handle directive errors

Ignore-this: f9d34b11616ac661ed173d247b41cfe1

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Jeremie Dimino 2012-02-17 11:51:27 +01:00
parent 02e8648628
commit dcdab7ac0f
1 changed files with 30 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -328,8 +328,20 @@ let rec loop term =
let cols = (LTerm.size term).cols in
update_margin Format.std_formatter cols;
update_margin Format.err_formatter cols;
(* No exception can be raised at this stage. *)
ignore (Toploop.execute_phrase true Format.std_formatter phrase);
ignore (Toploop.execute_phrase true Format.std_formatter phrase)
with exn ->
(* The only possible errors are directive errors. *)
let msg = UTop.get_message Errors.report_error exn in
(* Skip the dumb location. *)
let msg =
let idx = String.index msg '\n' + 1 in
String.sub msg idx (String.length msg - idx)
with Not_found ->
Lwt_main.run (print_error msg));
loop term
| None ->
loop term
@ -505,13 +517,26 @@ module Emacs(M : sig end) = struct
let process_input add_to_history eos_is_error =
let input = read_data () in
match parse_and_check input eos_is_error with
| UTop.Value phrase ->
| UTop.Value phrase -> begin
send "accept" "";
if add_to_history then LTerm_history.add UTop.history input;
(* Add Lwt_main.run to toplevel evals. *)
let phrase = if UTop.get_auto_run_lwt () then insert_lwt_main_run phrase else phrase in
(* No exception can be raised at this stage. *)
ignore (Toploop.execute_phrase true Format.std_formatter phrase)
ignore (Toploop.execute_phrase true Format.std_formatter phrase)
with exn ->
(* The only possible errors are directive errors. *)
let msg = UTop.get_message Errors.report_error exn in
(* Skip the dumb location. *)
let msg =
let idx = String.index msg '\n' + 1 in
String.sub msg idx (String.length msg - idx)
with Not_found ->
List.iter (send "stderr") (split_at ~trim:true '\n' msg)
| UTop.Error (locs, msg) ->
send "accept" (String.concat "," (List.map (fun (a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "%d,%d" a b) locs));
if add_to_history then LTerm_history.add UTop.history input;