Merge pull request #66 from whitequark/master

Run ppx preprocessors before typing and report their errors gracefully
This commit is contained in:
Jérémie Dimino 2014-05-07 16:42:44 +01:00
commit 45f35219e4
2 changed files with 78 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -302,6 +302,31 @@ let list_directories dir =
(try Sys.readdir (if dir = "" then Filename.current_dir_name else dir) with Sys_error _ -> [||]))
#if ocaml_version >= (4, 02, 0)
let path () =
let path_separator =
match Sys.os_type with
| "Unix" | "Cygwin" -> ':'
| "Win32" -> ';'
| _ -> assert false in
let split str sep =
let rec split_rec pos =
if pos >= String.length str then [] else begin
match try Some (String.index_from str pos sep)
with Not_found -> None with
| Some newpos ->
String.sub str pos (newpos - pos) ::
split_rec (newpos + 1)
| None ->
[String.sub str pos (String.length str - pos)]
end in
split_rec 0
split (Sys.getenv "PATH") path_separator
with Not_found -> []
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Names listing |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
@ -902,6 +927,37 @@ let complete ~syntax ~phrase_terminator ~input =
(loc.idx2 - Zed_utf8.length name, (function (w, Directory) -> (w, "") | (w, File) -> (w, "\"" ^ phrase_terminator)) result)
#if ocaml_version >= (4, 02, 0)
(* Completion on #ppx. *)
| [(Symbol "#", _); (Lident ("ppx"), _); (String false, loc)] ->
let file = String.sub input (loc.ofs1 + 1) (String.length input - loc.ofs1 - 1) in
let filter ~dir_ok name =
Unix.access name [Unix.X_OK];
let kind = (Unix.stat name).Unix.st_kind in
let basename = Filename.basename name in
(kind = Unix.S_REG && String.length basename >= 4 &&
String.sub basename 0 4 = "ppx_") ||
(dir_ok && kind = Unix.S_DIR)
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
let map =
if Filename.dirname file = "." && not (Filename.is_implicit file) then
let dir = Filename.dirname file in
add_files (filter ~dir_ok:true) String_map.empty dir
(fun acc dir -> add_files (fun name ->
filter ~dir_ok:false (Filename.concat dir name)) acc dir)
String_map.empty (path ())
let list = String_map.bindings map in
let name = basename file in
let result = lookup_assoc name list in
(loc.idx2 - Zed_utf8.length name, (function (w, Directory) -> (w, "") | (w, File) -> (w, "\"" ^ phrase_terminator)) result)
(* Completion on #use. *)
| [(Symbol "#", _); (Lident "use", _); (String false, loc)] ->
let file = String.sub input (loc.ofs1 + 1) (String.length input - loc.ofs1 - 1) in

View File

@ -85,12 +85,33 @@ let parse_input_multi input =
(result, Buffer.contents buf)
#if ocaml_version = (4, 02, 0)
(* #ppx missed the 4.02 merge window. :/ *)
let () =
Hashtbl.add Toploop.directive_table "ppx"
(Toploop.Directive_string(fun s -> Clflags.all_ppx := s :: !Clflags.all_ppx))
let parse_and_check input eos_is_error =
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let preprocess input =
match input with
#if ocaml_version >= (4, 02, 0)
| UTop.Value (Parsetree.Ptop_def pstr) ->
begin try
let pstr = Pparse.apply_rewriters Config.ast_impl_magic_number pstr in
UTop.Value (Parsetree.Ptop_def pstr)
with Pparse.Error error ->
Pparse.report_error Format.str_formatter error;
UTop.Error ([], Format.flush_str_formatter ())
| _ -> input
let result =
UTop.collect_formatters buf [Format.err_formatter]
(fun () ->
match !UTop.parse_toplevel_phrase input eos_is_error with
match preprocess (!UTop.parse_toplevel_phrase input eos_is_error) with
| UTop.Error (locs, msg) ->
UTop.Error (convert_locs input locs, "Error: " ^ msg ^ "\n")
| UTop.Value phrase ->
@ -520,9 +541,6 @@ let rewrite_str_item pstr_item tstr_item =
let rewrite phrase =
match phrase with
| Parsetree.Ptop_def pstr ->
#if ocaml_version >= (4, 02, 0)
let pstr = Pparse.apply_rewriters Config.ast_impl_magic_number pstr in
if (UTop.get_auto_run_lwt () || UTop.get_auto_run_async ()) && List.exists is_eval pstr then
let tstr, _, _ = Typemod.type_structure !Toploop.toplevel_env pstr Location.none in
let tstr = str_items_of_typed_structure tstr in