first try at UTop_main.interact

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2016-02-23 11:06:52 +00:00
parent 2f48c9f512
commit fa05edcc93
4 changed files with 88 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ Library utop
BuildDepends: threads, findlib, lambda-term (>= 1.2)
XMETADescription: utop configuration
XMETARequires: findlib, lambda-term

View File

@ -87,6 +87,18 @@ let () =
rule "full toplevel (not expunged)"
(fun _ _ -> cp "src/top/" "src/top/uTop_top_full.byte")
(fun _ _ -> cp "src/top/" "src/top/uTop_top_full.byte");
rule "format lifter"
(fun _ _ ->
Cmd (S [ P "ocamlfind"
; A "ppx_tools/genlifter"
; A "-I"
; A "+compiler-libs"
; A "Cmt_format.cmt_infos"
; Sh ">"
; A "src/lib/"
| _ ->

View File

@ -1249,9 +1249,11 @@ let load_init_files dir =
let common_init () =
let common_init ~initial_env =
(* Initializes toplevel environment. *)
Toploop.initialize_toplevel_env ();
(match initial_env with
| None -> Toploop.initialize_toplevel_env ()
| Some env -> Toploop.toplevel_env := env);
(* Set the global input name. *)
Location.input_name := UTop.input_name;
(* Make sure SIGINT is catched while executing OCaml code. *)
@ -1305,14 +1307,14 @@ let load_inputrc () =
Lwt_log.error_f "error in key bindings file %S, line %d: %s" fname line msg
| exn -> exn)
let main_aux () =
let main_aux ~initial_env =
Arg.parse args file_argument usage;
if not (prepare ()) then exit 2;
if !emacs_mode then begin
UTop_private.set_ui UTop_private.Emacs;
let module Emacs = Emacs (struct end) in
Printf.printf "Welcome to utop version %s (using OCaml version %s)!\n\n%!" UTop.version Sys.ocaml_version;
common_init ();
common_init ~initial_env;
Emacs.loop ()
end else begin
UTop_private.set_ui UTop_private.Console;
@ -1325,7 +1327,7 @@ let main_aux () =
(* Display a welcome message. *) (welcome term);
(* Common initialization. *)
common_init ();
common_init ~initial_env;
(* Print help message. *)
print_string "\nType #utop_help for help about using utop.\n\n";
flush stdout;
@ -1344,9 +1346,9 @@ let main_aux () =
(* Don't let the standard toplevel run... *)
exit 0
let main () =
let main_internal ~initial_env =
main_aux ()
main_aux ~initial_env
with exn ->
(match exn with
| Unix.Unix_error (error, func, "") ->
@ -1358,3 +1360,58 @@ let main () =
Printexc.print_backtrace stderr;
flush stderr;
exit 2
let main () = main_internal ~initial_env:None
type value = V : string * _ -> value
exception Found of Env.t
let interact ~search_path ~unit ~loc:(fname, lnum, cnum, _) ~values =
let fname = Misc.find_in_path_uncap search_path (unit ^ ".cmt") in
let cmt_infos = Cmt_format.read_cmt fname in
let search = object(self)
inherit [unit] UTop_cmt_lifter.lifter as super
method! lift_Typedtree_expression e =
super#lift_Typedtree_expression e;
match e.exp_desc with
| Texp_apply (_, args) -> begin
List.find (fun (lab, _, _) -> lab = "loc" ) args,
List.find (fun (lab, _, _) -> lab = "values") args
| (_, Some l, Required), (_, Some v, Required) ->
let pos = l.exp_loc.loc_start in
if pos.pos_fname = fname &&
pos.pos_lnum = lnum &&
pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol = cnum then
raise (Found v.exp_env)
| _ -> ()
| exception Not_found -> ()
| _ -> ()
method tuple _ = ()
method string _ = ()
method record _ _ = ()
method nativeint _ = ()
method list _ = ()
method lift_Types_Vars_t _ _ = ()
method lift_Types_Variance_t _ = ()
method lift_Types_Meths_t _ _ = ()
method lift_Types_Concr_t _ = ()
method lift_Env_t _ = ()
method int64 _ = ()
method int32 _ = ()
method int _ = ()
method constr _ _ = ()
method char _ = ()
method array _ = ()
end in
match search#lift_Cmt_format_cmt_infos cmt_infos with
| () -> failwith "Couldn't find location in cmt file"
| exception (Found env) ->
List.iter (fun (V (name, v)) -> Toploop.setvalue name (Obj.repr v)) values;
main_internal ~initial_env:(Some env)

View File

@ -15,3 +15,12 @@ exception Term of int
is received. The argument is the signal number.
utop raises this exception for SIGHUP and SIGTERM by default. *)
type value = V : string * _ -> value
val interact
: search_path:string list
-> unit:string
-> loc:(string * int * int * int)
-> values:value list
-> unit