Fix color highlight for errors.

The output from the compiler changed and now mentions the line number
(non only the charters, which actually becomes columns). This patch
introduces the idea of a range of lines spanned by an error and
correctly marks the faulty region.

I think a better solution would be to introduce a "point" record of
the form {line:int;column:int}. However, such a change would
reverberate through all the source code and so it is much more
invasive. I can prepare such a patch if desired, after this one, which
fixes the regression.
This commit is contained in:
Christian Pellegrin 2020-01-05 21:21:53 +00:00
parent 1660e5989a
commit 243f7a1536
3 changed files with 73 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -103,6 +103,15 @@ let default_keywords = [
let keywords = ref (String_set.of_list default_keywords)
let add_keyword kwd = keywords := String_set.add kwd !keywords
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Span of Lines |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
type lines = {
start: int;
stop: int;
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Error reporting |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
@ -126,9 +135,22 @@ let get_ocaml_error_message exn =
"Characters %d-%d:\n%[\000-\255]"
(fun start stop msg -> ((start, stop), msg))
with _ ->
((0, 0), str)
(fun start stop msg -> ((start, stop), msg, None))
with Scanf.Scan_failure(_) ->
"Line %d, characters %d-%d:\n%[\000-\255]"
(fun line start stop msg -> ((start, stop), msg, Some{start=line; stop=line}))
with Scanf.Scan_failure(_) ->
"Lines %d-%d, characters %d-%d:\n%[\000-\255]"
(fun start_line stop_line start stop msg -> ((start, stop),
msg, Some{start=start_line;stop=stop_line}))
with Scanf.Scan_failure(_) ->
((0, 0), str, None)
let collect_formatters buf pps f =
(* First flush all formatters. *)
@ -365,10 +387,10 @@ let check_phrase phrase =
with exn ->
(* The phrase contains errors. *)
let loc, msg = get_ocaml_error_message exn in
let loc, msg, line = get_ocaml_error_message exn in
Toploop.toplevel_env := env;
Btype.backtrack snap;
Some ([loc], msg)
Some ([loc], msg, [line])
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Prompt |

View File

@ -254,6 +254,12 @@ type location = int * int
(** Type of a string-location. It is composed of a start and stop
offsets (in bytes). *)
type lines = {
start: int;
stop: int;
(** Type for a range of lines in a buffer from start to stop. *)
(** Result of a function processing a programx. *)
type 'a result =
| Value of 'a
@ -310,12 +316,12 @@ val get_message : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> string
(** [get_message printer x] applies [printer] on [x] and
returns everything it prints as a string. *)
val get_ocaml_error_message : exn -> location * string
val get_ocaml_error_message : exn -> location * string * (lines option)
(** [get_ocaml_error_message exn] returns the location and error
message for the exception [exn] which must be an exception from
the compiler. *)
val check_phrase : Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> (location list * string) option
val check_phrase : Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> (location list * string * lines option list) option
(** [check_phrase phrase] checks that [phrase] can be executed
without typing or compilation errors. It returns [None] if
[phrase] is OK and an error message otherwise.

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ open Lwt_react
open LTerm_dlist
open LTerm_text
open LTerm_geom
open UTop
open UTop_token
open UTop_styles
open UTop_private
@ -77,7 +78,40 @@ let index_of_offset src ofs =
aux 0 0
let convert_locs str locs = (fun (a, b) -> (index_of_offset str a, index_of_offset str b)) locs
let convert_loc str (a, b) = (index_of_offset str a, index_of_offset str b)
let convert_locs str locs = (fun (a, b) -> convert_loc str (a,b)) locs
let get_line src line =
let rec aux line' ofs skipped =
if ofs >= String.length src then
("", 0)
else if line' = line then
(String.sub src ofs (String.length src - ofs), skipped)
let ch, next_ofs = Zed_utf8.unsafe_extract_next src ofs in
if Zed_utf8.escaped_char ch = "\\n" then
aux (line' + 1) next_ofs (skipped + 1)
aux line' next_ofs (skipped + 1)
aux 1 0 0
let convert_one_line str line ofs=
let selected, skipped = get_line str line in
index_of_offset selected ofs + skipped
let convert_line str (start_ofs, end_ofs) lines =
(convert_one_line str lines.start start_ofs,
convert_one_line str lines.stop end_ofs)
let convert_loc_line input locs lines =
List.map2 (fun loc line ->
match line with
| None ->
convert_loc input loc
| Some line ->
convert_line input loc line) locs lines
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| The read-line class |
@ -127,8 +161,8 @@ let parse_and_check input eos_is_error =
match UTop.check_phrase phrase with
| None ->
UTop.Value phrase
| Some (locs, msg) ->
UTop.Error (convert_locs input locs, msg)
| Some (locs, msg, lines) ->
UTop.Error (convert_loc_line input locs lines, msg)
with Pparse.Error error ->
Pparse.report_error Format.str_formatter error;
UTop.Error ([], "Error: " ^ Format.flush_str_formatter () ^ "\n"))
@ -1051,7 +1085,7 @@ module Emacs(M : sig end) = struct
let typecheck phrase =
match UTop.check_phrase phrase with
| None -> None
| Some (locs, msg) -> Some (convert_locs input locs, msg) (* FIXME *)
| Some (locs, msg, lines) -> Some (convert_loc_line input locs lines, msg)
match result with
| UTop.Value phrases ->