Simplify #if directives
UTop does not support OCaml < 4.02 anymore.
This commit is contained in:
@ -260,14 +260,12 @@ let parse_default parse str eos_is_error =
| Syntaxerr.Variable_in_scope (loc, var) ->
Error ([mkloc loc],
Printf.sprintf "In this scoped type, variable '%s is reserved for the local type %s." var var)
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Syntaxerr.Not_expecting (loc, nonterm) ->
Error ([mkloc loc],
Printf.sprintf "Syntax error: %s not expected" nonterm)
| Syntaxerr.Ill_formed_ast (loc, s) ->
Error ([mkloc loc],
Printf.sprintf "Error: broken invariant in parsetree: %s" s)
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
| Syntaxerr.Invalid_package_type (loc, s) ->
Error ([mkloc loc],
@ -331,34 +329,6 @@ let check_phrase phrase =
(* Construct "let _ () = let module _ = struct <items> end in ()" in order to test
the typing and compilation of [items] without evaluating them. *)
let unit = with_loc loc (Longident.Lident "()") in
#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 02, 0)
let structure = {
pmod_loc = loc;
pmod_desc = Pmod_structure (item :: items);
} in
let unit_expr = {
pexp_desc = Pexp_construct (unit, None, false);
pexp_loc = loc;
} in
let unit_patt = {
ppat_desc = Ppat_construct (unit, None, false);
ppat_loc = loc;
} in
let letmodule = {
pexp_desc = Pexp_letmodule (with_loc loc "_", structure, unit_expr);
pexp_loc = loc;
} in
let func = {
pexp_desc = Pexp_function ("", None, [(unit_patt, letmodule)]);
pexp_loc = loc;
} in
let top_def = {
pstr_desc = Pstr_value (Asttypes.Nonrecursive,
[({ ppat_desc = Ppat_var (with_loc loc "_");
ppat_loc = loc }, func)]);
pstr_loc = loc;
} in
let top_def =
let open Ast_helper in
with_default_loc loc
@ -369,7 +339,6 @@ let check_phrase phrase =
(Mod.structure (item :: items))
(Exp.construct unit None))))
let check_phrase = Ptop_def [top_def] in
let _ =
@ -302,7 +302,6 @@ let list_directories dir =
(try Sys.readdir (if dir = "" then Filename.current_dir_name else dir) with Sys_error _ -> [||]))
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
let path () =
let path_separator =
match Sys.os_type with
@ -325,7 +324,6 @@ let path () =
split (Sys.getenv "PATH") path_separator
with Not_found -> []
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Names listing |
@ -394,13 +392,8 @@ let visible_modules () =
String_set.empty !Config.load_path)
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
let field_name { ld_id = id } = id
let constructor_name { cd_id = id } = id
let field_name (id, _, _) = id
let constructor_name (id, _, _) = id
let add_fields_of_type decl acc =
match decl.type_kind with
@ -410,10 +403,8 @@ let add_fields_of_type decl acc =
List.fold_left (fun acc field -> add (field_name field) acc) acc fields
| Type_abstract ->
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Type_open ->
let add_names_of_type decl acc =
match decl.type_kind with
@ -423,16 +414,14 @@ let add_names_of_type decl acc =
List.fold_left (fun acc field -> add (field_name field) acc) acc fields
| Type_abstract ->
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Type_open ->
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 04, 0)
let path_of_mty_alias = function
| Mty_alias (_, path) -> path
| _ -> assert false
#elif OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
let path_of_mty_alias = function
| Mty_alias path -> path
| _ -> assert false
@ -443,11 +432,7 @@ let rec names_of_module_type = function
(fun acc decl -> match decl with
| Sig_value (id, _)
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Sig_typext (id, _, _)
| Sig_exception (id, _)
| Sig_module (id, _, _)
| Sig_modtype (id, _)
| Sig_class (id, _, _)
@ -458,23 +443,16 @@ let rec names_of_module_type = function
String_set.empty decls
| Mty_ident path -> begin
match lookup_env Env.find_modtype path !Toploop.toplevel_env with
