completion on labels

Ignore-this: 8e07a17f0d1ef18fe5be430e86bfea31

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2011-07-30 10:29:07 +02:00
parent 84c3a41052
commit 5940994d07
1 changed files with 133 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -76,23 +76,28 @@ let list_directories dir =
| Identifiers |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let rec get_ident acc tokens =
let rec get_path acc tokens =
match tokens with
| [(Uident, _, _, id); (Symbol, _, stop, ".")]
| [(Uident, _, _, id); (Symbol, _, _, "."); (Blanks, _, stop, _)] ->
Some (List.rev (id :: acc) , "", stop)
| (Uident, _, _, id) :: (Symbol, _, _, ".") :: rest ->
get_ident (id :: acc) rest
| [((Uident | Lident), start, _, id)] ->
Some (List.rev acc, id, start)
| [((Comment false | Doc false | String false | Quotation false), _, _, _)] ->
| (Symbol, _, _, ".") :: (Uident, _, _, id) :: tokens ->
get_path (id :: acc) tokens
| _ ->
let rec get_ident tokens =
match tokens with
| ((Comment false | Doc false | String false | Quotation false), _, _, _) :: _ ->
| [(_, _, stop, _)] ->
Some ([], "", stop)
| ((Uident | Lident), start, _, id) :: tokens ->
let path = get_path [] tokens in
Some (path, id, start)
| (Blanks, _, stop, _) :: tokens ->
let path = get_path [] tokens in
Some (path, "", stop)
| (_, _, stop, _) :: _ ->
let path = get_path [] tokens in
Some (path, "", stop)
| [] ->
| _ :: rest ->
get_ident [] rest
type path =
| Path of Path.t
@ -209,6 +214,108 @@ let reset () =
global_env := lazy(env_names ());
local_envs := Path_map.empty
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Labels |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
type label_kind = Req | Opt
let rec get_label_func acc tokens =
match tokens with
| (Symbol, _, _, ".") :: (Uident, _, _, id) :: tokens when acc <> [] ->
get_label_func (id :: acc) tokens
| (Symbol, _, _, ("~" | "?" | ":" | ".")) :: tokens ->
get_label_func [] tokens
| (Symbol, _, _, ")") :: tokens ->
get_label_skip tokens "(" []
| (Symbol, _, _, "}") :: tokens ->
get_label_skip tokens "{" []
| (Symbol, _, _, "]") :: tokens ->
get_label_skip tokens "[" []
| (Symbol, _, _, _) :: _ ->
| ((Lident | Uident), _, _, id) :: _ when String_set.mem id !UTop.keywords ->
| (Lident, _, _, id) :: tokens ->
get_label_func [id] tokens
| _ :: tokens ->
get_label_func [] tokens
| [] ->
and get_label_skip tokens top stack =
match tokens with
| (Symbol, _, _, symbol) :: tokens when symbol = top -> begin
match stack with
| [] -> get_label_func [] tokens
| top :: stack -> get_label_skip tokens top stack
| (Symbol, _, _, ")") :: tokens ->
get_label_skip tokens "(" (top :: stack)
| (Symbol, _, _, "}") :: tokens ->
get_label_skip tokens "{" (top :: stack)
| (Symbol, _, _, "]") :: tokens ->
get_label_skip tokens "[" (top :: stack)
| _ :: tokens ->
get_label_skip tokens top stack
| [] ->
let get_label tokens =
match tokens with
| (Lident, start, _, id) :: (Symbol, _, _, "~") :: tokens -> begin
match get_label_func [] tokens with
| [] -> None
| path -> Some (path, Req, start, id)
| (Symbol, _, stop, "~") :: tokens -> begin
match get_label_func [] tokens with
| [] -> None
| path -> Some (path, Req, stop, "")
| (Lident, start, _, id) :: (Symbol, _, _, "?") :: tokens -> begin
match get_label_func [] tokens with
| [] -> None
| path -> Some (path, Opt, start, id)
| (Symbol, _, stop, "?") :: tokens -> begin
match get_label_func [] tokens with
| [] -> None
| path -> Some (path, Opt, stop, "")
| _ ->
let rec labels_of_type acc type_expr =
match type_expr.desc with
| Tlink te ->
labels_of_type acc te
| Tarrow(label, _, te, _) ->
if label = "" then
labels_of_type acc te
else if label.[0] = '?' then
labels_of_type (String_map.add (String.sub label 1 (String.length label - 1)) Opt acc) te
labels_of_type (String_map.add label Req acc) te
| _ ->
String_map.bindings acc
let labels_of_function path =
match path with
| [] ->
invalid_arg "UTop_complete.labels_of_function"
| component :: path ->
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> acc
| component :: rest -> loop (Longident.Ldot(acc, component)) rest
let longident = loop (Longident.Lident component) path in
match try Some (Env.lookup_value longident !Toploop.toplevel_env) with Not_found -> None with
| None ->
| Some (path, { val_type = type_expr }) ->
labels_of_type String_map.empty type_expr
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Filtering |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
@ -330,10 +437,17 @@ let complete str =
| [] ->
(0, (fun w -> (w, "")) (String_set.elements (String_set.union !UTop.keywords (Lazy.force !global_env))))
| _ ->
match get_ident [] tokens with
let tokens = List.rev tokens in
match get_label tokens with
| Some (path, Opt, start, label) ->
(start, (fun (w, kind) -> (w, ":")) (lookup_assoc label (List.filter (function (w, Opt) -> true | (w, Req) -> false) (labels_of_function path))))
| Some (path, Req, start, label) ->
(start, (fun (w, kind) -> (w, ":")) (lookup_assoc label (labels_of_function path)))
| None ->
(0, [])
| Some ([], id, start) ->
(start, (fun w -> (w, "")) (lookup id (String_set.elements (String_set.union !UTop.keywords (Lazy.force !global_env)))))
| Some (path, id, start) ->
(start, (fun w -> (w, "")) (lookup id (String_set.elements (names_of_module (make_path path)))))
match get_ident tokens with
| None ->
(0, [])
| Some ([], id, start) ->
(start, (fun w -> (w, "")) (lookup id (String_set.elements (String_set.union !UTop.keywords (Lazy.force !global_env)))))
| Some (path, id, start) ->
(start, (fun w -> (w, "")) (lookup id (String_set.elements (names_of_module (make_path path)))))