allow to restart utop in the same buffer
Ignore-this: 671e1170602f13fa2fb9a08a07abbbfd darcs-hash:20120202220740-c41ad-4263d99bb641d6b1168a56eb98e8a978e5298685
This commit is contained in:
@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ before the end of prompt.")
- wait: ocaml is evaluating a phrase
- done: ocaml has died.")
(defvar utop-initial-command nil
"Initial phrase to evaluate.")
;; +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
;; | Utils |
;; +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
@ -152,11 +155,6 @@ before the end of prompt.")
((eq utop-state 'comp)
(signal 'text-read-only '("You cannot edit the buffer while waiting for completion")))))
(defun utop-check-edit ()
(with-current-buffer utop-buffer-name
(unless (eq utop-state 'edit)
(defun utop-before-change (start stop)
(unless utop-inhibit-check
@ -214,38 +212,36 @@ before the end of prompt.")
(defun utop-insert-output (output &optional face)
"Insert the given output before the prompt."
(with-current-buffer utop-buffer-name
(let ((line (concat output "\n")))
;; Apply the given face if provided
(when face (add-text-properties 0 (length line) (list 'face face) line))
;; Goto before the prompt
(goto-char utop-prompt-min)
;; Insert the output
(insert line)
;; Advance the prompt
(setq utop-prompt-min (+ utop-prompt-min (length line)))
(setq utop-prompt-max (+ utop-prompt-max (length line)))
;; Make everything before the end prompt read-only
(add-text-properties (point-min) utop-prompt-max utop-non-editable-properties)))))
(let ((line (concat output "\n")))
;; Apply the given face if provided
(when face (add-text-properties 0 (length line) (list 'face face) line))
;; Goto before the prompt
(goto-char utop-prompt-min)
;; Insert the output
(insert line)
;; Advance the prompt
(setq utop-prompt-min (+ utop-prompt-min (length line)))
(setq utop-prompt-max (+ utop-prompt-max (length line)))
;; Make everything before the end prompt read-only
(add-text-properties (point-min) utop-prompt-max utop-non-editable-properties))))
(defun utop-insert-prompt (prompt)
"Insert the given prompt."
(with-current-buffer utop-buffer-name
;; Goto the end of the buffer
(goto-char (point-max))
;; Make it the start of the prompt
(setq utop-prompt-min (point))
;; Insert the prompt
(insert prompt)
;; Set the end of prompt
(setq utop-prompt-max (point))
;; Make everything before the end prompt read-only
(add-text-properties (point-min) utop-prompt-max utop-non-editable-properties)
;; We are now editing
(setq utop-state 'edit)
;; Move the point to the end of buffer in all utop windows
;; Goto the end of the buffer
(goto-char (point-max))
;; Make it the start of the prompt
(setq utop-prompt-min (point))
;; Insert the prompt
(insert prompt)
;; Set the end of prompt
(setq utop-prompt-max (point))
;; Make everything before the end prompt read-only
(add-text-properties (point-min) utop-prompt-max utop-non-editable-properties)
;; We are now editing
(setq utop-state 'edit)
;; Move the point to the end of buffer in all utop windows
(defun utop-process-line (line)
"Process one line from the utop sub-process."
@ -262,12 +258,10 @@ before the end of prompt.")
;; A new prompt
((string= command "prompt")
(let ((prompt (apply utop-prompt ())))
;; Check whether there is something to push to the history
(if (stringp utop-pending)
;; Push pending input to the history if it is different
;; from the top of the history
(unless (and (consp utop-history) (string= utop-pending (car utop-history)))
(push utop-pending utop-history)))
;; Push pending input to the history if it is different from
;; the top of the history
(when (and utop-pending (or (null utop-history) (not (string= utop-pending (car utop-history)))))
(push utop-pending utop-history))
;; Clear pending input
(setq utop-pending nil)
;; Reset history
@ -278,7 +272,13 @@ before the end of prompt.")
;; Insert the new prompt
(utop-insert-prompt prompt)
;; Increment the command number
(setq utop-command-number (+ utop-command-number 1))))
(setq utop-command-number (+ utop-command-number 1))
;; Send the initial command if any
(when utop-initial-command
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert utop-initial-command ";;")
(setq utop-initial-command nil)
;; Continuation of previous input
((string= command "continue")
;; Reset history
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ sub-process."
(setq utop-state 'wait)
;; Push input to pending input
(let ((input (buffer-substring-no-properties utop-prompt-max (point-max))))
(if (stringp utop-pending)
(if utop-pending
(setq utop-pending (concat utop-pending "\n" input))
(setq utop-pending input))
;; Goto the end of the buffer
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ sub-process."
;; Send all lines to utop
(let ((lines (split-string input "\n")))
(process-send-string utop-process "input:\n")
(while (consp lines)
(while lines
;; Send the line
(process-send-string utop-process (concat "data:" (car lines) "\n"))
;; Remove it and continue
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ sub-process."
(setq utop-state 'comp)
;; Send all lines to utop
(process-send-string utop-process "complete:\n")
(while (consp lines)
(while lines
;; Send the line
(process-send-string utop-process (concat "data:" (car lines) "\n"))
;; Remove it and continue
@ -391,23 +391,28 @@ sub-process."
