remove more camlp4 remnants

This commit is contained in:
ZAN DoYe 2019-07-16 00:04:53 +08:00 committed by Perry E. Metzger
parent 7bd35e08ae
commit 9da0951274
1 changed files with 19 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -13,10 +13,6 @@
open Lexing
open UTop_token
(* Return the size in bytes. *)
let lexeme_size lexbuf =
lexeme_end lexbuf - lexeme_start lexbuf
let mkloc idx1 idx2 ofs1 ofs2 = {
idx1 = idx1;
idx2 = idx2;
@ -41,9 +37,6 @@
ofs2 = l2.ofs2;
type context =
| Toplevel
| Antiquot
let uchar = ['\x00' - '\x7f'] | _ [ '\x80' - '\xbf' ]*
@ -75,12 +68,12 @@ let float_literal =
let symbolchar =
['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' '-' '.' '/' ':' '<' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|' '~']
rule tokens context idx acc = parse
rule tokens idx acc = parse
| eof
{ (idx, None, List.rev acc) }
| ('\n' | blank)+
{ let loc = lexeme_loc idx lexbuf in
tokens context loc.idx2 ((Blanks, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens loc.idx2 ((Blanks, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| lident
{ let src = lexeme lexbuf in
let loc = lexeme_loc idx lexbuf in
@ -91,12 +84,12 @@ rule tokens context idx acc = parse
| _ ->
Lident src
tokens context loc.idx2 ((tok, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens loc.idx2 ((tok, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| uident
{ let src = lexeme lexbuf in
let loc = lexeme_loc idx lexbuf in
let tok = Uident src in
tokens context loc.idx2 ((tok, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens loc.idx2 ((tok, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| int_literal "l"
| int_literal "L"
| int_literal "n"
@ -104,18 +97,18 @@ rule tokens context idx acc = parse
| float_literal
{ let loc = lexeme_loc idx lexbuf in
let tok = Constant (lexeme lexbuf) in
tokens context loc.idx2 ((tok, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens loc.idx2 ((tok, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| '"'
{ let ofs = lexeme_start lexbuf in
let item, idx2= cm_string (idx + 1) lexbuf in
let loc = mkloc idx idx2 ofs (lexeme_end lexbuf) in
tokens context idx2 ((item, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens idx2 ((item, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| '{' (lowercase* as tag) '|'
{ let ofs = lexeme_start lexbuf in
let delim_len = String.length tag + 2 in
let idx2, terminated = quoted_string (idx + delim_len) tag false lexbuf in
let loc = mkloc idx idx2 ofs (lexeme_end lexbuf) in
tokens context idx2 ((String (delim_len, terminated), loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens idx2 ((String (delim_len, terminated), loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| "'" [^'\'' '\\'] "'"
| "'\\" ['\\' '"' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r' ' ' '\'' 'x' '0'-'9'] eof
| "'\\" ['\\' '"' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r' ' ' '\''] "'"
@ -123,30 +116,30 @@ rule tokens context idx acc = parse
| "'\\" (['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] | 'x' hexa_char hexa_char) eof
| "'\\" (['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] | 'x' hexa_char hexa_char) "'"
{ let loc = lexeme_loc idx lexbuf in
tokens context loc.idx2 ((Char, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens loc.idx2 ((Char, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| "'\\" uchar
{ let loc = mkloc idx (idx + 3) (lexeme_start lexbuf) (lexeme_end lexbuf) in
tokens context loc.idx2 ((Error, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens loc.idx2 ((Error, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| "(*)"
{ let loc = lexeme_loc idx lexbuf in
tokens context loc.idx2 ((Comment (Comment_reg, true), loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens loc.idx2 ((Comment (Comment_reg, true), loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| "(**)"
{ let loc = lexeme_loc idx lexbuf in
