feature: Add toplevel_printer support for functors

This commit is contained in:
metanivek 2022-06-03 17:37:24 -04:00 committed by Rudi Grinberg
parent f9b5ec7266
commit bbd9a6ed45
2 changed files with 131 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Unreleased
* Bump the compatibility to 4.08+ (#393 @emillon)
* Load `@toplevel_printer` annotated printers for functors (#378 @metavinek)
2.10.0 (2022-10-06)

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@ -308,6 +308,130 @@ class read_phrase ~term = object(self)
self#set_prompt !UTop.prompt
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Handling of [@@toplevel_printer] attributes |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
module Autoprinter : sig
val scan_env : Format.formatter -> unit
val scan_cmis : Format.formatter -> unit
end = struct
open Types
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 09, 0)
module Persistent_signature = Persistent_env.Persistent_signature
module Persistent_signature = Env.Persistent_signature
let cons_path path id =
let comp = Ident.name id in
match path with
| None -> Longident.Lident comp
| Some path -> Longident.Ldot (path, comp)
let is_auto_printer_attribute (attr : Parsetree.attribute) =
let name = attr.attr_name in
match name.txt with
| "toplevel_printer" | "ocaml.toplevel_printer" -> true
| _ -> false
let rec walk_sig pp ~path signature =
List.iter (walk_sig_item pp (Some path)) signature
and walk_sig_item pp path = function
| Sig_module (id, _, {md_type = mty; _}, _, _) ->
walk_mty pp (cons_path path id) mty
| Sig_value (id, vd, _) ->
if List.exists is_auto_printer_attribute vd.val_attributes then
Topdirs.dir_install_printer pp (cons_path path id)
| _ -> ()
and walk_mty pp path = function
| Mty_signature s -> walk_sig pp ~path s
| _ -> ()
let find_module id env =
let name = Longident.Lident (Ident.name id) in
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 10, 0)
let path, md = Env.find_module_by_name name env in
let path = Env.lookup_module name env ~load:true in
let path, md = (path, Env.find_module path env) in
(path, md)
let scan_cmis =
let new_cmis = ref [] in
let default_load = !Persistent_signature.load in
let load ~unit_name =
let res = default_load ~unit_name in
(match res with None -> () | Some x -> new_cmis := x.cmi :: !new_cmis);
Persistent_signature.load := load;
fun pp ->
List.iter (fun (cmi : Cmi_format.cmi_infos) ->
walk_sig pp ~path:(Longident.Lident cmi.cmi_name) cmi.cmi_sign
) !new_cmis;
new_cmis := []
let scan_env =
let last_globals = ref (Env.get_required_globals ()) in
let last_summary = ref Env.Env_empty in
fun pp ->
let env = !Toploop.toplevel_env in
let scan_module env id =
let path, md = find_module id env in
if path = Path.Pident id then
walk_mty pp (Longident.Lident (Ident.name id)) md.md_type
let rec scan_globals last = function
| [] -> ()
| x when x == last -> ()
| x :: xs ->
scan_globals last xs;
scan_module env x
let rec scan_summary last = function
| Env.Env_empty -> ()
| x when x == last -> ()
| Env.Env_module (s, id, _, _) ->
scan_summary last s;
scan_module env id
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 10, 0)
| Env.Env_copy_types s
| Env.Env_copy_types (s, _)
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 10, 0)
| Env.Env_value_unbound (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_module_unbound (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_persistent (s, _)
| Env.Env_value (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_type (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_extension (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_modtype (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_class (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_cltype (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_open (s, _)
| Env.Env_functor_arg (s, _)
| Env.Env_constraints (s, _) ->
scan_summary last s
let globals = Env.get_required_globals () in
let last_globals' = !last_globals in
last_globals := globals;
scan_globals last_globals' globals;
let summary = Env.summary env in
let last_summary' = !last_summary in
last_summary := summary;
scan_summary last_summary' summary
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Out phrase printing |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
@ -433,6 +557,7 @@ let print_out_signature pp items =
orig_print_out_signature pp items
let print_out_phrase pp phrase =
Autoprinter.scan_env pp;
if UTop.get_hide_reserved () then
let phrase =
match phrase with
@ -661,62 +786,11 @@ let bind_expressions name phrase =
| Parsetree.Ptop_dir _ ->
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Handling of [@@toplevel_printer] attributes |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 09, 0)
module Persistent_signature = Persistent_env.Persistent_signature
module Persistent_signature = Env.Persistent_signature
let execute_phrase =
let new_cmis = ref []in
let default_load = !Persistent_signature.load in
let load ~unit_name =
let res = default_load ~unit_name in
(match res with None -> () | Some x -> new_cmis := x.cmi :: !new_cmis);
Persistent_signature.load := load;
let rec collect_printers path signature acc =
List.fold_left (fun acc item ->
match (item : Types.signature_item) with
| Sig_module (id, _, {md_type = Mty_signature s; _}, _, _) ->
collect_printers (Longident.Ldot (path, Ident.name id)) s acc
| Sig_value (id, vd, _) ->
if List.exists (fun attr->
let open Parsetree in
match attr.attr_name with
| {Asttypes.txt = "toplevel_printer" | "ocaml.toplevel_printer"; _} ->
| _ -> false)
Longident.Ldot (path, Ident.name id) :: acc
else acc
| _ -> acc)
acc signature
let acknowledge_new_cmis () =
let l = !new_cmis in
new_cmis := [];
let printers =
List.fold_left (fun acc (cmi : Cmi_format.cmi_infos) ->
collect_printers (Longident.Lident cmi.cmi_name) cmi.cmi_sign acc )
[] l
List.iter (Topdirs.dir_install_printer Format.err_formatter) printers
fun b pp phrase ->
acknowledge_new_cmis ();
let res = Toploop.execute_phrase b pp phrase in
acknowledge_new_cmis ();
let execute_phrase b ppf phrase =
Autoprinter.scan_cmis ppf;
let res = Toploop.execute_phrase b ppf phrase in
Autoprinter.scan_cmis ppf;
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Main loop |