add UTop.exec_in_gui
Ignore-this: dc3c14404cb338f609e1d486664a1676 darcs-hash:20110921130911-c41ad-72bec8de684d12f9c16c0ae5a0e56a6627230021
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ type ui = UTop_private.ui = Console | GTK | Emacs
let get_ui () = S.value UTop_private.ui
let get_ui () = S.value UTop_private.ui
let exec_in_gui f = !UTop_private.exec_in_gui f
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Keywords |
| Keywords |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
@ -24,6 +24,17 @@ type ui = Console | GTK | Emacs
val get_ui : unit -> ui
val get_ui : unit -> ui
(** Returns the user interface in use. *)
(** Returns the user interface in use. *)
(** {6 GTK specific utilities} *)
val exec_in_gui : (unit -> unit) -> unit
(** [exec_in_gui f] executes [f] in the thread that handle the
UI. The only use of this function is to call [window#show ()] on
Since windows are attached to a thread on Windows and utop
handle the UI in a separate thread, doing [window#show ()] in
the toplevel UI will not work. *)
(** {6 Console/GTK specific configuration} *)
(** {6 Console/GTK specific configuration} *)
type profile = Dark | Light
type profile = Dark | Light
@ -22,3 +22,5 @@ let count, set_count = S.create(-1)
type ui = Console | GTK | Emacs
type ui = Console | GTK | Emacs
let ui, set_ui = S.create Console
let ui, set_ui = S.create Console
let exec_in_gui : ((unit -> unit) -> unit) ref = ref (fun f -> f ())
@ -86,12 +86,30 @@ let init_history () =
return ()
return ()
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| GTK ui |
| Glib main loop |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
(* Initializes GTK. *)
(* Initializes GTK. *)
let _ = GMain.init ~setlocale:false ()
let _ = GMain.init ~setlocale:false ()
let () =
UTop_private.exec_in_gui :=
(fun job ->
ignore (Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:0 ~callback:(fun () -> job (); false)))
(* The glib main loop. *)
let main () =
while true do
Lwt_glib.iter true
(* Start the glib main loop in another thread. *)
let _ = Thread.create main ()
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| GTK ui |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
(* Create the main window. *)
(* Create the main window. *)
let window = GWindow.window ~title:"utop" ~width:800 ~height:600 ~allow_shrink:true ()
let window = GWindow.window ~title:"utop" ~width:800 ~height:600 ~allow_shrink:true ()
@ -463,15 +481,5 @@ let () =
| None ->
| None ->
edit#misc#modify_base [(`NORMAL, default_background ())]
edit#misc#modify_base [(`NORMAL, default_background ())]
(* The glib main loop. *)
(* Show the window in the GUI thread, this is needed for windows. *)
let main () =
let () = UTop.exec_in_gui window#show
(* For some reason, this must happen in the dispatcher thread on
windows. *)
window#show ();
while true do
Lwt_glib.iter ()
(* Start the glib main loop in another thread. *)
let _ = Thread.create main ()
Reference in New Issue