start of completion
Ignore-this: 97dfaa9262f0aae90d15e3ce883356b darcs-hash:20110726232101-c41ad-08cb52d96233a95f2e6843e09a5eb967331f8ebd
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
* ----------------
* Copyright : (c) 2011, Jeremie Dimino <>
* Licence : BSD3
* This file is a part of utop.
open UTop_token
module String_set = Set.Make(String)
let set_of_list = List.fold_left (fun set x -> String_set.add x set) String_set.empty
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Directives |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let get_directives () =
Hashtbl.fold (fun k v set -> String_set.add k set) Toploop.directive_table String_set.empty
let directive_suffix dir =
match Hashtbl.find Toploop.directive_table dir with
| Toploop.Directive_none _ -> ";;"
| Toploop.Directive_string _ -> " \""
| Toploop.Directive_bool _ | Toploop.Directive_int _ | Toploop.Directive_ident _ -> " "
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Filtering |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
(* Filter blanks and comments except for the last token. *)
let rec filter tokens =
match tokens with
| [] -> []
| [((Blanks | Comment | Doc), start, stop, src)] -> [(Blanks, start, stop, src)]
| ((Blanks | Comment | Doc), _, _, _) :: rest -> filter rest
| x :: rest -> x :: filter rest
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Completion |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let complete str =
let tokens = UTop_lexer.lex_string str in
(* Filter blanks and comments. *)
let tokens = filter tokens in
match tokens with
(* +-------------------------------------------------------------+
| Completion on directives |
+-------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
(* Completion on directive names. *)
| [(Symbol, _, stop, "#")]
| [(Symbol, _, _, "#"); (Blanks, _, stop, _)] ->
(stop, (fun dir -> (dir, directive_suffix dir)) (String_set.elements (get_directives ())))
| [(Symbol, _, _, "#"); ((Lident | Uident), start, _, src)] ->
let prefix, words = LTerm_read_line.lookup src (String_set.elements (get_directives ())) in
(start, (fun dir -> (dir, directive_suffix dir)) words)
(* Complete with ";;" when possible. *)
| [(Symbol, _, _, "#"); ((Lident | Uident), _, _, _); (String true, _, stop, _)]
| [(Symbol, _, _, "#"); ((Lident | Uident), _, _, _); (String true, _, _, _); (Blanks, _, stop, _)] ->
(stop, [(";;", "")])
(* Completion on packages. *)
| [(Symbol, _, _, "#"); (Lident, _, _, "require"); (String false, start, stop, str)] ->
let pkg = String.sub str 1 (String.length str - 1) in
let prefix, pkgs = LTerm_read_line.lookup pkg (Fl_package_base.list_packages ()) in
(start + 1, (fun pkg -> (pkg, "\";;")) (List.sort compare pkgs))
(* Generic completion. *)
| [(Symbol, _, _, "#"); ((Lident | Uident), _, _, dir); (Blanks, _, stop, _)] ->
match try Some (Hashtbl.find Toploop.directive_table dir) with Not_found -> None with
| Some (Toploop.Directive_none _) -> [(";;", "")]
| Some (Toploop.Directive_string _) -> [(" \"", "")]
| Some (Toploop.Directive_bool _) -> [("true", ";;"); ("false", ";;")]
| Some (Toploop.Directive_int _) -> []
| Some (Toploop.Directive_ident _) -> []
| None -> [])
| [(Symbol, _, _, "#"); ((Lident | Uident), _, _, dir); ((Lident | Uident), start, _, id)] ->
match try Some (Hashtbl.find Toploop.directive_table dir) with Not_found -> None with
| Some (Toploop.Directive_none _) -> []
| Some (Toploop.Directive_string _) -> []
| Some (Toploop.Directive_bool _) ->
let _, words = LTerm_read_line.lookup id ["true"; "false"] in
|||| (fun w -> (w, ";;")) words
| Some (Toploop.Directive_int _) -> []
| Some (Toploop.Directive_ident _) -> []
| None -> [])
| _ ->
(0, [])
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
* uTop_complete.mli
* -----------------
* Copyright : (c) 2011, Jeremie Dimino <>
* Licence : BSD3
* This file is a part of utop.