#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 02, 0)
| Some Modtype_abstract -> String_set.empty
| Some Modtype_manifest module_type -> names_of_module_type module_type
| Some { mtd_type = None } -> String_set.empty
| Some { mtd_type = Some module_type } -> names_of_module_type module_type
| None -> String_set.empty
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Mty_alias _ as mty_alias -> begin
let path = path_of_mty_alias mty_alias in
match lookup_env Env.find_module path !Toploop.toplevel_env with
| None -> String_set.empty
| Some { md_type = module_type } -> names_of_module_type module_type
| _ ->
@ -483,11 +461,7 @@ let rec fields_of_module_type = function
(fun acc decl -> match decl with
| Sig_value (id, _)
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Sig_typext (id, _, _)
| Sig_exception (id, _)
| Sig_module (id, _, _)
| Sig_modtype (id, _)
| Sig_class (id, _, _)
@ -498,35 +472,23 @@ let rec fields_of_module_type = function
String_set.empty decls
| Mty_ident path -> begin
match lookup_env Env.find_modtype path !Toploop.toplevel_env with
#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 02, 0)
| Some Modtype_abstract -> String_set.empty
| Some Modtype_manifest module_type -> fields_of_module_type module_type
| Some { mtd_type = None } -> String_set.empty
| Some { mtd_type = Some module_type } -> fields_of_module_type module_type
| None -> String_set.empty
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Mty_alias _ as mty_alias -> begin
let path = path_of_mty_alias mty_alias in
match lookup_env Env.find_module path !Toploop.toplevel_env with
| None -> String_set.empty
| Some { md_type = module_type } -> fields_of_module_type module_type
| _ ->
#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 02, 0)
let lookup_module = Env.lookup_module
let find_module = Env.find_module
let lookup_module id env =
let path = Env.lookup_module id env ~load:true in
(path, (Env.find_module path env).md_type)
let find_module path env = (Env.find_module path env).md_type
let names_of_module longident =
@ -563,11 +525,7 @@ let list_global_names () =
loop (add ( id) acc) summary
| Env.Env_type(summary, id, decl) ->
loop (add_names_of_type decl (add ( id) acc)) summary
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Env.Env_extension(summary, id, _) ->
| Env.Env_exception(summary, id, _) ->
loop (add ( id) acc) summary
| Env.Env_module(summary, id, _) ->
loop (add ( id) acc) summary
@ -577,10 +535,8 @@ let list_global_names () =
loop (add ( id) acc) summary
| Env.Env_cltype(summary, id, _) ->
loop (add ( id) acc) summary
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Env.Env_functor_arg(summary, id) ->
loop (add ( id) acc) summary
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 04, 0)
| Env.Env_constraints (summary, _) ->
loop acc summary
@ -632,18 +588,12 @@ let list_global_fields () =
loop (add ( id) acc) summary
| Env.Env_type(summary, id, decl) ->
loop (add_fields_of_type decl (add ( id) acc)) summary
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Env.Env_extension(summary, id, _) ->
| Env.Env_exception(summary, id, _) ->
loop (add ( id) acc) summary
| Env.Env_module(summary, id, _) ->
loop (add ( id) acc) summary
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Env.Env_functor_arg(summary, id) ->
loop (add ( id) acc) summary
| Env.Env_modtype(summary, id, _) ->
loop (add ( id) acc) summary
| Env.Env_class(summary, id, _) ->
@ -916,7 +866,6 @@ let complete ~syntax ~phrase_terminator ~input =
(loc.idx2 - Zed_utf8.length name,
|||| (function (w, Directory) -> (w, "") | (w, File) -> (w, "\"" ^ phrase_terminator)) result)
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
(* Completion on #ppx. *)
| [(Symbol "#", _); (Lident ("ppx"), _); (String (tlen, false), loc)] ->
