Starship is just as easy to uninstall as it is to install in the first place.

  1. Remove any lines in your shell config (e.g. ~/.bashrc) used to initialize Starship.
  2. Delete the Starship binary.

If Starship was installed using a package manager, please refer to their docs for uninstallation instructions.

If Starship was installed using the curl | bash script, the following command will delete the binary:

# Locate and delete the starship binary
rm "$(which starship)"