tokens context loc.idx2 ((Comment (Comment_doc, true), loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens loc.idx2 ((Comment (Comment_doc, true), loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| "(**"
{ let ofs = lexeme_start lexbuf in
let idx2, terminated = comment (idx + 3) 0 false lexbuf in
let loc = mkloc idx idx2 ofs (lexeme_end lexbuf) in
tokens context idx2 ((Comment (Comment_doc, terminated), loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens idx2 ((Comment (Comment_doc, terminated), loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| "(*"
{ let ofs = lexeme_start lexbuf in
let idx2, terminated = comment (idx + 2) 0 false lexbuf in
let loc = mkloc idx idx2 ofs (lexeme_end lexbuf) in
tokens context idx2 ((Comment (Comment_reg, terminated), loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens idx2 ((Comment (Comment_reg, terminated), loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| ""
{ symbol context idx acc lexbuf }
{ symbol idx acc lexbuf }
and symbol context idx acc = parse
and symbol idx acc = parse
| "(" | ")"
| "[" | "]"
| "{" | "}"
@ -157,7 +150,7 @@ and symbol context idx acc = parse
| symbolchar+
{ let loc = lexeme_loc idx lexbuf in
let tok = Symbol (lexeme lexbuf) in
tokens context loc.idx2 ((tok, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
tokens loc.idx2 ((tok, loc) :: acc) lexbuf }
| uchar as uchar
{ let uChar= Zed_utf8.unsafe_extract uchar 0 in
if Zed_char.is_combining_mark uChar then
@ -171,10 +164,10 @@ and symbol context idx acc = parse
| _-> tok
let loc= { loc with ofs2= lexeme_end lexbuf } in
tokens context loc.idx2 ((tok, loc) :: tl) lexbuf
tokens loc.idx2 ((tok, loc) :: tl) lexbuf
let loc = mkloc idx (idx + 1) (lexeme_start lexbuf) (lexeme_end lexbuf) in
tokens context loc.idx2 ((Error, loc) :: acc) lexbuf
tokens loc.idx2 ((Error, loc) :: acc) lexbuf
and cm_string idx= parse
@ -270,71 +263,8 @@ and quoted_string idx tag combining= parse
quoted_string (idx + 1) tag true lexbuf
and quotation depth idx1 idx2 ofs1 combining= parse
| '<' (':' ident)? ('@' lident)? '<'
{ quotation (depth + 1) idx1 (idx2 + lexeme_size lexbuf) ofs1 false lexbuf }
| ">>"
{ if depth = 0 then
let loc = mkloc idx1 (idx2 + 2) ofs1 (lexeme_end lexbuf) in
(idx2 + 2, [(Quot_data, loc)], true)
quotation (depth - 1) idx1 (idx2 + 2) ofs1 false lexbuf }
| '$'
{ let quot_data_loc =
if idx1 = idx2 then
Some (mkloc idx1 idx2 ofs1 (lexeme_start lexbuf))
let opening_loc = lexeme_loc idx2 lexbuf in
let idx, name = quotation_name (idx2 + 1) lexbuf in
let idx, closing_loc, items = tokens Antiquot idx [] lexbuf in
let anti = {
a_opening = opening_loc;
a_closing = closing_loc;
a_name = name;
a_contents = items;
} in
let ofs = lexeme_end lexbuf in
let loc = mkloc opening_loc.idx1 idx opening_loc.ofs2 ofs in
let idx, quot_items, terminated = quotation depth idx idx ofs false lexbuf in
let quot_items = (Quot_anti anti, loc) :: quot_items in
match quot_data_loc with
| Some loc ->
(idx, (Quot_data, loc) :: quot_items, terminated)
| None ->
(idx, quot_items, terminated) }
| uchar as uchar
{ let uChar= Zed_utf8.unsafe_extract uchar 0 in
if not combining then
if Zed_char.is_combining_mark uChar then
quotation depth idx1 (idx2 + 1) ofs1 false lexbuf
quotation depth idx1 (idx2 + 1) ofs1 true lexbuf
if Zed_char.is_combining_mark uChar then
quotation depth idx1 idx2 ofs1 true lexbuf
quotation depth idx1 (idx2 + 1) ofs1 true lexbuf
| eof
{ if idx1 = idx2 then
(idx2, [], false)
let loc = mkloc idx1 idx2 ofs1 (lexeme_end lexbuf) in
(idx2, [(Quot_data, loc)], false) }
and quotation_name idx = parse
| '`'? (identchar*|['.' '!']+) ':'
{ let len = lexeme_size lexbuf in
let ofs = lexeme_start lexbuf in
(idx + len, Some (mkloc idx (idx + len - 1) ofs (ofs + len - 1),
mkloc (idx + len - 1) (idx + len) (ofs + len - 1) (ofs + len))) }
| ""
{ (idx, None) }
let lex_string str =
let _, _, items = tokens Toplevel 0 [] (Lexing.from_string str) in
let _, _, items = tokens 0 [] (Lexing.from_string str) in