;; | Tuareg integration |
;; +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
(defun utop-start ()
"Start utop if not already started."
;; Create the utop buffer if it does not exists, otherwise just
;; retreive it
(let ((buf (get-buffer-create utop-buffer-name)))
;; Make it appear
(display-buffer buf)
;; Set the utop mode in that buffer if not already done
(with-current-buffer buf (unless (eq major-mode 'utop-mode) (utop-mode)))))
(defun utop-prepare-for-eval ()
"Prepare utop for evaluation."
;; Create the utop buffer if it does not exists, otherwise just
;; retreive it
(let ((buf (get-buffer-create utop-buffer-name)))
;; Make it appear
(display-buffer buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
((not (eq major-mode 'utop-mode))
;; The buffer has just been created, start utop
((eq utop-state 'done)
;; UTop exited, restart it
((not (eq utop-state 'edit))
;; Edition cannot be performed right now
(defun utop-eval-region (start end)
"Eval the current region in utop."
(interactive "r")
;; Start utop if needed
(save-excursion (utop-start))
;; Check that we can send command now
(defun utop-eval (start end)
"Eval the given region in utop."
;; From tuareg
(setq tuareg-interactive-last-phrase-pos-in-source start)
;; Select the text of the region
@ -422,32 +427,40 @@ sub-process."
(setq end (point))
(buffer-substring-no-properties start end))))
(with-current-buffer utop-buffer-name
;; Insert it at the end of the utop buffer
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert text ";;")
;; Send input to utop now
((eq utop-state 'edit)
;; Insert it at the end of the utop buffer
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert text ";;")
;; Send input to utop now
((eq utop-state 'wait)
;; utop is starting, save the initial command to send
(setq utop-initial-command text))))))
(defun utop-eval-region (start end)
"Eval the current region in utop."
(interactive "r")
(utop-eval (start end)))
(defun utop-eval-phrase ()
"Eval the surrounding Caml phrase (or block) in utop."
;; Start utop if needed
(save-excursion (utop-start))
;; Check that we can send command now
;; Locate the near phrase and eval it
(let ((end))
(let ((pair (tuareg-discover-phrase)))
(setq end (nth 2 pair))
(utop-eval-region (nth 0 pair) (nth 1 pair))))
(utop-eval (nth 0 pair) (nth 1 pair))))
(if tuareg-skip-after-eval-phrase
(goto-char end))))
(defun utop-eval-buffer ()
"Send the buffer to utop."
(utop-eval-region (point-min) (point-max)))
(utop-eval (point-min) (point-max)))
;; +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
;; | Edition functions |
@ -505,6 +518,35 @@ sub-process."
;; | The mode |
;; +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
(defun utop-start ()
"Start utop."
;; Set the initial state: we are waiting for ocaml to send the
;; initial prompt
(setq utop-state 'wait)
;; Reset variables
(setq utop-prompt-min (point-max))
(setq utop-prompt-max (point-max))
(setq utop-output "")
(setq utop-command-number 0)
(setq utop-pending nil)
(setq utop-completion nil)
;; Create the sub-process
(setq utop-process (start-process "utop" (current-buffer) utop-command))
;; Filter the output of the sub-process with our filter function
(set-process-filter utop-process 'utop-process-output)
;; Set the process sentinel
(set-process-sentinel utop-process 'utop-sentinel))
(defun utop-restart ()
"Restart utop."
(goto-char (point-max))
(utop-insert "\nRestarting...\n\n")
(defun utop-mode ()
"Caml Emacs-Lisp Toplevel.
@ -524,6 +566,7 @@ sub-process."
(make-local-variable 'utop-pending)
(make-local-variable 'utop-inhibit-check)
(make-local-variable 'utop-state)
(make-local-variable 'utop-initial-command)
;; Set the major mode
(setq major-mode 'utop-mode)
@ -533,19 +576,6 @@ sub-process."
(setq utop-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(use-local-map utop-mode-map)
;; Set the initial state: we are waiting for ocaml to send the
;; initial prompt
(setq utop-state 'wait)
;; Create the sub-process
(setq utop-process (start-process "utop" (current-buffer) utop-command))
;; Filter the output of the sub-process with our filter function
(set-process-filter utop-process 'utop-process-output)
;; Set the process sentinel
(set-process-sentinel utop-process 'utop-sentinel)
;; Set the hook to call before changing the buffer
(add-hook 'before-change-functions 'utop-before-change nil t)
@ -565,6 +595,9 @@ sub-process."
;; Register the exit hook
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook (lambda () (run-hooks 'utop-exit-hook)) t t)
;; Start utop
;; Call hooks
(run-mode-hooks 'utop-mode-hook))
@ -581,8 +614,13 @@ sub-process."
(let ((buf (get-buffer-create utop-buffer-name)))
;; Jump to that buffer
(pop-to-buffer buf)
;; Set the utop mode in that buffer if not already done
(unless (eq major-mode 'utop-mode) (utop-mode))
((not (eq major-mode 'utop-mode))
;; The buffer has just been created, set the utop mode
((eq utop-state 'done)
;; utop has exited, restart it
;; Finally return it
Reference in New Issue