let file = String.sub input (loc.ofs1 + tlen) (String.length input - loc.ofs1 - tlen) in
@ -945,7 +894,6 @@ let complete ~syntax ~phrase_terminator ~input =
let result = lookup_assoc name list in
(loc.idx2 - Zed_utf8.length name,
|||| (function (w, Directory) -> (w, "") | (w, File) -> (w, "\"" ^ phrase_terminator)) result)
(* Completion on #use and #mod_use *)
| [(Symbol "#", _); (Lident "use", _); (String (tlen, false), loc)]
@ -82,17 +82,15 @@ let convert_locs str locs = (fun (a, b) -> (index_of_offset str a, inde
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 04, 0)
let ast_impl_kind = Pparse.Structure
#elif OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
let ast_impl_kind = Config.ast_impl_magic_number
let preprocess input =
match input with
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Parsetree.Ptop_def pstr ->
(Pparse.apply_rewriters ~tool_name:"ocaml" ast_impl_kind pstr)
| _ -> input
let parse_input_multi input =
@ -320,17 +318,9 @@ let rec map_items unwrap wrap items =
| Outcometree.Osig_class (_, name, _, _, rs)
| Outcometree.Osig_class_type (_, name, _, _, rs)
| Outcometree.Osig_module (name, _, rs)
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Outcometree.Osig_type ({ Outcometree.otype_name = name }, rs) ->
| Outcometree.Osig_type ((name, _, _, _, _), rs) ->
(name, rs)
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Outcometree.Osig_typext ({ Outcometree.oext_name = name}, _)
| Outcometree.Osig_exception (name, _)
| Outcometree.Osig_modtype (name, _)
#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 03, 0)
| Outcometree.Osig_value (name, _, _) ->
@ -373,11 +363,7 @@ let rec map_items unwrap wrap items =
wrap (Outcometree.Osig_type (oty, Outcometree.Orec_first)) extra :: items'
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
| Outcometree.Osig_typext _
| Outcometree.Osig_exception _
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
| Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
@ -437,20 +423,6 @@ let longident_async_thread_safe_block_on_async_exn =
Longident.parse "Async.Std.Thread_safe.block_on_async_exn"
let longident_unit = Longident.Lident "()"
#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 02, 0)
(* Wrap <expr> into: fun () -> <expr> *)
let wrap_unit loc e =
let i = with_loc loc longident_unit in
let p = {
Parsetree.ppat_desc = Parsetree.Ppat_construct (i, None, false);
Parsetree.ppat_loc = loc;
} in
Parsetree.pexp_desc = Parsetree.Pexp_function ("", None, [(p, e)]);
Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc;
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
let nolabel = Asttypes.Nolabel
@ -464,19 +436,10 @@ let rewrite_rules = [
path_to_rewrite = None;
required_values = [longident_lwt_main_run];
rewrite = (fun loc e ->
#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 02, 0)
{ Parsetree.pexp_desc =
({ Parsetree.pexp_desc = Parsetree.Pexp_ident (with_loc loc longident_lwt_main_run);
Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc },
[("", e)])
; Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc }
let open Ast_helper in
with_default_loc loc (fun () ->
Exp.apply (Exp.ident (with_loc loc longident_lwt_main_run)) [(nolabel, e)]
enabled = UTop.auto_run_lwt;
@ -488,15 +451,6 @@ let rewrite_rules = [
path_to_rewrite = None;
required_values = [longident_async_thread_safe_block_on_async_exn];
rewrite = (fun loc e ->
#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 02, 0)
{ Parsetree.pexp_desc =
({ Parsetree.pexp_desc = Parsetree.Pexp_ident
(with_loc loc longident_async_thread_safe_block_on_async_exn);
Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc },
[("", wrap_unit loc e)])
; Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc }
let open Ast_helper in
let punit = Pat.construct (with_loc loc (Longident.Lident "()")) None in
with_default_loc loc (fun () ->
@ -504,7 +458,6 @@ let rewrite_rules = [
