refactoring of expression rewriting

Ignore-this: 3713a9bc8818619cb8fa0afdc14d6a41

- factorize the code between lwt and async stuff
- handle type aliases

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2012-10-15 11:45:44 +02:00
parent 6574b1252e
commit 9d5578d6f8
1 changed files with 138 additions and 110 deletions

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@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ let print_out_phrase term string = (LTerm.fprints term styled) (LTerm.fprints term styled)
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ (* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| auto-insertion | | Toplevel expression rewriting |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *) +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
#if ocaml_version >= (4, 0, 0) #if ocaml_version >= (4, 0, 0)
@ -226,31 +226,125 @@ let with_loc loc str = {
let with_loc loc str = str let with_loc loc str = str
#endif #endif
(* A rule for rewriting a toplevel expression. *)
type rewrite_rule = {
required_values : Longident.t list;
(* Values that must exist and be persistent for the rule to apply. *)
rewrite : Location.t -> Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.expression;
(* The rewrite function. *)
enabled : bool React.signal;
(* Whether the rule is enabled or not. *)
(* Rewrite rules, indexed by the identifier of the type
constructor. *)
let rewrite_rules : (Longident.t, rewrite_rule) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 42
let longident_lwt_main_run = Longident.Ldot (Longident.Lident "Lwt_main", "run") let longident_lwt_main_run = Longident.Ldot (Longident.Lident "Lwt_main", "run")
let longident_async_main_run = Longident.parse "Async.Std.Thread_safe.block_on_async_exn" let longident_async_core_thread_safe_block_on_async_exn =
Longident.parse "Async.Std.Thread_safe.block_on_async_exn"
let longident_unit = Longident.Lident "()" let longident_unit = Longident.Lident "()"
(* Wrap <expr> into: fun () -> <expr> *)
let wrap_unit loc e =
let i = with_loc loc longident_unit in
let p = {
Parsetree.ppat_desc = Parsetree.Ppat_construct (i, None, false);
Parsetree.ppat_loc = loc;
} in
Parsetree.pexp_desc = Parsetree.Pexp_function ("", None, [(p, e)]);
Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc;
let () =
(* Rewrite Lwt.t expressions to <expr> *)
Hashtbl.add rewrite_rules (Longident.Ldot (Longident.Lident "Lwt", "t")) {
required_values = [longident_lwt_main_run];
rewrite = (fun loc e -> {
Parsetree.pexp_desc =
({ Parsetree.pexp_desc = Parsetree.Pexp_ident (with_loc loc longident_lwt_main_run);
Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc },
[("", e)]);
Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc;
enabled = UTop.auto_run_lwt;
(* Rewrite Async.Std.Defered.t expressions to
Async_core.Thread_safe.block_on_async_exn (fun () -> <expr>). *)
let async_rewrite = {
required_values = [longident_async_core_thread_safe_block_on_async_exn];
rewrite = (fun loc e -> {
Parsetree.pexp_desc =
({ Parsetree.pexp_desc = Parsetree.Pexp_ident
(with_loc loc longident_async_core_thread_safe_block_on_async_exn);
Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc },
[("", wrap_unit loc e)]);
Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc;
enabled = UTop.auto_run_async;
} in
Hashtbl.add rewrite_rules (Longident.parse "Async_core.Deferred.t") async_rewrite;
Hashtbl.add rewrite_rules (Longident.parse "Async.Std.Deferred.t") async_rewrite
(* Returns whether the argument is a toplevel expression. *)
