add completion on typeof directive

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Refis 2013-10-16 14:33:02 +02:00
parent 7b1984b7bc
commit 7d56719b15
1 changed files with 14 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -813,6 +813,20 @@ let complete ~syntax ~phrase_terminator ~input =
let pkgs = lookup pkg (Fl_package_base.list_packages ()) in
(loc.idx1 + 1, (fun pkg -> (pkg, "\"" ^ phrase_terminator)) (List.sort compare pkgs))
| [(Symbol "#", _); (Lident "typeof", _); (String false, loc)] ->
let prefix = String.sub input (loc.ofs1 + 1) (String.length input - loc.ofs1 - 1) in
begin match Longident.parse prefix with
| Longident.Ldot (lident, last_prefix) ->
let set = names_of_module lident in
let compls = lookup last_prefix (String_set.elements set) in
let start = loc.idx1 + 1 + (String.length prefix - String.length last_prefix) in
(start, (fun w -> (w, "")) compls)
| _ ->
let set = global_names syntax in
let compls = lookup prefix (String_set.elements set) in
(loc.idx1 + 1, (fun w -> (w, "")) compls)
(* Completion on #load. *)
| [(Symbol "#", _); (Lident "load", _); (String false, loc)] ->
let file = String.sub input (loc.ofs1 + 1) (String.length input - loc.ofs1 - 1) in