(Exp.ident (with_loc loc longident_async_thread_safe_block_on_async_exn))
[(nolabel, Exp.fun_ nolabel None punit e)]
enabled = UTop.auto_run_async;
@ -580,22 +533,6 @@ let rec rule_of_type typ =
| _ ->
#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 02, 0)
let rewrite_str_item pstr_item tstr_item =
match pstr_item, tstr_item.Typedtree.str_desc with
| ({ Parsetree.pstr_desc = Parsetree.Pstr_eval e;
Parsetree.pstr_loc = loc },
Typedtree.Tstr_eval { Typedtree.exp_type = typ }) -> begin
match rule_of_type typ with
| Some rule ->
{ Parsetree.pstr_desc = Parsetree.Pstr_eval (rule.rewrite loc e);
Parsetree.pstr_loc = loc }
| None ->
| _ ->
let rewrite_str_item pstr_item tstr_item =
match pstr_item, tstr_item.Typedtree.str_desc with
| ({ Parsetree.pstr_desc = Parsetree.Pstr_eval (e, _);
@ -610,7 +547,6 @@ let rewrite_str_item pstr_item tstr_item =
| _ ->
let rewrite phrase =
match phrase with
@ -763,11 +699,7 @@ let read_input_classic prompt buffer len =
Lwt_io.read_char_opt Lwt_io.stdin >>= function
| Some c ->
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
Bytes.set buffer i c;
buffer.[i] <- c;
if c = '\n' then
return (i + 1, false)
@ -893,9 +825,7 @@ module Emacs(M : sig end) = struct
(* Rewrite toplevel expressions. *)
let phrase = rewrite phrase in
#if OCAML_VERSION > (4, 00, 1)
Env.reset_cache_toplevel ();
ignore (Toploop.execute_phrase true Format.std_formatter phrase);
with exn ->
@ -1107,12 +1037,8 @@ let typeof sid =
Some (Printtyp.tree_of_type_declaration id ty_decl Types.Trec_not)
with Not_found ->
#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 02, 0)
let (path, mod_typ) = Env.lookup_module id env in
let path = Env.lookup_module id env ~load:true in
let mod_typ = (Env.find_module path env).Types.md_type in
let id = Ident.create ( path) in
Some (Printtyp.tree_of_module id mod_typ Types.Trec_not)
with Not_found ->
@ -1124,12 +1050,6 @@ let typeof sid =
let cstr_desc = Env.lookup_constructor id env in
match cstr_desc.Types.cstr_tag with
#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 02, 0)
| Types.Cstr_exception (_path, loc) ->
let path, exn_decl = Typedecl.transl_exn_rebind env loc id in
let id = Ident.create ( path) in
Some (Printtyp.tree_of_exception_declaration id exn_decl)
| _ ->
let (path, ty_decl) = from_type_desc cstr_desc.Types.cstr_res.Types.desc in
let id = Ident.create ( path) in
@ -1220,13 +1140,9 @@ let args = Arg.align [
"-noassert", Arg.Set Clflags.noassert, " Do not compile assertion checks";
"-nolabels", Arg.Set Clflags.classic, " Ignore non-optional labels in types";
"-nostdlib", Arg.Set Clflags.no_std_include, " Do not add default directory to the list of include directories";
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
"-ppx", Arg.String (fun ppx -> Clflags.all_ppx := ppx :: !Clflags.all_ppx), "<command> Pipe abstract syntax trees through preprocessor <command>";
"-principal", Arg.Set Clflags.principal, " Check principality of type inference";
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 02, 0)
"-safe-string", Arg.Clear Clflags.unsafe_string, " Make strings immutable";
"-short-paths", Arg.Clear Clflags.real_paths, " Shorten paths in types (the default)";
"-no-short-paths", Arg.Set Clflags.real_paths, " Do not shorten paths in types";
"-rectypes", Arg.Set Clflags.recursive_types, " Allow arbitrary recursive types";
@ -1396,12 +1312,7 @@ let main () = main_internal ~initial_env:None
type value = V : string * _ -> value
#if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 02, 0)
let interact ~search_path ~unit ~loc:(fname, lnum, cnum, _) ~values =
failwith "UTop_main.interact is not supported on OCaml 4.01"
#elif not defined ENABLE_INTERACT
#if not defined ENABLE_INTERACT
let interact ~search_path ~unit ~loc:(fname, lnum, cnum, _) ~values =
failwith "\
Reference in New Issue