let is_eval = function let is_eval = function
| { Parsetree.pstr_desc = Parsetree.Pstr_eval _ } -> true | { Parsetree.pstr_desc = Parsetree.Pstr_eval _ } -> true
| _ -> false | _ -> false
let rec is_lwt_t typ = (* Returns whether the given path is persistent. *)
match typ.Types.desc with let rec is_persistent_path = function
| Types.Tlink typ -> | Path.Pident id -> Ident.persistent id
is_lwt_t typ | Path.Pdot (p, _, _) -> is_persistent_path p
| Types.Tconstr (Path.Pdot (Path.Pident id, "t", -1), _, _) -> | Path.Papply (_, p) -> is_persistent_path p
Ident.persistent id && id = "Lwt"
| _ ->
let rec is_async_t typ = (* Convert a path to a long identifier. *)
let rec longident_of_path path =
match path with
| Path.Pident id ->
Longident.Lident ( id)
| Path.Pdot (path, s, _) ->
Longident.Ldot (longident_of_path path, s)
| Path.Papply (p1, p2) ->
Longident.Lapply (longident_of_path p1, longident_of_path p2)
(* Returns the rewrite rule associated to a type, if any. *)
let rec rule_of_type typ =
match typ.Types.desc with match typ.Types.desc with
| Types.Tlink typ -> | Types.Tlink typ ->
is_async_t typ rule_of_type typ
| Types.Tconstr (path, _, _) -> | Types.Tconstr (path, _, _) ->
let n = path in if is_persistent_path path then
(n = "Async_core.Deferred.t") || (n = "Async.Std.Deferred.t") try
Some (Hashtbl.find rewrite_rules (longident_of_path path))
with Not_found ->
rule_of_alias path
rule_of_alias path
| _ -> | _ ->
and rule_of_alias path =
match try Some (Env.find_type path !Toploop.toplevel_env) with Not_found -> None with
| Some {
Types.type_kind = Types.Type_abstract;
Types.type_private = Asttypes.Public;
Types.type_manifest = Some typ;
} ->
rule_of_type typ
| _ ->
(* Check that the given long identifier is present in the environment
and is persistent. *)
let is_persistent_in_env longident =
is_persistent_path (fst (Env.lookup_value longident !Toploop.toplevel_env))
with Not_found ->
false false
#if ocaml_version >= (4, 0, 0) #if ocaml_version >= (4, 0, 0)
@ -261,94 +355,31 @@ let str_items_of_typed_structure tstr = tstr
let str_desc_of_typed_str_item tstr = tstr let str_desc_of_typed_str_item tstr = tstr
#endif #endif
let insert_lwt_main_run phrase = let rewrite_str_item pstr_item tstr_item =
match phrase with
| Parsetree.Ptop_def pstr ->
let env = !Toploop.toplevel_env in
let lwt_main_run_is_the_real_one =
match Env.lookup_value longident_lwt_main_run env with
| Path.Pdot (Path.Pident id, "run", 0), _ ->
Ident.persistent id
| _ ->
with Not_found ->
if lwt_main_run_is_the_real_one && List.exists is_eval pstr then
let tstr, _, _ = Typemod.type_structure env pstr Location.none in
let tstr = str_items_of_typed_structure tstr in
(fun pstr_item tstr_item ->
match pstr_item, str_desc_of_typed_str_item tstr_item with match pstr_item, str_desc_of_typed_str_item tstr_item with
| { Parsetree.pstr_desc = Parsetree.Pstr_eval e; Parsetree.pstr_loc = loc }, | ({ Parsetree.pstr_desc = Parsetree.Pstr_eval e;
Typedtree.Tstr_eval { Typedtree.exp_type = typ } when is_lwt_t typ -> Parsetree.pstr_loc = loc },
{ Typedtree.Tstr_eval { Typedtree.exp_type = typ }) -> begin
Parsetree.pstr_desc = match rule_of_type typ with
Parsetree.Pstr_eval { | Some rule ->
Parsetree.pexp_desc = if React.S.value rule.enabled && List.for_all is_persistent_in_env rule.required_values then
Parsetree.Pexp_apply { Parsetree.pstr_desc = Parsetree.Pstr_eval (rule.rewrite loc e);
({ Parsetree.pexp_desc = Parsetree.Pexp_ident (with_loc loc longident_lwt_main_run); Parsetree.pstr_loc = loc }
Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc },
[("", e)]);
Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc;
Parsetree.pstr_loc = loc;
| _ ->
pstr tstr)
else else
phrase pstr_item
| Parsetree.Ptop_dir _ -> | None ->
phrase pstr_item
| _ ->
let insert_async_main_run phrase = let rewrite phrase =
let wrap_unit loc e =
let open Parsetree in
let i = with_loc loc longident_unit in
let p = { ppat_desc = Ppat_construct (i, None, false); ppat_loc=loc } in
{ pexp_desc=Pexp_function ("", None, [p,e]); pexp_loc=loc } in
match phrase with match phrase with
| Parsetree.Ptop_def pstr -> | Parsetree.Ptop_def pstr ->
let env = !Toploop.toplevel_env in if (UTop.get_auto_run_lwt () || UTop.get_auto_run_async ()) && List.exists is_eval pstr then
let async_main_run_is_the_real_one = let tstr, _, _ = Typemod.type_structure !Toploop.toplevel_env pstr Location.none in
let path, _ = Env.lookup_value longident_async_main_run env in
let rec is_persistent = function
| Path.Pident id -> Ident.persistent id
| Path.Pdot(t, _, _) -> is_persistent t
| Path.Papply(_, p) -> is_persistent p
is_persistent path
with Not_found ->
if async_main_run_is_the_real_one && List.exists is_eval pstr then
let tstr, _, _ = Typemod.type_structure env pstr Location.none in
let tstr = str_items_of_typed_structure tstr in let tstr = str_items_of_typed_structure tstr in
Parsetree.Ptop_def Parsetree.Ptop_def (List.map2 rewrite_str_item pstr tstr)
(fun pstr_item tstr_item ->
match pstr_item, str_desc_of_typed_str_item tstr_item with
| { Parsetree.pstr_desc = Parsetree.Pstr_eval e; Parsetree.pstr_loc = loc },
Typedtree.Tstr_eval { Typedtree.exp_type = typ } when is_async_t typ ->
Parsetree.pstr_desc =
Parsetree.Pstr_eval {
Parsetree.pexp_desc =
({ Parsetree.pexp_desc = Parsetree.Pexp_ident (with_loc loc longident_async_main_run);
Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc },
[("", (wrap_unit loc e))]);
Parsetree.pexp_loc = loc;
Parsetree.pstr_loc = loc;
| _ ->
pstr tstr)
else else
phrase phrase
| Parsetree.Ptop_dir _ -> | Parsetree.Ptop_dir _ ->
@ -405,10 +436,8 @@ let rec loop term =
match phrase_opt with match phrase_opt with
| Some phrase -> | Some phrase ->
(* Add to toplevel evals. *) (* Rewrite toplevel expressions. *)
let phrase = if UTop.get_auto_run_lwt () then insert_lwt_main_run phrase else phrase in let phrase = rewrite phrase in
(* Add Async execution to toplevel evals. *)
let phrase = if UTop.get_auto_run_async () then insert_async_main_run phrase else phrase in
(* Set the margin of standard formatters. *) (* Set the margin of standard formatters. *)
let cols = (LTerm.size term).cols in let cols = (LTerm.size term).cols in
update_margin Format.std_formatter cols; update_margin Format.std_formatter cols;
@ -626,9 +655,8 @@ module Emacs(M : sig end) = struct
send "accept" ""; send "accept" "";
List.iter (send "stderr") (split_at ~trim:true '\n' warnings); List.iter (send "stderr") (split_at ~trim:true '\n' warnings);
if add_to_history then LTerm_history.add UTop.history input; if add_to_history then LTerm_history.add UTop.history input;
(* Add to toplevel evals. *) (* Rewrite toplevel expressions. *)
let phrase = if UTop.get_auto_run_lwt () then insert_lwt_main_run phrase else phrase in let phrase = rewrite phrase in
let phrase = if UTop.get_auto_run_async () then insert_async_main_run phrase else phrase in
try try
ignore (Toploop.execute_phrase true Format.std_formatter phrase) ignore (Toploop.execute_phrase true Format.std_formatter phrase)
with exn -> with exn ->