(** OCaml completion. *)
val complete : string -> int * (string * string) list
(** [complete str] returns the start of the completed word in [str]
and the list of possible completions with their suffixes. *)
@ -96,11 +96,12 @@ class read_line ~term ~prompt = object(self)
method stylise =
let styled, position = super#stylise in
let tokens = UTop_lexer.lex_string (!pending ^ LTerm_text.to_string styled) in
let rec loop ofs_a tokens =
let pending_length = Zed_utf8.length !pending in
let rec loop tokens =
match tokens with
| [] ->
| (token, src) :: rest ->
| (token, start, stop, src) :: rest ->
let token_style =
match token with
| Symbol -> styles.style_symbol
@ -108,38 +109,39 @@ class read_line ~term ~prompt = object(self)
| Uident -> styles.style_ident
| Constant -> styles.style_constant
| Char -> styles.style_char
| String -> styles.style_string
| String _ -> styles.style_string
| Quotation -> styles.style_quotation
| Comment -> styles.style_comment
| Doc -> styles.style_doc
| Blanks -> styles.style_blanks
| Error -> styles.style_error
let ofs_b = ofs_a + Zed_utf8.length src in
for i = ofs_a to ofs_b - 1 do
for i = start - pending_length to stop - pending_length - 1 do
let ch, style = styled.(i) in
styled.(i) <- (ch, LTerm_style.merge token_style style)
loop ofs_b rest
loop rest
let pending_length = Zed_utf8.length !pending in
let rec skip idx tokens =
let rec skip tokens =
match tokens with
| [] ->
assert false
| (token, src) :: rest ->
let len = Zed_utf8.length src in
let idx' = idx + len in
if idx' = pending_length then
loop 0 rest
else if idx' > pending_length then
loop 0 ((token, Zed_utf8.sub src (pending_length - idx) (len - (pending_length - idx))) :: rest)
| (token, start, stop, src) :: rest ->
if stop = pending_length then
loop rest
else if stop > pending_length then
loop ((token, pending_length, stop, Zed_utf8.sub src (pending_length - start) (stop - pending_length)) :: rest)
skip idx' rest
skip rest
if pending_length = 0 then loop 0 tokens else skip 0 tokens;
if pending_length = 0 then loop tokens else skip tokens;
(styled, position)
method completion =
let pos, words = UTop_complete.complete (!pending ^ Zed_rope.to_string self#input_prev) in
let pending_length = Zed_utf8.length !pending in
if pos < pending_length then self#set_completion 0 [] else self#set_completion (pos - pending_length) words
(* Set the source signal for the size of the terminal. *)
UTop_private.set_size self#size;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ rule token = parse
| float_literal
{ Constant }
| '"'
{ string lexbuf; String }
{ string lexbuf }
| "'" [^'\'' '\\'] "'"
{ Char }
| "'\\" ['\\' '"' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r' ' ' '\'' 'x' '0'-'9'] eof
@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ and comment depth = parse
and string = parse
| '"'
{ () }
{ String true }
| "\\\""
{ string lexbuf }
| uchar
{ string lexbuf }
| eof
{ () }
{ String false }
and quotation = parse
| ">>"
@ -149,13 +149,15 @@ and quotation = parse
let lex_string str =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string str in
let rec loop ofs_a =
let rec loop idx ofs_a =
match try Some (token lexbuf) with End_of_file -> None with
| Some token ->
let ofs_b = Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf in
(token, String.sub str ofs_a (ofs_b - ofs_a)) :: loop ofs_b
let src = String.sub str ofs_a (ofs_b - ofs_a) in
let idx' = idx + Zed_utf8.length src in
(token, idx, idx', src) :: loop idx' ofs_b
| None ->
loop 0
loop 0 0
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ type t =
| Uident
| Constant
| Char
| String
| String of bool
| Quotation
| Comment
| Doc
Reference in New Issue