update pa_optcomp.ml

Fix #62
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2014-05-02 10:36:12 +01:00
parent 5be7134436
commit d49693ac4b
1 changed files with 12 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ let env = ref Env.empty
let define id value = env := Env.add id value !env
let _ =
define "ocaml_version" (Scanf.sscanf Sys.ocaml_version "%d.%d.%d" (fun major minor patchlevel -> Tuple [Int major; Int minor; Int patchlevel]))
define "ocaml_version" (Scanf.sscanf Sys.ocaml_version "%d.%d" (fun major minor -> Tuple [Int major; Int minor]))
let dirs = ref []
let add_include_dir dir = dirs := dir :: !dirs
@ -475,20 +475,27 @@ let parse_ident stream =
let parse_until entry is_stop_token stream =
(* Lists of opened brackets *)
let opened_brackets = ref [] in
let eoi = ref None in
let end_loc = ref Loc.ghost in
(* Return the next token of [stream] until all opened parentheses
have been closed and a newline is reached *)
let rec next_token _ =
Some(match Stream.next stream, !opened_brackets with
match !eoi with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None ->
Some(match Stream.next stream, !opened_brackets with
| (tok, loc), [] when is_stop_token tok ->
end_loc := loc;
(EOI, loc)
let x = (EOI, loc) in
eoi := Some x;
| (EOI, loc), _ ->
end_loc := loc;
(EOI, loc)
let x = (EOI, loc) in
eoi := Some x;
| ((KEYWORD ("(" | "[" | "{" as b) | SYMBOL ("(" | "[" | "{" as b)), _) as x, l ->
opened_brackets := b :: l;