don't fail when a search path does not exist

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2013-07-15 12:49:27 +01:00
parent 3df2cccf51
commit 99618eafd7
1 changed files with 67 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -310,7 +310,8 @@ module Path_map = Map.Make(struct type t = Path.t let compare = compare end)
module Longident_map = Map.Make(struct type t = Longident.t let compare = compare end) module Longident_map = Map.Make(struct type t = Longident.t let compare = compare end)
(* All names accessible without a path. *) (* All names accessible without a path. *)
let global_names = ref (lazy String_set.empty) let global_names = ref None
let global_names_revised = ref None
(* All names accessible with a path, by path. *) (* All names accessible with a path, by path. *)
let local_names_by_path = ref Path_map.empty let local_names_by_path = ref Path_map.empty
@ -319,7 +320,7 @@ let local_names_by_path = ref Path_map.empty
let local_names_by_longident = ref Longident_map.empty let local_names_by_longident = ref Longident_map.empty
(* All record fields accessible without a path. *) (* All record fields accessible without a path. *)
let global_fields = ref (lazy String_set.empty) let global_fields = ref None
(* All record fields accessible with a path, by path. *) (* All record fields accessible with a path, by path. *)
let local_fields_by_path = ref Path_map.empty let local_fields_by_path = ref Path_map.empty
@ -327,16 +328,46 @@ let local_fields_by_path = ref Path_map.empty
(* All record fields accessible with a path, by long identifier. *) (* All record fields accessible with a path, by long identifier. *)
let local_fields_by_longident = ref Longident_map.empty let local_fields_by_longident = ref Longident_map.empty
(* Returns [acc] plus all modules from [dir]. *) (* All visible modules according to Config.load_path. *)
let add_modules_from_directory acc dir = let visible_modules = ref None
(fun acc fname -> let reset () =
if Filename.check_suffix fname ".cmi" then visible_modules := None;
String_set.add (String.capitalize (Filename.chop_suffix fname ".cmi")) acc global_names := None;
else global_names_revised := None;
acc) local_names_by_path := Path_map.empty;
acc local_names_by_longident := Longident_map.empty;
(Sys.readdir (if dir = "" then Filename.current_dir_name else dir)) global_fields := None;
local_fields_by_path := Path_map.empty;
local_fields_by_longident := Longident_map.empty
let get_cached var f =
match !var with
| Some x ->
| None ->
let x = f () in
var := Some x;
(* List all visible modules. *)
let visible_modules () =
get_cached visible_modules
(fun () ->
(fun acc dir ->
(fun acc fname ->
if Filename.check_suffix fname ".cmi" then
String_set.add (String.capitalize (Filename.chop_suffix fname ".cmi")) acc
(Sys.readdir (if dir = "" then Filename.current_dir_name else dir))
with Sys_error _ ->
String_set.empty !Config.load_path)
#if ocaml_version >= (4, 0, 0) #if ocaml_version >= (4, 0, 0)
let field_name (id, _, _) = id let field_name (id, _, _) = id
@ -524,7 +555,28 @@ let list_global_names () =
(* Add names of the environment: *) (* Add names of the environment: *)
let acc = loop String_set.empty (Env.summary !Toploop.toplevel_env) in let acc = loop String_set.empty (Env.summary !Toploop.toplevel_env) in
(* Add accessible modules: *) (* Add accessible modules: *)
List.fold_left add_modules_from_directory acc !Config.load_path String_set.union acc (visible_modules ())
let global_names () = get_cached global_names list_global_names
let replace x y set =
if String_set.mem x set then
String_set.add y (String_set.remove x set)
let global_names_revised () =
get_cached global_names_revised
(fun () ->
let set = global_names () in
replace "true" "True" (replace "false" "False" set))
let global_names syntax =
match syntax with
| UTop.Normal | UTop.Camlp4o ->
global_names ()
| UTop.Camlp4r ->
global_names_revised ()
let list_global_fields () = let list_global_fields () =
let rec loop acc = function let rec loop acc = function
@ -560,32 +612,9 @@ let list_global_fields () =
(* Add fields of the environment: *) (* Add fields of the environment: *)
let acc = loop String_set.empty (Env.summary !Toploop.toplevel_env) in let acc = loop String_set.empty (Env.summary !Toploop.toplevel_env) in
(* Add accessible modules: *) (* Add accessible modules: *)
List.fold_left add_modules_from_directory acc !Config.load_path String_set.union acc (visible_modules ())
let reset () = let global_fields () = get_cached global_fields list_global_fields
global_names := Lazy.lazy_from_fun list_global_names;
local_names_by_path := Path_map.empty;
local_names_by_longident := Longident_map.empty;
global_fields := Lazy.lazy_from_fun list_global_fields;
local_fields_by_path := Path_map.empty;
local_fields_by_longident := Longident_map.empty
let replace x y set =
if String_set.mem x set then
String_set.add y (String_set.remove x set)
let global_names syntax =
let set = Lazy.force !global_names in
match syntax with
| UTop.Normal | UTop.Camlp4o ->
| UTop.Camlp4r ->
replace "true" "True" (replace "false" "False" set)
let global_fields () =
Lazy.force !global_fields
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ (* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Listing methods | | Listing methods |