Add #utop_stash and #utop_save
- Strip colour terminal escapes from errors - Store inputs and outputs seperately in UTop_history - Add #utop_save, which prints inputs and outputs similar to a simple prompt
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,11 +27,7 @@ let history = LTerm_history.create []
let history_file_name = ref (Some (Filename.concat LTerm_resources.home ".utop-history"))
let history_file_max_size = ref None
let history_file_max_entries = ref None
let stashable_session_history =
let stashable_session_history = UTop_history.create ()
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Hooks |
@ -543,6 +539,7 @@ utop defines the following directives:
#utop_bindings : list all the current key bindings
#utop_macro : display the currently recorded macro
#utop_stash : store all the valid commands from your current session in a file
#utop_save : store the current session with a simple prompt in a file
#topfind_log : display messages recorded from findlib since the beginning of the session
#topfind_verbose : enable/disable topfind verbosity
@ -635,33 +632,51 @@ let () =
(fun () -> print_endline (Sys.getcwd ())))
let make_stash_directive entry_formatter fname =
if get_ui () = Emacs then
print_endline "Stashing is currently not supported in Emacs"
let entries = UTop_history.contents stashable_session_history in
(* remove the stash directive from its output *)
let entries = match entries with [] -> [] | _ :: e -> e in
let entries = List.rev entries in
Printf.printf "Stashing %d entries in %s ... " (List.length entries) fname;
let oc = open_out fname in
(fun e ->
let line = entry_formatter e in
output_string oc line;
output_char oc '\n')
close_out oc;
Printf.printf "Done.\n";
with exn ->
close_out oc;
raise exn
with exn ->
Printf.printf "Error with file %s: %s\n" fname @@ Printexc.to_string exn
let () =
Hashtbl.add Toploop.directive_table "utop_stash"
(fun fname ->
let _ :: entries = LTerm_history.contents stashable_session_history in
(* getting and then reversing the entries instead of using
[] because the latter escapes newline characters *)
let () =
"Stashing %d entries in %s... "
(List.length entries / 2) (* because half are comments *)
let entries = List.rev entries in
let oc = open_out fname in
(fun e ->
output_string oc (e ^ "\n"))
close_out oc;
Printf.printf "Done.\n";
with exn ->
close_out oc;
Printf.printf "Done.\n";
with exn -> Printf.printf "Error with file %s.\n" fname))
let fn = make_stash_directive begin function
| UTop_history.Input i ->
| Output out | Error out | Bad_input out | Warnings out ->
Printf.sprintf "(* %s *)" out
Hashtbl.add Toploop.directive_table "utop_stash" (Toploop.Directive_string fn)
let () =
let fn = make_stash_directive begin function
| UTop_history.Input i | Bad_input i ->
Printf.sprintf "# %s" i
| Output out | Error out | Warnings out ->
Hashtbl.add Toploop.directive_table "utop_save_session" (Toploop.Directive_string fn)
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Camlp4 |
@ -210,14 +210,13 @@ val history_file_max_entries : int option ref
default) the maximum number of entries if [history] will be
used. *)
val stashable_session_history : LTerm_history.t
(** A history consisting only of expressions successfully evaluated
during the current session. Because stashing is supposed to
produce a valid OCaml file which will behave roughly the same as
the console, it is best if this history never gets truncated, so
its maximum size is set at [max_int]. While this will certainly
lead to a slight memory leaking problem, UTop sessions are
rarely long enough to make it a serious issue. *)
val stashable_session_history : UTop_history.t
(** A history consisting of inputs and resulting values or errors of the
current session. Because stashing is supposed to produce a valid OCaml
file which will behave roughly the same as the console, it is best if
this history never gets truncated. While this will certainly lead to a
slight memory leaking problem, UTop sessions are rarely long enough to
make it a serious issue. *)
(** {6 Console specific configuration} *)
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* -----------------
* Copyright : (c) 2017, Fabian Hemmer <>
* Licence : BSD3
* This file is a part of utop.
type entry =
| Input of string
| Output of string
| Error of string
| Warnings of string
| Bad_input of string
and t = entry list ref
let create () : t =
ref []
let contents (t : t) =
let strip_colors s =
let len = String.length s in
let find_escape offset =
let i = String.index_from s offset '\027' in
if i = len - 1 || s.[i + 1] <> '[' then
Some i
| Not_found -> None
let rec find_color_escapes offset =
match find_escape offset with
| None -> [offset, len]
| Some esc_offset ->
let i = String.index_from s esc_offset 'm' in
(offset, esc_offset) :: find_color_escapes (i + 1)
| Not_found -> [offset, len]
find_color_escapes 0
|> (fun (i, j) -> String.sub s i (j - i))
|> String.concat ""
let add history v =
history := v :: !history
let add_input history input =
add history @@ Input (String.trim input)
let add_output history output =
let output = String.trim output in
if output <> "" then (* directives produce empty output *)
add history @@ Output output
let add_error history error =
add history @@ Error (strip_colors @@ String.trim error)
let add_bad_input history input =
add history @@ Bad_input (String.trim input)
let add_warnings history warnings =
let warnings = String.trim warnings in
if warnings <> "" then
add history @@ Warnings warnings
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* uTop_history.mli
* -------
* Copyright : (c) 2017, Fabian Hemmer <>
* Licence : BSD3
* This file is a part of utop.
(** Type of a history entry *)
type entry =
| Input of string
| Output of string
| Error of string
| Warnings of string
| Bad_input of string
type t
val create : unit -> t
(** Create a new, empty history *)
val contents : t -> entry list
(** Get the contents of the given history *)
val add_input : t -> string -> unit
(** Add an input *)
val add_output : t -> string -> unit
(** Add an output *)
val add_error : t -> string -> unit
(** Add an error *)
val add_warnings : t -> string -> unit
(** Add a warning *)
val add_bad_input : t -> string -> unit
(** Add an input that resulted in an error *)
@ -191,15 +191,17 @@ class read_phrase ~term = object(self)
let result = parse_and_check input eos_is_error in
return_value <- Some result;
LTerm_history.add UTop.history input;
match result with
| UTop.Value _, _ ->
LTerm_history.add UTop.stashable_session_history input
| (UTop.Error (_, msg)), _ ->
let input = "(* " ^ (String.trim input) ^ " *)" in
LTerm_history.add UTop.stashable_session_history input;
let stash_msg = "(* " ^ (String.trim msg) ^ " *)\n" in
LTerm_history.add UTop.stashable_session_history stash_msg);
let out, warnings = result in
match out with
| UTop.Value _ ->
UTop_history.add_input UTop.stashable_session_history input;
UTop_history.add_warnings UTop.stashable_session_history warnings;
| (UTop.Error (_, msg)) ->
UTop_history.add_bad_input UTop.stashable_session_history input;
UTop_history.add_warnings UTop.stashable_session_history warnings;
UTop_history.add_error UTop.stashable_session_history msg;
return result
with UTop.Need_more ->
(* Input not finished, continue. *)
@ -690,8 +692,7 @@ let rec loop term =
(* Get the string printed. *)
Format.pp_print_flush pp ();
let string = Buffer.contents buffer in
let string' = "(* " ^ (String.trim string) ^ " *)\n" in
let _ = LTerm_history.add UTop.stashable_session_history string' in
UTop_history.add_output UTop.stashable_session_history string;
match phrase with
| Parsetree.Ptop_def _ ->
(* The string is an output phrase, colorize it. *)
Reference in New Issue